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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. COL G was hung out to dry.
  2. I like scoring more than the other teams
  3. Yeah I think I paid just a shade under $850 in Eugene and then had to pay more for up north as well.
  4. I think Killer Kohler is up there.
  5. High? That's low for what I had to pay. Fuck the prices on those things
  6. Can't lose!
  7. Cologne, the team with the most 1 game sims.
  8. Cologne has had that since they came in S31
  9. The Cologne LR is updated recently. We just don't let the public see
  10. @eaglesfan036 already does haha
  11. Faux Hawk or Cup Hog?
  12. Believe me, he doesn't speak for everyone....what with his stupid player store additions.
  13. Had to give them some hope
  14. Uhh yeah okay
  15. No Delicious...re-sim please
  16. What happens if I already posted a Point Task this week for one of the new members that isn't ASG related and next week is VHLSC?
  17. Okay. If I ever make it home by then I will send you a message or just put you in a audio chat
  18. No problem man! Glad to have you on the board!
  19. @Smarch Whats the latest you can stay up for on CST?
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