I figured I'd share this story just to feel something. Ali was Human.
"Three months before Ali flew to Zaire, he received a phone call from a young mother who told him that her 10 year-old son was dying from a rare and incurable form of cancer. She told Ali how her son worshiped him and, if he could just send him a note, it raise his spirits up.” Ali flew to the hospital with Gene Kilroy and he walked into the kid’s room. The kid was very shy. He was also wearing a bandanna to cover his bald head. Ali removed the bandanna gently and kissed the boy on his head. Ali leaned in and whispered to him, “You’re going to beat cancer, and I am going to beat George Foreman.” Several months went by and Ali was now scheduled to leave for Zaire in about 10 days. The mother called to tell Ali that the cancer had now spread and that her son had maybe two or three days left to live. Ali flew to the kid’s hospital once again with Gene Kilroy. The room was quite dark now, and the kid was lying in bed, with many tubes stuck in him. Ali gave him all of these stuffed toys. He leaned over and kissed and hugged the boy. Ali leaned over to where his nose was practically touching the young boy’s nose. Ali said, “You’re going to beat this cancer and I am going to beat George Foreman and then come back here and give you the title belt!” The young boy said, “No champ. I’m going to meet God and tell him I know you.”"