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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Kendrick

    QUE/HSK ; S49

    Mike Sillinger? I mean if anyone would get traded at the deadline it would be him.
  2. I am an eighth-gen and I approve the message in the OP. Also, didn't DT post a VHL Fan article recently about how he was going to change his ways? Lasted all but a week or what?
  3. The Office currently (US Version)
  4. He was a great player!
  5. Yeah, wut
  6. Herzog, Parechkin and Orlov ones made me cream my drawers.
  7. Oh it wasn't Cologne I was speaking about haha. I wrote a article on it
  8. Kendrick

    NYA/DAV ; S49

    Maybe someones reputation has hurt the team.
  9. All FA's can suck a bag of dicks haha
  10. Good game Legion, except BZeps.
  11. Kendrick

    NYA/DAV ; S49

    Not really how that entirely works.
  12. Well we got a point!
  13. Kendrick

    NYA/DAV ; S49

    Who cares if you offered more, he took the one he wanted haha. I hate that comment because the GM's in question made a deal that other GM's seem to think was wrong or could have been different.
  14. "Devon, get the table!!!" for Mulcair.
  15. That's what got the gears going!
  16. "Maybe you should lick my butthole" - Abraham Lincoln
  17. Artom Bomb!
  18. Solid working win!
  19. What's with the condescending tone in all your posts? You seem uptight. I'm not worried about it or losing sleep, just puzzled in regards to the wording. I think this whole GM job has been going very fast, but no need to have the attitude towards others. We were simply pointing out a wording issue.
  20. The timing of the discussions. The wording somewhat leaves that thought out there
  21. I wondered that too...
  22. No thats false, like I stated everywhere that you see they are saying he manhandled the Whip, not the MP. I think you need to read closer because I see them separating both instances very well, its the over sensitive part of it that is silly. Feminist groups are eating it up because Trudeau gave them the platform. Not to mention the NDP MP who got up and made it a gender thing. Overall the NDP is not looking much better at this stage.
  23. I agree it is stupid as fuck and I know you know what manhandling is, I never said you didn't. All I mentioned was that all the news sources I've read are saying he "manhandled" the Whip. The elbow was on the female MP and no one I've seen has referred that as manhandling.
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