Okay so we have done this in the past and we've noticed some rewards but also we have noticed a couple things that do and don't work. Listed below is your steps to claim 1 Uncapped TPE that can be acquired for one of your players (if you have two).
Upvote this link: Reddit Link
DO NOT COMMENT! If you comment your TPE will not be available to be claimed. Commenting looks fake like those single moms who talk about their friends private beauty company products.
Once you Upvote, post in here and you can directly link that up.
Check back here as more links will be available to Upvote. This is for the good of the board
1 TPE will be rewarded at the most, regardless of how many you Upvote. However the more you help the site out, the more chances we have of more members! Win/Win
March 7th, 2018
Link #1
Link #2