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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. ...but that is league related.
  2. It would be nice to get more than a point per game at some point
  3. Wow
  4. Yeahhhh!
  5. We are just looking for one more guy! If you have the will, we have a spot for you.
  6. Kendrick


    It was great going toe to toe with you for at least a few years! Good career
  7. Ben Green - Reached 200 TPE (Claiming 17 TPE for 3 Milestones) Keaton Lotuh - Reached 200 TPE (Claiming 14 TPE for 2 Milestones)
  8. 196 Meute 197 Bears 198 Titans 199 Reign
  9. Solid!
  10. All they payed was McCann and a 5th rounder iirc. That's not a lot
  11. Daulphin goes back, Clendinning goes back as well lol
  12. Just giving them something to smile about
  13. Glad to see the Titans make a run...even though it might end soon here. Also good to see the Bills make the postseason
  14. solid work
  15. A goalie duel haha
  16. Oh look vouching for Higgins again
  17. So was the red in 95'
  18. Question though, did you ever watch Boner Jamz 95'? They went with a different actor
  19. 157 Wranglers 158 Reign 159 Titans 160 Bears
  20. Bears 4-1
  21. Thank you for the prize!
  22. Ike Turner!
  23. Nice!
  24. 113 Titans 114 Bears 115 Reign 116 Wranglers
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