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Everything posted by jack

  1. Colouring and lighting is great, as is the overall look. Only thing I'd change is the text. Main font might look a bit better as a full opacity off-white, and with the subtext I would have spaced it out a bit more and maybe blurred the right side. Great sig overall though.
  2. Really like the black and white here, nice look. Cool stock work. I'd like to see a bit more of it done on and around the render, instead of just at the bottom and in the background. Text is pretty cool, but could have used some other elements to spice it up a bit, and maybe pull it in a bit closer to the render. Nice work.
  3. Love the style here, super dope. Splatter is super nice. Text is a bit hard to read, but still looks good. Great work as usual boubs.
  4. Colouring is a bit all over the place, but kind of a cool effect. Good contrast. Not a fan of the text on his forehead, a little distracting. I like the creativity though. Keep at it.
  5. Definitely a cool mood. Lighting is cool and the effects are nice. Maybe a bit too bright on the face, but not too bad. Looking forward to seeing more of your work, keep it up!
  6. What part of Ottawa are you in? I grew up in Osgoode, living in Vanier now.
  7. Yeah was expecting ~16 entries and got 11
  8. I'll post the list of participants each week and they could link to that.
  9. I don't think it would be a big deal if anyone posted their sig beforehand, but I think it adds to the fun when you don't know who made each sig.
  10. Yeah no worries, get it in when you can
  11. PM me your sigs before Wednesday at around 5:00PM eastern pls. @Draper @gorlab @iRockstar @Tim @Mr.Baller @Dewie @Frank @STZ
  12. Lighting is good, and the colouring is nice. For the text, I would have liked something really clean and simple, maybe just a flat colour, and spaced out. Not sure about the filter/effect on the background. Maybe just blurring would have been better. Nice work, though, just being nitpicky.
  13. Nice subtle grit on it, good feel to it. I like the intensity of the contrast, especially the text to the jersey. Text is a bit hard to read, but that style of font will do that. Nice sig overall.
  14. Seems a little washed out overall. Could use a bit more contrast. Good, clean sig though, stock work is very cool. I like the 'thaddeus' text, but the font on humbert isn't my favourite. Last thing is I'd put a sharpen filter on the render, to keep the focus on him a bit more. Keep at it.
  15. Great grunge piece. Great mood and grit going on. I think a bit more text work would help out, maybe cutting it up a little bit to add to the grunginess. Stock work is good, but does feel a bit flat. Nice piece overall.
  16. Great stock work and lighting. Colouring is also really well done, love the colour dodge brushing. One thing I'd change would be to make the text a little bit of a lighter black/dark grey. It stick out a little bit right now relatively. Other than that I wouldn't change anything. Nice work.
  17. Got some good element here, but could use a few improvements. First, everything is a bit too dark, try to keep it a little bit brighter on the render and in the background. The render is also out of focus, just adding a sharpen filter on top would help that. Stock work is cool, but I'd like to see a bit more of it. Keep it up.
  18. If you want the actual select box to be green add background: none; before the background-color: green or just remove the -color so that it's background: green
  19. Four sigs in so far, keep 'em coming!
  20. Grouping it is. Entries can be PMed to me.
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