Best of luck to those taking part in this. I’m not a graphic guy, but I think like most, I really appreciate what they can do. Honestly wish I could do it a little bit.
Very excited to see the results!!
Hmm. Interesting. Not saying I agree with the accelerated rebuild Or whatever it’s officially called now but I definitely understand and appreciate the master plan and all that jazz.
Good stuff either way GM’s!
1. Good season Moscow. Good team - great members. Fun shit talking. I don’t need to pump your tires anymore. Y’all know what you got. Sorry that voodoo didn’t work.
2. BEARS!!!! CHAMPIONS. It never gets old seeing that fucking LR light up like a mother fucker. Pardon the French, but I’ve been with these boys for quite some time (almost a year some of them) and every win is the same. FIRE. MAGIC. BROTHERHOOD. I love you boys. I love you Bears. Thank you for all you do for myself and the team. I owe you guys so much and am thankful you stick by me.
WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!! 3rd cup - 4 seasons.