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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Pretty much what Frank said.
  2. Way to make it a series STO
  3. Just looking for alternative ways to earn TPE which could possibly help with retention. Some people dislike writing and cant do graphics. The more ways we have, possibly the better retention we receive
  4. Maybe lower amounts, but how not? How active are the boards, really? Sure, not bad in specific areas, but it's the same old members. Why not find ways to: 1. Earn different types of TPE. Right now we got Media Spots and graphics. So much fun! 2. Bring activity to different areas of the board. Bring different people together and et people involved and "bonding"
  5. Would never happen but would be fun! Happened to me in the VHLM draft though, so you never know
  6. GM's should make it happen tbh.
  7. So, I've got to thinking on something that could add some activity and community "bonding" throughout the league. VHL Big Brother! Each week, It would allow me to cover my 2 media spots and likely VHL.com articles. On Monday, I would announce the HOH competition. For starters, it would likely be pretty simple. Guessing a number between 1 and 1000 and closest to it gains HOH for the week etc. We'd have to brainstorm ideas! On Wednesday, we'd announce the HOH and require them to PM us or post in the "VHL Big Brother" thread their two nominations for the week. Once they post, the POV competition would be announced either that day or the following which would follow similar route as the HOH compeition. Thus, we'd give them a day or two to complete (depending) and then then POV winner would be announced. They would then either decide to use it, or to not. Then, we'd head to nominations where everyone other than the 2 nominees and HOH would vote on the 2 players nominated. HOH - Head of Household - Need to win the HOH competition to be it. This player is safe for the week and is the one responsible for putting of two people of their choice for nomination. Can only win it one week in a row. The following week after winning, they sit out of the competition but are able to be nominated. POV - Power of Veto - Similar competition to HOH, but rather than placing people up for nomination, they have the choice of using the POV on one of the two nominated or not using it at all. If they choose to use the POV, the HOH would need to name a replacement nominee and the one who had it used on them is now safe for the week. Schedule Monday - HOH competition announced. Tuesday or Wednesday - HOH winner announced and nominations (x2) are made. Wednesday or Thursday - POV competition Thursday or Friday - POV winner announced and POV ceremony Friday or Saturday - EVERYONE but the 2 nominees and HOH vote on the 2 nominated. ONE house guest is eliminated. Competition would likely run the duration of the season (or try to). Likely 10-12 weeks depending on the amount of players we allow in. Now, my request is this: 1st Place: 10 TPE 2nd place: 6 TPE 3rd: 3 TPE 4th: 1 TPE 5th to 12th - 1M in store cash. I'm thinking 12 players. Week 1 12 players (1 eliminated) Week 2 11 players (1 eliminated) Week 3 10 players (1 eliminated) Week 4 9 players (1 eliminated) Week 5 8 players (1 eliminated) Week 6 7 players (1 eliminated Week 7 5 players (2 eliminated) - 3 nominees Week 8 3 players (2 eliminated) - 3 nominees Week 9: Either two nominated, one evicted OR the VHL votes on the final 3 to win based on the game play they seen, or those evicted vote for a winner.
  8. Wolf +4 (and +3uncapped mock tpe)
  9. @Higgins For Federov
  10. S54 is going to be a big draft when it comes to teams transitioning from competitive teams heading deep into a rebuild. For teams like Toronto, Calgary and HC Davos, they look to add onto their rebuild heading forward. Helsinki looks to potentially add the final touches to there's, or gain some established, potentially elite youth in hopes of keeping a possible dynasty rolling. Then we see teams like Cologne and Seattle, who can't be found on the boards currently but are likely hoping to somehow manage to grab a pick or two in the first round of this years entry draft. For the S54 draft, there's tons of talented youth players to fill up the first round in it's entirety, so we could see some major splashes and some surprising moves coming our way. Without further delay and while comparing prior mocks, let's see what this old brain can scrummage together. 1. TORONTO LEGION: Torstein Ironside - G "I'm not entirely sure I'll be taking my player. There's maybe better options for me to take" said the Legions GM. We're gonna put an end to that shit and say "NAY". There's no better options than taking your player unless you're looking at someone else to talk to during the rebuild. Of course, adding more than just yourself makes for more of an active LR, but there's nobody more loyal to yourself than YOU. Goalies are currently in the "baby boom" stages for the league. You can find one, sometimes two on any team. Hard to come by if they're competing so it's always good to have a young goalie being brought up with the organization as opposed to none or someone else. 2. HC DAVOS DYNAMO: Aleksei Federov - D When it comes to this position, it's a tough task to call. There's players with more TPE than Federov, sure, but if you look at their agents history, one has been known to claim welfare where the other hasn't. Additionally, while centers are tough to come by, so are people who truly want to commit to making quality defenseman in this league. While Banackock has made elite, super high TPE gaining players, he's made some quality players in the past. Should be a shoe-in for the second spot. 3. HELSINKI TITANS: Fook Yu - C They got Cornerstone, who will easily become one of the most elite players in the league in a couple seasons if everything goes right and continues on path. So what's wrong with adding a secondary centerman behind a franchise center? Absolutely fuck all and it woudn't be too bad of a move. We get that Velvet's career is coming to a close shortly, but there's always time to find a replacement for him and it could easily come at 7th overall for all we know. 4. RIGA REIGN: Markus King - G A little birdy told me that this pick could potentially be moved prior to the draft and once the playoffs end, while nothing is 100% set in stone. If it does stay in the hands of Riga, we see them adding a much needed goalie and there's nobody better than adding Kendrick's player, Markus King. While he doesn't have feet on the next guy, he definitely has a couple inches (ha) and easily is one of the better players to come out of the draft. Love him, hate him, Kendrick makes great caliber players and though it's his second player, won't let his name fall and crumble to pressure. Expect King to be hoisting a cup or two in his career (possibly thanks to his stellar play!) 5. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE: Hudson Abbott - D This one could go one of two directions, but we're going to fling it to Hudson Abbott. The team already has a good first pairing, future dman in Jokinen, so why not take a risk on this first gen and add in Hudson Abbott to the equation. If the kid stays add and keeps the training up, the pairing of Abbott and Jokinen is hard to resist and would easily be one of the meanest, hardest to play against pairings in the league in roughly 2 seasons. 6. STOCKHOLM VIKINGS: Shawn Gretzky - C Though I haven't seen it yet, Gowenczy or whatever is retiring, thus a center would be a great thing to take at this position, eh? Well, Not only would Gretzky add that much needed void filled, but he'd add a lot of great traits to the team and locker room. I don't expect Gretzky to turn into a home run player night after night, but don't expect him to fail out and become a bust either. 7. HELSINKI TITANS: - Verner Reinholdt - RW Call it a lucky guess, but it would be shocking to see him not go ahead of some of the guys remaining. Quality player, committed GM and you know this player could become lights out. Though I'm gonna say there's some risk of taking him, I don't believe it's as much as some of the other guys. 8. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE: Rudolph Smechinsomething - LW If not mistaken and without looking at who their agent is, they've gone inactive in the past? Red flag? potentially? All players like this could be dinged as a risk, but the big Schemcky has potential to become a pretty dominating player in the league. All eyes are on him I suppose to bust or boom. 9. NEW YORK AMERICANS: Pablo - C No brainer here. They don't need a goalie and they're fine for wingers at the moment. Centers on a team are always nice, so I'd imagine if this is how the draft rolls out, this is who will be going #9. Sorry, Fujimotto. 10. CALGARY WRANGLERS: Vernon Von Axelberry - G Zhumbayev or whatever and Wall are both shit. On top of that, Zhumby is on his last season and regression is gonna fuck him up more than that bitch that knocked out Rhonda Roussey. Axelberry loves to test Free Agency and fuck around, but in the right atmosphere and winning team, I honestly expect the guy to be a quality member, LR contributor and top notch goalie if he sticks with it.
  11. Cool stuff! Good work
  12. Power playing good. Surprising, but damn! Good game!
  13. The wind was blowing the rumor leaves around the VHL for the last week or two and one of the bigger rumors is that the Seattle Bears have decided to steer the ship around, sell the cargo that they have remaining on board and take off with what they got. To go home and hopefully start a new adventure again sometime in the future. One of their assets, Sven Wolf, is a piece that could be on it's way out. The young center has a pretty significant history with the Seattle organization. When GM Campbell took over the Bears organization, his agency was currently working for a goalie who was around 180 TPE. Knowing that the Bears needed a center man for the future, he decided to let go of the goalie and recreate as a center. Thus, was born Swedish playmaker Sven Wolf. With the Seattle Bears heading in a new direction, this means two things for Wolf. He can either stay on the team and continue his run with the Bears and his career, or he can head on over to a different team and call this his final season in the VHL. His career hasn't been glorified in championships or scoring titles, but he's a strong player who plays an important role on the team - or any team he'd be on. Firstly, his face off game is strong and had put up incredible numbers all season. Secondly, he's one of the most natural, raw and elite play making forwards in the VHL today. While he may not have led the league in assists, his build favors him being a passing over scoring guy heavily. Lastly, his loyalty has been huge for the team. He did not mind playing on the 1st line, but often was seen on the 2nd line too. He was a team first kind of guy and it showed when he decided to hang the goal pads up and take on the role of center, throwing away 180 tpe to start fresh over just to help his team. Currently, we're undecided on what's going to happen. Obviously, in our unfortunate situation, we're in a sellers market for ourselves. Sven Wolf could very well end up on a new team either at the draft or sometime in the season prior to trade deadline day. For Sven Wolf
  14. The series almost went the distance but the Brampton Blades came up a little bit short. Losing the first 2 games to the Yukon Rush took a lot out of the organization, but with a 3-1 win in game two, the team seemed to have been finding their groove. Unfortunately, it was for that game only as the next game didn't go into the win column for them. Despite it being only a 1-0 loss, a loss is a loss in the playoffs and the team now found themselves at a huge disadvantage being down 3-1 in the series. "Being that close to elimination - it already felt bad - the idea of losing. The locker room didn't want to give up, but with newer players who aren't used to such extreme, difficult pressure, it's tough to at times stay focus. We practiced and held a team only meeting to try and get our heads straight for Game 5" That they just did too. Their heads were on a little bit tighter as the Blades held on to a second period lead to shut the Rush out in the 3rd period to take the game with a final score of 3-2. With hope and slight momentum running into game 6, it was their chance to bring the series even and tie it all up and force a game 7. After the 1st, the Rush led by one. Then, the second followed with the Rush remaining in the lead by one goal but with a score of 2-1. The 3rd rolled around and the Blades were heavily out shot 9-3 with 2 more goals going against. End result, Federov and the Blades were sent home without a cup. "Tough game, tough series and an even more difficult loss to swallow. Watching the time go down in the 3rd period, it was hard. We pushed and pushed but we just got strongly out played. It's that simple. The season is over now and it's time to focus on the off-season. Maintain training and keep getting better at my game". For Federov
  15. oh damn!!
  16. Ottawa could do er all!
  17. Damn! Good series, YUK.
  18. Hopefully you see some sort of education in his future too..
  19. Congrats on making "playing poorly" look cool. At least we made it further and forced a game 7 (no knock against Helsinki - just you for calling people out on getting "Wrecked" when that's all that happened to you all season). I remember when you chirped us at the start of the regular season.. and then fell apart.. Boasting about being in 1st place (that lasted long) and winning the season series (but did you?). Anyway, good job though on the year. Chirp all you want, we made out a better series and .. At least Holik wasn't the reason his team lost.
  20. yessum
  21. Thanks, mate. Good series to you guys. Was a tough one. Being down 3-0 I thought we were done and was extremely discouraged. To come on each day after that and see us win to force a game 7, truly made the serious enjoyable, nerve racking and rewarding. Unfortunately, we lost. Tough after we've been chasing it for a while. I guess you can call it "experience" and lessons learned for GMing. Since I took over, I learned a lot. The rebuild process and competing like we have. I shall apply this to the one coming when it does decide to come. Anyway, the series was a classic. Wish I could of won it for the guys who have stuck by me for so long - but we made it one hell of a series to pay attention to. Good luck against STO! Kick their ass! (Sorry, STO. If we lose to the winners, that's okay haha) Maybe also Holik's last game in Seattle soo... inb4 DT says something stupid about him being better. Holik >>>>> any damn day of the week. Wouldn't have had the success we did over the last few seasons without him standing by the team! Hell of a goalie and teammate. ALSO, We forced a game 7. DT already earning ass sores from the couch.
  22. This. but why? They got Moon!
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