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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. Matt_O

    Team World

    Team World is mainly filled with the best guys of the VHLM, along with Anthony Dabarno and Mountain Thunderfist, who are both rookies in the VHL. This team is pretty good but is has some issues. Their two goalies, Tyler Smith and Joe Nixon, are not a problem, and they are among the top of the VHLM. Their defense is solid, with Mountain Thunderfist, Dallas Jones and Bolt Vanderhuge headlining the blue line. Burnt Toast is an odd choice I suppose, especially since he hasn't been active since August. I would have taken someone that is at least active so they can maybe hit 100 TPE before the WJC but I'm not a GM, and there is probably something I'm missing. Their offense is quite strong, with Anthony Dabarno, Nathan MacKinnon, Matthew Materazo, and Roll Fizzlebeef headline the offense. MacKinnon has 55 points, which is second in the VHLM, while Materazo is 11th in the league with 46 points. Dabarno has struggled in the VHLM, with zero points in 36 games. He also has been inactive since late November though, but he is still one of the top guys on this team. Jessy Thomas doesn't have much in the TPE department, but he has 37 points in 40 games and has been a pleasant surprise in the VHLM. Sven Hitz truly lives up to his name, with 141 hits on the year. Not much scoring from him though. Overall Team World looks solid. Not much to say, team Canada will likely be their biggest competition, as well as Asia.
  2. 148 Riga Reign 149 Seattle Bears 150 Quebec City Meute 151 Helsinki Titans
  3. Seattle is sitting in first place in the VHL, but are tied with the Riga Reign. In my predictions I actually said that Seattle would make it to the finals, and so far it looks like I could be right. But why are they so good? Lets take a very quick glance. Matt Thompson and Vyacheslav Smirnov have been the anchor of this teams offense, with 49 and 40 points respectively. They are both top five in points across the league and Thompson is first in the league. They also have great supporting pieces, such as Jake Davis, Otto Axelsson, and The Charm, who are all hovering around the point per game mark. While their rookie Gucci Garrop has struggled, I expect him to pick it up a little, since he has no points in the seven games he has played. They also have Sergei Kovalev, who is a great depth piece, and he has 13 points of his own. Their defense is held down by Robert Malenko, who has basically become a god in Seattle. He has 47 points, and is only behind his teammate Matt Thompson when it comes to the points race. They also have the supporting cast of David Kiaskov and Maxim Kovalchuk, who are both around point per game as well. Those three guys form one of the best big three defenses in the league. They also have Mountain Thunderfist, who isn't particularly great, but he is still a solid defenseman. You can have a guy that isn't as good when you have that big three on the blue line. Their goalie Roger Sterling is also holding down the fort. He has the eight highest save percentage for goalies that have played at least ten games, and is ranked sixth in terms of GAA for goalies that have played ten games. He has started every game for Seattle, and is a big reason behind their success.
  4. The Las Vegas Aces currently sit first in the VHLM, with a record of 18-4-2, and are five points ahead of the second placed Halifax 21st. If you recall to the beginning of the season, I said Las Vegas would finish second and win the founders cup over the Oslo Storm, so their success isn't a huge shock for me. Then again, I'm not sure I expected them to be this good. How are they this good? Lets take a look into their team and what is driving their success. VHLM Draft It all started with the VHLM draft, where they selected Matthew Materazo with their third overall pick. So far, he has 19 points in 24 games, which is solid. He also has 47 hits, which is fourth on the team, so he's throwing the body around. He has 164 TPE, and while his TPE production has kind of tailed off recently, I attribute to that the fact that all the various off-season programs got him so much TPE and now that there are none of those. In the second round, they took Connor McDavid. He has been a solid center for Las Vegas, with 18 points in 24 games. He has around the same TPE as Materazo, with 163 TPE. He is showing tremendous improvement from last season, where he played 72 games and had only 28 points. This year he is only ten points away from that mark with about two thirds of the season left. Over the rest of the draft, the remainder of most of the players taken were busts, to put it bluntly. Nico Sulerzyski, Austin Fourier, Basaraba Moose and Cal Davidson look were four of the six guys taken with the Aces remaining picks, and all of them are below 100 TPE, and it looks like it might stay that way. However, they did take Mitch Matthews, who is on the rise with his 110 TPE. He just hit the first generation bonus as well, and is a nice defenseman. They also got Joe Nixon in the fifth round, and is the backup goalie to Kevin Weekes. He has 141 TPE, and is certainly no slouch. Off season transactions The off-season is what brought Las Vegas to the top, mostly through their trades. On December 17th, they picked up Dan Baillie through a trade with the Yukon Rush, and Baillie has become one of the anchors of the Las Vegas offense. He sits fifth in the league in points, with a crazy 36 points. All they gave up for him was a second round pick and Jessy Thomas, who has a miniscule 72 TPE, and this trade was clearly in the Aces favor. However, Thomas has been exceptional for the Rush, with a team leading 23 points in 24 points, which confuses me to be honest. Players such as myself and McDavid have 90 TPE more than him but we have less points? Maybe because we are on the second line, and get less power play time? Just three days later, the Aces made a second huge splash, with another block buster trade. This time, they traded for Nathan N, again from the Yukon Rush. Nathan leads the Aces with 39 points, and is second only behind Diljodh in points through the entire league. They only gave up two inactives and a second round pick. The two players were Wilson Ristau and Andrew Taylor. Taylor is no longer on the roster, but Ristau is still on the Rush, but hasn't updated his player since early October. While Las Vegas has now given up two good picks to get guys, they are clearly all in on this season, and will likely be in the same situation as the Rush and Wild are in this year; trade all your picks for a chance to win it all and just accept that you will suck the next year. On New Years Eve, they made a deal that packed Shawn Mendes to Ottawa, in exchange for Chance Matthews. While Matthews is inactive, he has been hitting his stride for the Aces, with 24 points in 24 games. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for Mendes, who has a mere 11 points for the Lynx. Every week Mendes picks up 8 TPE, two from practice facility and six from welfare, so Mendes will be picking it up in the TPE department. Chance Matthews is another one of those players on Las Vegas that is sneakily having a solid season, and is a secret key to Vegas' success. Signings The Aces signed Orion Slade mid season, and he has low key been solid for them. He has 20 points in 24 games, and is actually a big part of their success. Las Vegas has two great centers in Chance Matthews and Conner McDavid, and Slade slides into the third line center spot. His depth contributions are big for the Aces, who have at least one reliable scorer on each of the top three lines. Curtis Gary Curtis Gary was dealt from the Wild to the Aces on January 7th in a blockbuster trade, that sent the Aces first and second round picks to Saskatoon for Gary. His talents are definitely worth it, and he had 29 points in 24 games to start the year off. This is a huge acquisition, and now the Aces have four strong centers, and unfortunately for Orion Slade, he is now pushed down to the fourth line center role. Vegas is clearly going all in to win the founders cup, and should be facing stiff competition from the Oslo Storm and the Halifax 21st. *Quick note: On the Wild and Aces roster, it has Gary on the wild and Cal Davidson on the Aces, but when I check Gary's player page, it says he's on Las Vegas? But next to his nationality, it has the saskatoon logo. Not sure if this is a mistake and it hasn't been updated, or if someone happened with the trade* 1,004 words
  5. I didn't know that, that's great!
  6. Oh shoot I forgot my Canada Geography. I remember learning it in fifth grade with a canada song lol
  7. 1. I am pretty happy. I have 19 points in 22 games, I hope to be able to pick it up and hit 72 points though. 2. Las Vegas is killing it. We just traded for I think Curtis Gary from the Saskatoon Wild, and now we are stacked when it comes to our top two forward lines. I also love the New York GM Spade18, who always tags the team in every TPE opportunity available, which is a nice reminder. 3. I think the Aces can keep it up, I think we can win it all. 4.There aren't any players I hate to play against, I never liked the Halifax 21st though, maybe because they almost beat us last year in the playoffs, since I was on Saskatoon last year. 5. I watch the NFL, and I would get the NFL league pass if the rest of my family didn't get triggered when I watched the NFL. I also casually follow the NBA, and the MLB I pay attention to and watch in the playoffs. 6. I would put the Oslo Storm in some whack city that has no professional sports teams, like maybe somewhere in Nova Scotia or Newfoundland. The Nova Scotia Whales, perhaps
  8. 87 New York Americans 88 Riga Reign 89 Quebec City Meute 90 Seattle Bears
  9. Thanks for all the tips! I won't be putting much into discipline now, thanks to you guys. I'll also be working on my scoring more now, and with my 8 TPE on the way, I plan on getting from 70 to 74 in scoring
  10. Every friday from now on, I will be looking at the top players in each category of scoring, and giving my own opinion on them. Lets start it off with the leaders in points. 1 Anton Edvin 16 30 2 Nathan N 16 28 3 Dan Baillie 16 28 4 Diljodh 16 28 5 Carles Puigdemont 16 27 6 Eric Parker 16 26 7 Bolt Vanderhuge 16 23 8 Jagger Philliefan 16 22 9 Curtis Gary 16 22 10 Burnt Toast 16 21 Anton Edvin is going crazy this year, which can be considered a surprise. Last season, he had 21 points in 46 games. He has already eclipsed that total with only a third of the games played. He also isn't one of those guys with or near 200 TPE, so his extreme point production is definitely a pleasant surprise. Of his 30 points, he has 17 goals and 13 assists. After that though, it is guys that you would have expected to see in the top five. Nathan N, Dan Baillie, and Dilijodh all have 28 points in sixteen games. All of these guys have more than 180 TPE, including Diljodh, who has 239 TPE (39 banked) We also have Carles Puigdemont, who was drafted first overall in the most recent VHLM draft, and clearly he is playing to what Oslo expected of him. He is one point behind the group, with 27 points of his own. Eric Parker leads the way for defenseman with 26 points on the season so far, including 19 assists. Last year he had 60 points in 72 games for Las Vegas, and is leading the way on the Las Vegas blue line. He was drafted 13th overall in this past draft, and is outplaying his draft position for sure. Making a lot of teams regret passing on him. Bolt Vanderhuge is second on the defensive leaderboards, and this is very similar to Anton Edvin's story. Last year, Vanderhuge had only six points in 43 games. Now he has almost four times, in less than half of the games played. He also has only 118 TPE at the moment, and is a huge reason why Halifax is at the top of the standings in the VHLM. Jagger Philliefan is third in the defensive leaderboard for points, with 22 points. With those 22 points, 20 of them are assists. He also leads the assists leaderboard, but Burnt Toast and Eric Parker are only one behind him. Now lets take a look at goaltenders. I'm not sure if this domes as a surprise or not, but not a single goalie has a save percentage above .900, as the goalie with the highest save percentage is Tyler Smith, at .897. He also leads all goalies in shutouts and is third in goals against, with two shutouts and a 2.61 GAA. The only other goalie to have a shutout this season is Divanni Sovha, who also has two shutouts. Kevin Weekes and Divanni Sovha are the only two goalies ahead of Smith in terms of GAA, with a 2.49 and 2.57 GAA, respectively. The other various stats leader are: Plus Minus 1 Carles Puigdemont 16 24 2 Diljodh 16 22 3 Jagger Philliefan 16 19 4 Juri Rykonen 16 12 5 Sven Hitz 16 11 Blocked Shots 1 Robert Renner 16 41 2 Evgeni Komarov 16 35 3 B.B. Nat 14 33 4 Burnt Toast 16 27 5 Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen 16 26 Hits 1 Evgeni Komarov 16 77 2 Bolt Vanderhuge 16 70 3 Viktor Kozlov 16 66 4 Sven Hitz 16 59 5 Jesse Sublime 16 57 Evgeni Komarov has a 75 in checking and 70 in strength, by the way. That's pretty wack.
  11. @Beketov @Will Since you are the guy who runs simulations, I figured you were the best guy to ask. I just downloaded STHS for my own use, and I am struggling to figure it out. I was wondering if you could help start me off. One thing that I don't know about is the rating system, and what I should do for that. I know I have to download one, but the simulation has some much to it that it's a lot to take in. I also saw I can do a Rating Pack Creation, but not sure what it means by Messenger ID and the other stuff. Edit: Ok, so I sort of figured it out. The only problem is that for my fake league I don't have full 23 man rosters. I noticed in this league some teams like Saskatoon have a lot of guys that are just SSK- RW 1, if they don't have enough guys to fill the roster. How could I get that to work in this league?
  12. My player Matthew Materazo has slowly been making a name for himself, after being drafted 3rd in the recent VHLM draft, and 18th in the VHL draft.I am at exactly point per game pace, which is a touch higher than I expected. However, there is a lot of room to improve. Lets take a look at my plans for the future for my player will be. For the immediate future, my plan is to work on discipline, strength, and defense. Not that much strength, just get it to 50. I want discipline to 55 and Defense to 60. I think I only need 15-20 TPE to do this, so it won’t take long. Maybe two full weeks to get that much TPE. After I hit those markers, I will try to hit 80 on scoring, passing, puck handling and skating. Those are the big offensive stats, so it’s good to keep those up if I want to be up there on the points leaderboard. Once I hit 80 for those four categories, I’m probably going to keep putting them into the seven categories I listed. Penalty shot I don’t even bother, and checking I only plan to get to like 55 at most, but there is room to put more into checking if I get an obscene amount of TPE. Discipline is pretty important though, so I don’t keep penalizing the team. I may even put a few points into leadership, get that to like 50. Nobody knows what the future holds, but we now have a rough idea. Also- is reputation based on how many reactions you get on posts? So if someone likes this article, I get one reputation?
  13. Toronto Legion Riga Reign Seattle Bears Calgary Wranglers
  14. I thought I finished my team? @Beaviss
  15. Aksel McKnight @Thranduil is DQ, right? @kayfabe i think you're up
  16. Thank you for all that voted1 Based on the votes from this website and instagram, Tik tok was the winner, with Logan Paul suicide forest a close second. This ain't it chief and the FBI agent tied for third, and No Nut November was in fifth.
  17. Just leave a reply under this page @Tyler
  18. Now that the qualifying rounds are complete, here are you top 15 memes of 2018: Change my mind YouTube Rewind 2018 NNN Johnny Johnny Ali-A It’s free real estate Had to do it to em FBI agent LP-Suicide Forest Tik Tok This ain't it chief Papa John says the N word This is America Gru's plan Distracted Boyfriend Anyone can vote, just respond with your three favorites memes of the ones listed, and order them from first, second and third.
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