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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. Worst: Mercs Bronze Medal: Scandinavia Silver: Canada Gold: World
  2. Haha thats me all right. I'll do it
  3. As I have surpassed the 200 TPE limit, I have been called up to the New York Americans where I will play in my first VHL season. I am very excited for this opportunity, but I have people to thank. First, I would like to thank @Peace, who was my GM in Saskatoon in the early days of my career. We won the championship in a sweep over Ottawa, and of course we came back from being down 3-1 on Halifax. It was a great starting experience to get the wheels rolling. I would also like to thank @Jubo07 , who was my GM in Las Vegas. It was a great season in Las Vegas, where I played my first full VHLM season and really became invested into the website. I had a successful season, tallying 90 points, and we went to the cup and won it all, even though I hardly produced in the playoffs. It was a great team and I'm sure you will be contending again soon. Now, my time in the VHLM is done. I join the Americans at just the right time, as we look primed to contend for a playoff spot for the first time in a while. I look forward to the future, but will never forget my roots in the VHLM. Maybe my son Xander will make it to the VHLM ? 228 words
  4. 1) What makes Gritty so great? 2) Who was your favorite VHL player? 3) Why do you hate New York? 4) What would you do if New York drafted you? 5) What is your least favorite and favorite parts of the VHL?
  5. God my team sucked. I'll bounce back next year though, now I'm more accustomed to the league
  6. In the VHL, each team has a logo which represents their team. Each logo is very different in their styles, but which one is the best? Lets take a look and rank the nine VHL logos 9) New York Americans The Americans logo is clean, but it is very simple. They have the red, white and blue pattern that is associated with America, but their logo just doesn't show enough. It is too simple compared to the other VHL logos. The logo itself reminds me of the Rangers logo. The shield design is also a commonly used logo shape. For me, the Americans logo is nice but is too basic and doesn't have what it takes to compare to the other logos. 8. HC Davos Dynamo Davos' logo is also very simple, but I like the purple and the mountains, which is better than what the Americans logo has to offer. The ring around the logo with the team name is a nice touch, and I really like the purple behind the mountains. However, it has a similar problem to the Americans, and it just doesn't have the uniqueness to hang around with the other logos. Overall it is a good logo but not as good as the other logos. 7) Riga Reign The Reign originally ranked in the top five, but stumbled to the sixth spot, before I dropped them one more time down to seventh. The logo is a good one, as all the VHL logos are, but it doesn't work as well as the other logos do, but it is very hard to say why. This logo is in a higher tier compared to HC Davos and New York, but this logo suffers from the fact that the other logos are just too nice. 6) Toronto Legion This logo works really well for me. I'm not sure how to put it, but the way the team name is put into the logo really catches my eye. The blue color fits great, and the bird looks really cool. While I knocked the Americans and HC Davos' logo for being simple, this one finds a great balance between being simple and being cool looking. 5) Calgary Wranglers This logo was really hard to rank. It hit as low as sixth in my rankings and soared as high as third, before I ultimately bumped it down to fifth. There is nothing wrong with this logo that caused it to be bumped down, it's just that at this point, all the logos are very good, and it doesn't take much for me to decide one is better than the other. The horseshoe around the horse is a nice touch, and the horse looks like he is about to breath fire out of his nostrils (which is a good thing I think) 4) Moscow Menace The newest VHL team has a logo that fits their team; it strikes fear into the hearts of opponents when they stare into the kings bright yellow eyes. This is a great logo, and I had a tough time choosing between this and the Titans logo. They both seem to have similar concepts, with just the head of a person representing the team. The gray and yellow colors fits very well and I can't help but think of the Kremlin when I see this logo. 3) Helsinki Titans I'm not sure if the goal with this logo was to remind me of a Roman soldier, but it definitely does. That being said, the logo itself was originally ranked sixth, until I saw it enlarged, and I really took a liking to it. The blue top of the helmet fits well with the gray helmet and the white face of the 'titan'. All in all it is a simple, but very clean logo, and gets that fine line that Toronto also hit. 2) Vancouver Wolves I really love this logo. The gray around the wolf makes it look so cool, and it reminds me of the Coyotes logo, but a better version of it. The shades of gray blend perfectly with each other, and this logo caught my eye as soon as I started looking at the logos. That being said, there is still one logo I think is better, and by now you've probably figure out that is: 1) Seattle Bears There is so much I love about this logo. The red color of the bear fits perfectly with the tan in the background. One aspect that caught my eye was the scratch marks through the team name, which was a beautiful touch. The Bear itself looks like he is ready to snack on opposing teams souls, which is exactly what Seattle did through the season (until the playoffs) That is my personal rankings of the VHL logos. Feel free to comment your own opinions, since this is a very subjective topic. 815 words
  7. When are prediction points and VHL fantasy points getting given out? Also I read something about experience that was supposed to happen today, what exactly is that?

    1. McWolf


      Experience is only for VHL players. Players get experience points based on how deep in the playoffs their team went.

    2. Hybrid1486


      Prediction points are automatically awarded after the awards are entered...the schedule says the awards ceremony is Wednesday, but that could change by a day or two. You'll be notified about the fantasy points once @Bushito calculates them.

    3. Bushito


      Which I said would be done today

  9. Is the world cup for anyone, no matter the TPE amount? Or is it like the world juniors where only guys under 350 TPE can go?









    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. McWolf


      I made team Europe as a VHLMer, but it probably won't be as easy to crack team Canada or team USA's lineup.

    3. BladeMaiden


      Matt-O Most likely you'll have a shot when the WJCs happen during the season! Amp up your Tpe earning and you could have a real shot :) Good luck!

    4. Hybrid1486


      Or, you know, you could take advantage of the fact that the USA is severely lacking in forward depth and make the team this year...just sayin...

  10. I had one with Saskatoon and now another with Vegas. Hopefully I can continue that success in the VHL.
  11. Why did everyone get so upset by this it was clearly just a joke
  12. 1) Even though Vegas has a 3-1 lead I predicted Vegas in 6 before the series started 2) I was drafted to the Americans and am excited to be part of a future dynasty in New York! 3) I like golf but my teams are always winning so I don't get much golfing time. 4) I like winning a lot and dominating the competition, and my teams (Wild and Aces) over the past two years both won cups. That may not be the case in New York for next season or the season after, but I hope I can hit 45 points or 50 in my rookie year in the VHL. 5) In the regular season, my guy picked it up as the season went on, but in the playoffs he has been garbage. To be fair, no one on the Aces has really lit up the scoreboard. 6) I think what they should do is a march madness type tournament. Basically have teams of five guys and a goalie. These teams can be a collection of any players, but one has to be a VHLM player and the other has to be a VHL rookie. Get as many group of guys playing and do the biggest bracket you can do, and go single elimination or best 2 out of 3. Everyone could get involved, and since the rules are in place that you need two guys with less TPE, the commissioners and GMs of the community can meet with younger players that are new to the site.
  13. @Bushito What happens with the Predict the score since it was a sweep
  14. I'll throw my hat in, I'm very good at spreadsheets Here are some examples: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1beQsG1XEowU1kKmbd3VO7YDg-SQU-N43DEAzzapa_S0/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iMUTLNJPC-SRXcXOQ4ZhO9ela7Fr21kP7NQq8cYjqfo/edit?usp=sharing
  15. Last night at around 10 pm, Matthew Materazo and his fiance Karen Hughes had a son, and named him Xander Materazo. Upon coming fresh out of the womb, Xander was measured at an absurd 25 inches long, and was 10 pounds and 13 ounces. Doctors were perplexed by this, but Matt was excited about that. "Maybe I can get him in the VHL and he can body some guys" he said. His wife wasn't happy with Matt, as he was more excited about his potential career in the VHL than the fact that he is now a dad. Materazo hopes to defeat the 21st in game 4 of the VHLM finals in order to get more days off, since he told us he will not sit out during the postseason. "That ain't happening" He said. "No way I'm going to let my team down when we have come so far. I don't care what she (Karen) says." Matt didn't seem to take the nicest tone when describing his wife, but insisted their relationship was great. That's all the news on Xander Materazo for now, we will keep you updated on new updates on the prodigy child
  16. I have to disagree with you, I will be the greatest steal of any draft class ever you big nosed fart face
  17. What happens for the fantasy zone if it is a sweep and their is no game 5
  18. Second claim for week ending on 2/17
  19. @Banackock


    I wrote a 1,000 word media spot last week. I went onto the weekly tpe claim and when i tried to submit it, it said-

     Player update with this Player, Link and Type already exists. 



    I submitted it for last week and am submitting it again for this week. What should I do so I can get my TPE?










    1. Peace


      Not Bana, but know the answer. 

      Just go to your thread and post 'second claim', then copy the posts link and submit it that way. Updaters will click the claim link and see it is a second claim to a 1, 000 TPE word article. 

    2. Matt_O
    3. Banackock


      Basically what @Peace


      There's been a handful of time where I ran into that issue and when I first did, I had no clue what to do. Basically, the first week I'll fire it in using the "Share this post" button which is found at the top right corner of an individual post. The next week, I either use the browser link OR you simply remove the "/" at the end of the link and that works too. 


      If you got anything else, fire me a PM and I can help you there :)  @Matt_O

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