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Everything posted by Matt_O

  1. My bad. I edited for you No hard feelings
  2. It was tough between you guys and Calgary but it could easily switch
  3. The Simon gods have, once again, confused everyone with their sims
  4. Another season in the VHL awaits us, and boy will it be a good one. The race for the playoffs will be one to watch, as the New York Americans have been on the rise and look to make the playoffs after a successful rebuild. The defending champions Toronto Legion may end up being the ones who step out of the playoffs to let New York in, as they lost Stopko, their heroic goaltender and playoff MVP, to retirement and Sebastian Ironside was forced into free agency, where he signed with a loaded Seattle team. Seattle went from looking vulnerable to becoming the team to beat in the VHL, as they re-signed Matt Thompson and picked up Sebastian Ironside in free agency. They should be favorites for the Victory cup, but the continental cup is certainly not a guarantee. They still have a fantastic squad and look to shake off their playoff woes from years past. The Helsinki Titans are also looking sharp heading into the season, with Kronos Bailey, Julian Borwinn, Vesto Slipher, and Alexander Pepper in net. Unfortunately for them, this season is loaded with teams, and they will need to make a move to seriously compete with the powerhouses of Riga and Seattle. Speaking of Riga, they also look for this year, even after dealing away Rylan Peace and Leph Twinger. They still have the duo of Edwin Preencarnacion and Podrick Cast, who combine for 1,955 TPE. They also have Ryan Kastelic on defense to shut down some offenses. Now we get to Vancouver. Beau Louth is my pick for MVP, and I think Vancouver will turn some heads this season. The only players that can be considered "weak spots" are Jagger Philliefan and Gritty, and they both earn TPE at a consistent rate. I think Vancouver is quite underrated. Now the final team: New York. Their rebuild was successful. The talents of Ryan Sullivan Jr. and Joseph McWolf on defense is a formidable core, and the recently acquired Leph Twinger and Vaydar Odinsson add to a nice offense, with Dan Wilinsky and rookies Matthew Materazo and Carles Puigdemont, alongside the returning Joel Ylonen, who was FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY from the all rookie team. Here are my predictions for this upcoming season: 1. Seattle Bears 2. Vancouver Wolves 3. Riga Reign 4. Helsinki Titans 5. New York Americans 6. Toronto Legion 7. Calgary Wranglers 8. HC Davos Dynamo 9. Moscow Menace Congrats HC Davos, you might not be last this year!
  5. You promised us riches and we are left with nothing. How dare you
  6. Weekly installments to the VHL Chronicles will take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week. Based off of Bleacher Reports "Game of Zones" *Note: This takes place before the Matt Thompson and Sebastian Ironside signings* Another day in the VHL world. The day is calm. A quiet offseason brings peace to the realm. Atop the Contender mountain, Sir Hedgehog of Riga as well as King Quik of Helsinki sit, alongside Beaviss of Vancouver, Devise of Toronto, and Banackock of Seattle. “Another season ahead of us, another playoff birth for us” hedgehog exclaims. “Banackock, why is thee so nervous?” “Sir Matt Thompson has threatened to leave us for Greener pastures.” “You’ll be fine.” Hedgehog responds. “It’s not like HC Davos is going to take our playoff spot.” They all chuckle at Davos’ expense. “I have the same concerns as Seattle” Devise says. “Sebastian Ironside has left us.” This time, Quik responsed to him. “You guys are coming off a victory cup! What do you have to complain about, you still have Stopko, right?” At the mention of Stopko, Devise breaks into tears. “Too soon?” Suddenly, chants erupt from the base of the hill. “Who is it?” Banackock asks. Beaviss peaks over the edge to take a look. “No need to worry, just the Wranglers” “We have Brady Stropko jr.! We will be atop the world in two years time!” “Don’t listen to them. With Canmore nearing retirement, and their trades on the 15th of December, they stand no chance.” “Maybe we should lock them up in the basement, like what we did with Davos.” Devise whimpers behind his still growing tears about Stopko. “Wouldn’t want to make it to obvious” Quik says. As the sun rises over the realm, the Russians begin to unveil themselves. Their attempts to climb the mighty mountain are not fruitful. “See the Russians down there?” Banackock points to them attempting to climb the mountain. “That was us. Now we are here. Rule #1 of contention: Don’t fall off the mountain. If you do, it’s a tough road-“ Suddenly, the sounds of a howl fills the air. “What the bloody hell? Beaviss will you cut that out?” “Not me, I swear” he responded. “Oh please” “Its not him!” Hedgehog yells. The five contending GMs quiet down. “Listen” The howls continue. “It’s getting closer!” Quik shouts. The five guys all spread out to look for any intruders. “Guys, Down-“ Beaviss’ shouts are cut short as someone rises up and impales him. “Who are you” Banackock shouts. “That’s Joseph McWolf!” Quik yells back. “You should have watched out for New York” McWolf tells them. “I warn you, by the end of the year, House America will be back.” After these remarks, he slowly faded away, and a new reality came about. “Devise, wake up! What happened!” The groggily Devise was being shaken awake by Hedgehog. As his vision became normal again, he began to sat up. “The Americans are coming! New York is powerful once again!” Their worst fears had been realized. The Americans were back.
  7. I was planning on creating a series based on the VHL, similar to how bleacher report does "Game of Zones" with the NBA, but I have to change three of the ones I wrote because I talked about that you were leaving multiple times. God damn it
  8. 1. I was just born this way tbh 2. I would love to win ROTY but I predicted my teammate Carles Puidgemont would take it. I'm not sure what to expect really, but as long as I don't get less than 30 points I probably wouldn't be too upset Definitely, those two logos are not great. New Yorks is OK but is the worst out of the VHL logos. Las Vegas' logo just looks very outdated. Could definitely use a new look
  9. Last week, I ranked the VHL logos This week I will rank the eight VHLM logos. Some of these logos, such as the Wild and the Lynx's logo, are tough to rank because they are very similar. But lets get into it. 8. Halifax 21st Overall I would say this logo is very boring. There is little that sticks out to me when I look at this logo, it seems old fashioned almost. When compared to other logos, you can tell the others were made far more recently. There isn't anything particular I dislike about this logo, it is just everything that I find unappealing. Maybe I'm being to harsh, but Halifax is my least favorite of the VHLM logos. 7. Yukon Rush This logo is quite boring as well, but it is better than Halifax's logo. The color scheme of the orange and blue fits well, and the wings on the end of the R is a nice touch. This logo is ahead of Halifax because this logo isn't ugly, and can be looked at with optimism. Halifax's logo just doesn't look good. 6. Las Vegas Aces This logo is quite basic as well, but the design overall is done well and slots it ahead of Yukon and Halifax. My biggest complaint is the weird font, which turns me off a little bit. The ace in the middle with the hockey sticks behind it is nice. The design of the circle surrounding the ace looks good to me, even with the weird font. 5. Minnesota Storm The Storm's logo is very clean and designed well, but the reason it isn't ranked higher is because it just seems odd. I might be over critical here, but it just is such a weird logo to have. It is very detailed, with the reflections on his forehead being a very nice addition. Overall it's a clean logo but is just off for me. Very weird looking. 4. Ottawa Lynx Ottawa's logo is similar to Saskatoons, but less detailed. The whiskers and the shadows on the face make it look more detailed and overall, makes it look better. The piercing eyes and the pointy ears of the Lynx, alongside the sharp teeth gives off a threatening feeling, which is probably what they were going for. 3. Houston Bulls The logo of one of the new VHLM teams ranks third on our list. The fire is a great touch, but the reason this isn't second is because it seems almost as if the person who made the logo tried to hard. The 'beard' on the bull, and the aggressive color scheme looks ok, but comes across that the logo has more stuff in it than they should have. More isn't always better. Still a nice logo though. 2. Saskatoon Wild The wild have a similar logo to the Lynx, but is more detailed and overall, I like it better. This animal is looking more straight on, rather than the Lynx, which looks to the side. The blue mouth seems weird but works really well for me, as well as the blue outline. The white surrounding the eye and the zig zag pattern on the left side looks great for this logo. The attention to detail in this logo really works great for me. 1. Philadelphia Reapers Another new VHLM franchise and they rank first on our VHLM logo rankings. The Reapers logo looks really clean, and very cool. The cloak gives off an intimidation factor, and the fact that their is no face makes this logo five times better. The scythe's red color fits well, and the yellow/ orange reflection on the front of the cloak adds another level of detail to the logo. Overall this logo works so well for me, and takes the cake for best VHLM logo. Feel free to leave your opinions in the reply section! 644 words
  10. Hey I got another point... whats going on here?
  11. What happened to prediction points

  12. So I currently sit at 10 capped TPE on the week and tried to claim 1 capped TPE, but it said I would exceed the capped limit if I claimed it? Here is what I did for the week: 

    Type Job Title or Other TPE Capped Comment Approved By
    Press Conference   1     Velevra
    VHFL   1     Velevra
    VHL Fantasy Zone   4     Velevra
    VHL.com Article/Podcast   2     Velevra
    Trivia (Answers)   1     Esso2264
    Media Spot   6     Esso2264
    Practice Facility   2     Esso2264



    Reddit Recruitment 1     Esso2264
    Week Ending February 24, 2019 18  


    When I try to claim the TPE, it says

    This update would cause you to exceed the weekly limit of 12


    But if I claimed it for 1 TPE, I would be at 11. Not sure if this is a glitch or I just counted wrong, but I counted at least seven times and I don't think I miscounted that many times.



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Matt_O


      I want to claim 1 TPE for a Press Conference. I resubmitted it this morning and it went through and was approved though

    3. Beketov


      So all good now then? Portal might have just been spitting back a weird error.

    4. Matt_O


      Yeah it's all good now. It wasn't working last night but it worked now

  13. 2. Love the Islanders 3. It's actually quite nice. A little humid, and sometimes a bit damp and dark but otherwise it's good. I would definitely recommend it. 4. Smitty Warbenjagermanjensen.
  14. 1. This year is hopefully our year to make it back into the playoffs and start a new dynasty, so I think this is a good move for us. 2. I don't think we will be championship contenders but I think we definitely are better than HC Davos, Calgary and Moscow. We should make a push for the 4 or 5 seed and hopefully make the playoffs. 3. My name has nothing to do with him, I heard about him from I think the final VHLM draft rankings before my draft when someone said my name reminds them of him. 4. I will, but I'm happy that I am in the big leagues. Unfortunately I won't get a lot of points (probably), but that won't deter me. 5. I plan too, but I may cut it at 7. Chances are I do 8 seasons though, especially if the Americans don't win the cup, but I think we will
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