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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. hey and welcome to the VHL. If you come join Miami you'll get max mins on a re-tooling team with a fun environment and a lot to learn! Quote to accept.
  3. love to see it, and welcome to Miami! sending offer now.
  4. Will retract this unfortunately good luck Emi!
  5. @osens I pitched similar to Glass, and I'll pitch to you too. Come to Miami to get max mins, tons of good times, good LR presence, good atmosphere and just a fun overall experience. We're always super active, always joking, and best of all, your voice is always heard in Miami! Come join the party.
  6. @glass Love me or hate me, one thing I will say is if you come to Miami, I'll treat you right. Max mins, good atmosphere, fun LR, exciting adventures and so on! We won't be a cup team, I'll be super up front about that, but that is why we have the playing time. We're building to still be a playoff bubble team, so come along for the ride!
  7. @oilmandan Miami just came off a cup, and we did lose a lot of our roster, one of the main losses was goalie. While we don't expect to go back to back due to not having our shelves filled with picks going into the draft, we can guarantee you the starting role in Miami. Win together, lose together, have fun together, it should be an awesome season. The LR is already poppin' haha. Let me know
  8. Finally this man goes up. Been way too long brother, well fuckin' deserved. So so so happy and proud of you.
  9. I would love to apply for Helsinki. @Jubo was a hell of a fight with Seattle this year, seen no other post from ya but congrats on all of your successes! If you need any information above and beyond what y'all already have, DM me on discord thanks.
  10. team was full and Acyd already knew Knowledge matters
  11. We had the most winningest record in the second half of the season, and while San Diego gave us a run for our money, we went 8-0 after the 1st round. I don't think it's a fluke, we just had a very shitty start to the season. I truly believe we would've been ahead of Mississauga had we started the way we finished the season. Stats matter
  12. hell of a team you have Jiggs, nothing to be upset about honestly, making it to the semi's and I'm sure your squad was active and that's the most exciting part. GG to you and the whole team @JigglyGumballs
  13. I like being mediocre. Makes me feel good.
  14. I see how this relates to the topic at hand and has anything to do to add to the discussion. Congratulations, I went inactive... I paid the price for it with my bad rep for years, and I've now been the most active I've ever been and the most involved since my initial spurt way back in Season 7. Am I proud I went inactive? No. Does it have ANY relevance to anything I spoke about today that it needs to be brought up? Can't say it does. But kudos to you for somehow making this personal against me when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand. Bravo.
  15. you're funny. Thanks for the giggle my friend.
  16. sexc
  17. @Beketov didn't lose his touch. He's very bad good.
  18. I know I haven't lied whatsoever to get to the point I am at. I got San Diego fair and square, was there for 10 seasons, and I got Miami fair and square after that. What I would've or could've done that is 'scummy' is beyond me, you can DM me if you'd like to enlighten me, but as far as I'm aware, applying for a job isn't scummy, it's how you get a job. Thanks though for a good chuckle.
  19. Lied my way to the top? My guy, I've been here since before you were born no doubt LMAO, lied my way to the top. I had to fuckin' GRIND just to get anywhere here, just like everyone else. I'm not pleading ignorance, I've talked to the parties involved that are being questioned, I'm not saying their LR has been perfect, no one has, it's the WAY this is being handled. RJ was blindsided by this, Hex was blindsided by this, NEITHER of them knew he was unhappy until this article came out. HOW do you expect ANYONE to resolve ANYTHING, if they aren't given a fair chance and instead blasted via an article first? Answer: They can't. Crawl back to the hole you came out of, this isn't the time for a fight you know nothing about kiddo.
  20. So you've talked to RJ and Hex or? So you know that RJ was on vacation for a week, comes back to this, WITHOUT any warnings or triggers that this player is disgruntled at all? Do you find that fair as a GM at all, that we're not able to try to resolve this privately, without the need to blast literally the WHOLE fuckin' franchise for what? Five minutes of spotlight or? I see no reason why this all couldn't have been said in private, and we know, by TALKING to RJ, that it wasn't done in private, at all. Funny people condone this type of behavior but I'm not too shocked at who is condoning it LOL.
  21. As a GM who has had this happen to him twice... yeah...twice, these types of posts never cease to blow my mind. I've truly never, ever understood exactly why people feel like posting something like this is their first resort when being unhappy with a situation or just to rant in general. This doesn't dismiss your feelings, btw, it's just the way that it's been handled that I really don't love, at all, and it really makes being a GM super frustrating sometimes when it is handled like this. How exactly am I speaking about? Well... going behind your GM's back, not even making an attempt to reach out to said GM and then putting them, their AGM and their whole franchise on blast for what, what really does this achieve. I would absolutely understand if you had talked to RJ, and talked to Hex, and maybe vented your frustrations in private, asked for a trade, etc. But to just put someone, in fact MULTIPLE people on blast without any private talks... is kinda shady. And the reason I even bothered to type this out is because of the first point I mentioned about this having happened to me TWICE, but also because I don't want this to become a casual thing or become accepted behavior. It's hard enough being in the limelight all the time as a GM, and honestly no one deserves to be put on public blast UNLESS all private options have been exhausted and you are left with no choice. I also feel like this shouldn't be happening to two of the best members on this site. RJ and I go way, way back, and have extensive history with one another and I have NOTHING but good things to say about RJ. RJ has been through a roller-coaster ride, and finally had some time off, and then comes back to THIS? Like c'mon... and now poor Hex gets dragged through the mud too? I am not too sure if that is why he stepped down or just the timing but either way... just ridiculous for another amazing member to have his name dragged. Truthfully, I hope you understand how disrespectful this article is. I'm just being blunt here, no BS, not trying to be fake or anything, this kind of behavior truthfully... isn't cool. #Bye.
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