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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. I had a rough night last night. For the first time during the pandemic I just had a really hard day. For those that don't know, I struggled with sobriety and depression and all sorts of shit for years. People who have been in this league with me for a long time never even knew half of it, half of the stuff I went through because I never, ever talked about it with anyone, or to anyone. I was an asshole when I was here because of it but everyone just shrugged it off as me being a naïve teen (likely true anyways lol). But back on topic, I had a rough night last night. The pandemic has been getting to me, and the last 3-4 weeks if not more, someone kept trying to break into our house. It was subtle, and last night we caught them. I got 2 of them arrested at 3am, but I struggled the rest of the night. IDK what it was about but I struggled. I couldn't sleep, and it's just been a miserable day. I wanted to check in with all of you, how are you doing? Is your pandemic okay? I know this can be a struggle with everyone but I don't want anyone to feel like they need to struggle in private. Come to me, even in DM if you're not willing to talk here openly and publicly, and we'll chat. I hope you're all doing ok
  2. When someone is good to the franchise, the franchise is good back haha
  3. IR - Lucifer Olivier Leveque - S75 1U022093JH344W16 Doubles 1M cash money 5 TPE
  4. hey @Flames1Fan and welcome to the VHL! I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins and I absolutely have a spot for you on my team. Currently we do have a 180 TPE goalie playing as our starter, but we can guarantee you playing time as our backup. Right now I would likely say you'll dress for 1 in every 3 games, giving you a decent chunk of games played through a 72 game season. As you progress and earn TPE, I can likely begin to slot you in more, and give you and the starter similar playing minutes. We drafted really big, really deep, and we're poised to make a huge playoff push this year. If you'd like to be a part of the run and help make our team complete, quote this and accept!
  5. wow, a name I have not seen in a long, long time. Welcome back! We all have our demons, I know this all too well, I found myself writing a similar post back when I first returned too. Hopefully this time around you kick some ass
  6. Answer 6 for 2 tpe, answer 3 for 1 tpe: 1. Would you see yourself staying active in the VHL over time? Yes always will be active 2. Everyone now plays on 1 line only. How did this impact your play? I played like a goat, so I'm not mad about it. 3. Are you happy with the trades Yukon made leading to the trade deadline? Yes I am, they were sick! 4. Would you rather eat potatoes or pasta? Pasta all day, love me some pasta 5. In line with the Canadian Thanksgiving, what’s your favourite holiday? Thanksgiving, or maybe Christmas. 6. Which VHL team logo is your favourite? Probably the new Wranglers logo.
  7. Damn shame, Lucifer is upset because he lost, but not just because he lost, but because once again inactivity has triumphed the playoffs. Over the years, it's happened time, and time, and time again. Every single season there always happens to be a 'power' team that flies under the radar with a lack of activity, a lack of players, a double and triple shifting method, while those teams that comply with the rules and abide by the rules seem to be shit on and lose. It's a revolving door in the VHLM, something Lucifer and his agent IR have seen too many times in their 10 season tenure now. So what happens now? Likely the same thing. These teams have been punished, these teams have lost picks, but they continue to do it. Sad reality is, it'll never stop until GM's begin to either lose their jobs, or are forced to bench their inactives in the playoffs as punishment for even having them in the first place when they aren't even supposed to be there. But that isn't up to us, we're just here living our lives and our dreams, but it's truly a sad problem to have, especially with all the poor recruits who missed out on the playoff dream so a team could win some games with half an active roster to barely enjoy the experience. Welcome, to the VHLM
  8. You didn't make efforts though man, you literally went MIA, got booted as GM, got given a second chance as an AGM, got booted from there. While I don't know the whole story from Halifax, I know enough of it. Yes, you guys didn't get along 24/7 and yes some stupid shit went on there, but in saying that, there is two sides to it all, and I never, ever seen you receptive to the idea of living up to your expectations. I'm not mad at you from a standpoint of a personal stance, as I am you calling the VHLM GM's out as a whole, and trying to displace the blame onto us like we're some sort of a problem. Don't deflect your negative views, your shitty attitude and your mentality on the rest of us that try our freaking hardest every single day to make this place fun for everyone to be, retain all of our members and just chill. Like I keep saying, if this place makes you feel like you need to be toxic, need to be miserable, need to have a shitty attitude, then don't stick around man, like we're not forcing you, no one is. Would we rather have you? Absolutely, but lose the attitude, lose the "whoa is me" persona, and drop the act. You got yourself into your own shit, deal with it, and move on.
  9. I didn't care for you going MIA and getting an attitude. I enjoyed your time here in your prime where your care actually showed. Now you've got this big head ego and attitude and it's kinda bullshit. You talk about toxicity, you talk about attitudes, you talk about "being owed" stuff and so on and so forth, what the heck is this article then? All you've done is make more people dislike your actions, care less for your words and do nothing but be negative, inactive and toxic yourself. It's a two-way street my friend, and if you don't like how things work around here, no one is holding you hostage.
  10. @ShawnGlade I just want to say how disappointing it is to hear you bash the VHLM GMs. For a guy that left Dil in the dark for months I think you have NO wiggle room to even contemplate bashing anyone for doing anything. You didn't help Halifax whatsoever and left Dil to do everything, and you just did nothing. I do also want to say that there is a majority of us GM's that do our own recruiting, but of course we're going to ask the AGM to do it too, it a) helps them prepare for GMing and having to do pitching on their own and b) keeps them busy and engaged and more importantly c) helps them introduce themselves to new members. It's really sad to see someone I looked up to as a GM back when you were actually active with Davos just shit on everyone. If you're so miserable, leave. But the VHLM GM's despite turnovers have been awesome overall, every single one. We may bicker, we may disagree, but at the end of the day you have NO right after your shitty track record to run ANY of them through the mud. S....M....H. @VHLM GM ily all
  11. love you @IamMOOSE and am grateful to have you as part of the management squad and excellent article.
  12. That's fair, I just feel like it may be a bit "forced" to want people to post on the forum when 99% of discussion does unfortunately occur on discord. It would at least give people incentive to post on the forums.
  13. I don't know if this has been mentioned, since I'm on my phone and don't feel like scrolling through 2 pages lol, but what if like the SBA, we implemented a sim attendance task? It can be a supplement to say a VHL.com article or a press conference, where you must post in 2 game threads/week and you claim them 1 TPE per post. (2 max/week, and they would obviously be capped). I feel like since SBA and I believe even EFL does this, it does bring a lot of traction to the game threads and would boost forum activity quite a bit. Since games are posted basically daily, it would give people ample opportunity to post in 2 game threads a week, a very small task for them but a huge boost in activity. Just a thought
  14. No, we're not talking about the last place San Diego Marlins... however we are speaking about my player, Lucifer Olivier Leveque, aka LOL, and him being back atop the scoring leaders for defenders and back in the top 5 for the league in assists. If you would have asked me how I felt about my players performance about 3 weeks ago, maybe a little more than that, I would've had quite a different opinion than I did now. Leveque started the season with 12 points in 4 games, a wicked pace that seemed unrealistic to maintain however, I remained optimistic. Fast forward into the middle of the season, that pace slowed down immensely, despite Yukon scoring 5-6 points a night, Leveque would be lucky to see a single point to his name in a single sim (typically 2 games per sim). Now? I have a completely different view on things, and I am just enjoying myself through the good or the bad, but its much easier to be cheerful when your team is winning games, and you are contributing more too. Overall, Leveque is one of my least favorite players if I am honest, at least in the M thus far, but the M won't really define my career, so I am hoping to find some big success with the Bears next season when I go up with my boy @gregreg and just dust kids all day for a living. Is this long enough? idk. I am stoned. Someone fact check this shit. Or word check, whatever it's called.
  15. hello @DarthZak and welcome! I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins and while we are rebuilding we'd love to have you on the team. Right now due to how many new recruits have joined we really only have bottom 6 minutes but it will still give you an opportunity to play and grow. If you'd like to play for us, quote this and accept and we'll add you in right away.
  16. hello @soban419 I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins and I'd love to offer you a spot on our team. Due to the insane amount of new recruits, I am a rebuilder but do not have a ton of playing time, what I can offer you at the moment is 3rd line time with the potential of increase due to earning. If this sounds good to you, please let me know and quote this to accept.
  17. hello @Rayzor_7 you beautiful boy. I can't offer much cause my team is kinda deep with the youthful new recruits, but I can offer you 3rd & 4th line combined minutes at the time being until I get more people, in which time I will be keeping you 3rd line. I will also do my best to get you some kind of special teams minutes too. If this sounds sexy to you, quote me.
  18. Hey @2hawk! We are a rebuilding team in San Diego but do still have playing time on our 3rd and 4th line. If you’d like to come join us and have some fun and log some good mins then quote this and accept
  19. @AnthonyOuelletim rebuilding in San Diego but that means lots of playing time haha. If you wanna grind it out we do have a lot of new recruits and a very active LR. So if you wanna join us quote this and let’s do it!
  20. Hey @Greg_Di we would love to bring you back to your old stomping grounds in SD! I am at families house but nevertheless I can offer you top 4 mins guaranteed and tons of points to come along with it. I have a lot of new recruits that I’m sure would love some veteran leadership. if you want to come back please quote We are rebuilders but I think it would be a lot of fun.
  21. Hello sir. I have a spot open in my top 4. I don’t have much time to write a huge write up but you’re the commish so you know what’s going on with SD haha. We’re 100% a rebuilder but with that comes tons of playing time. I also feel like it would be fun to have you with all our new recruits if you wanna join and have fun quote this!
  22. @Beaviss i just had a top 4 role open up in San Diego. You know we’re not competitive but I feel like max mins could be a lot of fun to pad your stats. We have a lot of new fun rookies and I’m sure they’d love to have someone of your caliber on the team to learn from and grow from. if this sounds fun to you, come join us!
  23. @Sixersfan549 We know each other quite well. I am a rebuilding team so I understand if you don't want to come here, but in saying that I can give you 3rd & 4th line mins combined + 2nd PP and PK mins, maximizing your efforts to grow and gain. If you'd like to come to a fun active LR and just have a lot of fun with some new recruits, quote this and let me know.
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