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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. Hello there, @Parani I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and a 15 year veteran of the VHL. I've been around the block and I've done a lot as my time as GM, and this time around is no different. Since the Marlins have existed, which is now the third season, we've made it to the playoffs both seasons and this season will be no different. We'd like you to join us on the STARTING GOALIE POSITION and as long as you remain active, you will stay there for the entirety of your career with us here. We are also a very team-oriented, active and fun group, our LR is very active and there is tons to do, tons to learn. If you'd like to join us here in San Diego, quote this offer and accept it, we'll be happy to have you aboard. If you choose to go elsewhere, enjoy your experience and have a great time!
  2. @Ckbruinfan welcome to the league! I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins and I am here to offer you a position on our team! Right now we can offer you 3rd line LW with PP time, and we would love to see you grow with the rest of our team as we grow together and win games! We're hoping you have the same drive and passion we do, and look forward to possibly having you on our team. If you accept, quote this offer and we'll get things started
  3. @Reegs welcome to the league! I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins and I am here to offer you a position on our team! Right now we can offer you 2nd D-Pairing with PP time, and we would love to see you grow with the rest of our team as we grow together and win games! We're hoping you have the same drive and passion we do, and look forward to possibly having you on our team. If you accept, quote this offer and we'll get things started
  4. @quanack welcome to the league! I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins and I am here to offer you a position on our team! Right now we can offer you 3rd line C with PP time, and we would love to see you grow with the rest of our team as we grow together and win games! We're hoping you have the same drive and passion we do, and look forward to possibly having you on our team. If you accept, quote this offer and we'll get things started
  5. @JojoFosho welcome to the league! I am the GM of the San Diego Marlins and I am here to offer you a position on our team! Right now we can offer you 3rd line C with PP time, and we would love to see you grow with the rest of our team as we grow together and win games! We're hoping you have the same drive and passion we do, and look forward to possibly having you on our team. If you accept, quote this offer and we'll get things started
  6. Hello @Hubs_Gaming Amazing time to sign-up, we've concluded the draft and now you have the option to sign with a team. I am a straight shooter and I am not here to talk about anything but yourself. I want you to come join the SD Marlins and play on our second pairing. We'll also give PP and PK minutes! We hope you'll remain active, and we can even possibly push you up to the first pairing with some great activity. We're a competitive team as well, planning to go for it all, so we'd love for you to be apart of that. If you accept, simply "quote" this and we'll get the process started.
  7. Hello @ks5th And welcome to the VHL! Great opportunities await you here, and you've joined at a really fun time. The draft has just concluded, a lot of teams anxiously awaiting new recruits like yourself, and we are one of them. I am the GM of the SD Marlins and we're happy to extend an offer to you. We can guarantee top 4 minutes (2nd line) to start plus some PP and PK time, we believe you'll enjoy these minutes an grow with us. Quote this offer to accept
  8. I can take someones spot if no one wants it to help out;
  9. congrats @DMaximus and welcome to the big boys club (kinda, we're still only in the minors lol) .
  10. Bias or not, I've seen @MexicanCow123 grow the most and know a lot about him since the process began of making him my AGM. With two seasons of experience under his belt, everything he's said I can personally vouch for. He's been an absolute stud when it comes to the LR especially, and he's been so good at really making connections with our players and helping them at all of their beck and calls. He's been a class act as AGM too, he's actually been engaged and wanting to learn from the get-go, we went through drafting together, off-seasons together, playoffs and so much more. He's literally THE prime candidate for this position imo. Because he's been willing to learn, his experience is endless and in this short amount of time, he's proven himself time and time again just how capable he is. There is going to be a lot of applications I am sure, but don't skip this kid over, he's a diamond in the rough. Good luck to everyone, can't wait to have one of you join us on this crazy ride
  11. 1. So we just won the cup. How do you feel? - Ecstatic, second year pro in the league and I win a cup, there is no better feeling. So glad Vancouver took a chance on me, has been panning out quite nicely thus far! 2. What do you think was the key to this run? - Honestly? Activity. We had a great team who wanted to win, we had some great lines, some great chemistry and you could just tell we wanted this thing, and so we took it. Couldn't be more proud. 3. Which team mate are you most proud of? - There was so many people who made this happen, I am just proud of the whole team, I can't single out one person because it was truly a team effort, we killed it! 4. We sent Beau Louth off the best way we could, what does he mean to this club and to you personally? - As the captain, I love to see someone go out on top, especially while I'm in the "reigns" so to speak as the captain. He brought a sense of competitiveness, straight-shooting, point-scoring and just overall great atmosphere, it was something everyone connected with. 5. What do you want to say to any Free Agents out there about why they should consider joining the wolf pack? - If you want activity, loyalty, compassion, happiness, fun and a competitive mindset, then this is your place to be, this isn't only a team, it's a little family, we've all bonded, grown together and will continue to grow, and I urge anyone who shares the same values to join us! 6. What are you going to do with your day with the cup? - Being from Ireland, and no one ever having done it before, I am bringing the cup back home for my Country, and for my people. I want them to get to experience the rush I am still feeling today, and let them see just what commitment can really do. 7. Two finals appearances in two years what do you think our chances of making it three in a row? - We have a pretty strong core still, pending we either have a big draft or especially a big UFA period, I could see us going 3 for 3 into the finals with a second cup to boot. That being said we lost our best performing defender so we have some slack to pick up for next season for sure. 8. We have had two long seasons back to back what will you do to relax this off season? - I'm still going to be grinding, earning every penny I can, and making sure that I can become the best player I can be for the season. Sure, I plan to relax a little bit but I also want to continue the grind. 9. What is the memory you will think of most this post-season outside of winning it all? - All the fond locker room memories of the team, we talk a lot, shoot the shit, you know, it's just the simple things for me that leave an everlasting impression. Also, being captain doesn't hurt, I'll always remember being a young captain on a great team. 10. What are you going to do to make yourself a better player for next season? - Pump in the practice hours, only thing you can do really. Once I feel comfortable with my build, where I am at, I will just continue to round myself out, to be good in all areas of the ice.
  12. http://efl.network/topic/9926-draft-graphics/?do=findComment&comment=185027 EFL +6
  13. I'm just curious why I was even tagged in this when it has nothing to do with me? o.o by someone who is super irrelevant may I add.
  14. So happy we won this! And happy I could prove everyone wrong lol.
  15. http://efl.network/topic/9926-draft-graphics/# +6
  16. fuck Shawn Glade, am I right? @ShawnGlade
  17. Flashback to the beginning of the year, and San Diego was a write-off. They had sold their S67 assets to compete in their inaugural season, and while the playoffs last season didn't pan out the way they had hoped, they were competitive. Jump forward to this year, San Diego had no assets going into S67, not a single draft pick had been made, the franchise didn't even show up to draft day, because their plan was simple, build from the ground up, sign some brand new prospects, and make it a journey. Even with prospects joining the Marlins left and right, people still had their doubts. Would the Marlins be the worst expansion franchise this season? Would the Marlins be the worst VHLM franchise this season? At first, it seemed like it. The Marlins started off piss-poor, their record was junk and the activity was very, very low. But things changed about one month into the games, it was like lightbulbs went off and things finally began to click. San Diego ran two full lines of solid activity, a ton of youth in the system and proud players among the team. Everything seemed to be clicking, and so the team began to go on a roll. Despite the roll, they had their ups and downs, they still couldn't get past the great wall of Philadelphia, and the Lochness Ottawa was still just like the monster... a mystery. Regardless, the Marlins had fun, they stayed the course, they did not want to leave the team for potential "greater" success, the team was happy. And if that isn't the definition of success in the minors, than I don't know what is. But there still leaves a void, the Marlins have yet in their two-year existence be able to flourish and push past the first round, but that is where the management staff feel optimistic, is that if they can turn a season of nothing into something when all hope had been lost, than what possibilities wait for them in the future? Time will tell, but I can tell you it's been a hell of a ride, and it's all thanks to the team, and everyone who busted their ass for this franchise, you've made me very, very happy @Frozen Block @stevo @Beerfridge @Jaku @Psyduck77 @Fire_In_Babylon @NumberJ5 @Klrpizza @SJT29 @MexicanCow123
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