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BluObieZ last won the day on June 13 2018

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  1. The Orville > Star Trek Discovery. There I said it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. diamond_ace


      Fantastic show!

    3. Devise


      Totally disagree.


      Then again I don't think Family Guy dude is funny in literally anything. Hate his style of humor. I like some of the actors otherwise on Orville but I think the old school Trek fanboys are driving the narrative that Discovery sucks. Show has been great. So many times Trek has tried to "modernize" and it's had mixed results, but Discovery finally works. Sure it's more of your typical prestige drama with betrayals, violence, and a bit more of a melodramatic plot. But it uses the Trek skin well.


      Just my take obviously but I think people try to hard to live in the past. "The Last Jedi wasn't what I wanted because X" for example. Same type of shit. Our media should evolve, not just keep doing the same shit. Same with Picard returning for a new Star Trek, all the reports are it's not just TNG, it's just not the same thing again. You just get bored of the same thing. The TNG era show ran 3 series and Voyager was really the only one that started to veer out of that Trek nature. Enterprise while it had some supporters (i still have yet to see that, only one I haven't) wasn't as well liked either. 

      One thing I hate hearing and that is totally false though is how people say Discovery is more Star Wars than Star Trek. That is nonsense. If anything it's more Mass Effect than Star Trek, but Mass Effect itself takes inspirations from Trek and modernizes them. Anyway, to each his own. I wish there was that Family Guy dudes humor that I enjoyed, Seth whatever, but I find him to be worse than Simpsons (which is so trash). 

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