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  1. Transaction ID: 96940203AU083340C Doubles Week 5 TPE Uncapped
  2. My Life. Jakobs was born in Budapest to a typical middle class German couple. He grew up there after an unfortunate baby swap incident. To this day, Jakobs does not know his blood parents. He does know who his real parents are though, and they're a combination of teacher (Mother) and carpenter (Father). While walking home from elementary school one day with his friend, who had just come back from a trip to the United States, was sharing all there was to know about American culture. Musicians, jeans, food, but most importantly sports. Jakobs had heard of this sport called ice hockey but had never really indulged himself to learn past that. Once he got home Jakobs asked his father about it, and they together discovered ice hockey. Blessed with the tools and skills required, Jakobs father would make a stick for his son from an old board they took down from their old deck, and made a makeshift net. Jakobs spent countless hours practicing shooting the puck, winning faceoffs with himself, and of course checking the boards. His mother would often help him learn the techniques and strategies that hockey players used from old books written about famous European hockey players such as the Sedin twins and Sergei Fedorov. He learned their strategies and would become a very effective and disciplined hockey player. By the time Jakobs hit high school he wanted to do more than just play with a wooden stick. And so, with nothing but a dream and a small donation from his parents, he set out to Germany with his uncle who owned a fishing company in Wolgast. It was there that Jakobs discovered his true love of hockey. Buying himself the cheapest set of gear he could with the small donation his parents gave him, he looked at trying out for any hockey team he could far and wide. Eventually he would find a team. At the age of 18, he revoked his citizenship so that he could play for the Fischtown Pinguins, since they were limited in the number of foreign player slots on their roster. Jakobs played in the DEL for quite some time, gaining a reputation of becoming a solid skills player in both ends of the ice. However, his staking would ultimately be his downfall, and eventually the Pinguins would release him after three seasons of service. Devastated, defeated, and broken Jakobs gave up on his dream of becoming a career hockey player and suited up as a fisherman alongside his uncle. Business was incredibly profitable. So much so that Jakobs was tasked with setting up a subsidiary branch in San Diego, a potential American market would pave the way for extra income and exposure, new trade relationships and opportunities. Little did Jakobs know those opportunities would involve more ice than fish. And it would also likely make his uncle pretty upset. The VHLE was something Jakobs had heard of obviously since playing in the DEL. However, no team was even willing to look his direction. His lack of experience skating, playing on a team, or being developed from a young age made him a difficult asset to teach and establish modern hockey principles, since all of his learning came from old school players with dated techniques and mechanics. That didn't stop him when he hit San Diego though. He figured it was time to lace up the skates again and give it another try. Let me tell you, the story of how he even got the contract offer for the Marlins is just as baffling as you'd ever imagine. Jakobs showed up to the tryout 15 minutes late. Which normally would not be a good start, but for him it was. Admittedly he was spending the time remembering where he had put his old gear in the first place. But the four other members that came for tryouts hadn't shown up at all, and Jakobs was the first and only one to show up. The group that was supposed to be with him took a bus that had gotten rerouted due to construction in downtown, and the deadlock traffic stopped the members from making it to the training facility on time. It was also the bus that Jakobs was supposed to take, but couldn't because he was too late. Being the only one to show up Jakobs seemed pretty confused. Sure enough the trainers let him gear up, and promptly gave him a set of extra gear since he had still been using the same stuff from when he first played in the DEL as a teenager. The new gear prompted a boost in confidence and the scouts had noted very good senses in both ends, accurate and hard passing, and decent faceoff skills. Jakobs wasn't the type of player that could skate and blow past a defender, or deke someone to the ground, but he could thread any needle given to him. His endurance, tenacity, and frankly lack of other talent on the Marlins roster prompted a contract offer once the process had been complete. And after a very heated phone call with his uncle, the fishing venture in San Diego was closed, the boat sold for rent money, and a very bright future laid ahead for the pseudo German Joel Jakobs.
  3. Thank you all
  4. I used to make a big fuss coming back into the league, but at this point I've left and come back so many times I don't think it matters lmao. I used to have this fascination of being the highest TPE player in the league, being the best, and doing the most. I wasn't shy of talking about my burnout and it's well documented in the forums that I did a very bad job at managing myself in that regard. But uh, after like four years of life I found out why I was burning out of the league so much and wanted to talk about it because I think it's important. I unfortunately suffer from depression and ADHD, both intertwined in a very not fun way. Dopamine is a very big motivator for me and it's hard to get that when you're burning yourself out trying to get it. My recommendation to anyone that feels like they have a problem or something they just can't shake, go and get some help. You're completely worth it. I'm excited to be back and foster some of the old relationships I lost over the years. Season 67? I think was the first season I joined in. That was a long time ago. Here's to another 67 for the league!
  5. Halifax 21st Roster Rundown, Plate Report Card Forwards - C Defense - B Goaltending - A Forwards Led by the recently acquired Kokko Miskinen, the Halifax 21st have a lot of work to do with their front end talent. This 40th overal selection had a very respectable 41 points last season playing a depth role for Houston. With a build focused on scoring goals and keeping pucks out of the net, Miskinen will have to be poised with some help on the wing for passes, puck retrieval and rebound opportunities. Unfortunately for Halifax the current skill level of the other forwards doesn't suit the high ceiling of this capable player. The development from the depth forwards will have to come in big as all three other forwards on the 21st roster are fresh into the VHLM and are available targets for next seasons draft. For this season though, the trio of Michael Schmicael, Steven Nichols and Sticks McGee will have to prove that a hard work ethic and development is worth more than the begining oportunities of a season. There are also a plethora of... interesting builds coming from these forwards. These players are focused on being more balanced in terms of their skills repretoire as opposed to specializing in one or two skills, making them potential outliers in the special teams department. All the best luck to the new recruits as they experience the VHLM and all the league has to offer. Based on the current ratings and potentials of the Halifax 21st, they get a C for their forwards report card. Defense An interesting mix in that Halifax has two highly skilled players on their backend. Both Mathias Gunnarsson and Victory Hockey League will likely cap out in terms of their production and become a pairing rivalling the best in the entire league. Unfortunately, there's not much more in terms of depth for the team. A very high top end will be the make or break point for the Halifax 21st. It will be exciting to see the two way play of Gunnarsson, as he has exceptional ability in both covering the offensive and defensive zones. League is built as an entire brick wall and is very much a penalty kill specialist. This is a defenseman that will help you win games with disciplined and strong puck presence in the defensive end. Even more so blocking off passing opportunities and creating offense by taking the puck away and getting good breakaway passes with his solid puck control. Overall the very solid structure of the two way defenseman and responsible partners gives Halifax the B on their defense report card. Goaltending The goaltender in net for Halifax is of course the kingpin Samuel Wazinski. Who has a career .904% SV and sub 3 GAA to give Halifax a strong chance to win games game in and out. Don't expect too many blowouts past this rock solid goaltender. And you know you'll get more out of this clutch player, because the stats were better in the playoffs. Wazinski will be a cornerstone contender for Halifax if they wish to push this team into the playoffs. Halifax are given an A for their incredible goaltending as their report card grade. Editors Notes If Halifax can get some steady growth out of their forwards and find another defenseman to put in the backend you could very easily see them make a deep playoff run with the very capable goaltending in their roster. Assuming, of course, the Wazinski stays in the VHLM. How will Halifax do this season? What are your predictions? Let us know in the thread below. As always, I've been Plate. And it's nice to be back again.
  6. Philadelphia Reapers Press Conference S95 August 18th: 1. The further last week's discussion of crepes... is almond milk actually just better than actual cow's milk? Dude cows milk is always going to be better than any nut based milk. I don't even know how this is a question. The flavor profile is a lot better, and sweeter. Almond milk is by far way too nutty to even be considered milk and it's part of the greater vegan agenda to eradicate basic carnivore practices. 2. What is your dream VHL team to join if you had free will and weren't bound by a draft? Probably London. Got a lot of really good memories from former players from there and would love to be part of a new history with them. 3. Where do you predict Philly ends up in the standings at the end of the season? Probably 4th or 5th. We're a developing team and other teams are closer to the rim when it comes to cup contention. 4. What team is going to be our top rivals this season in the VHLM? I don't know about the team but Halifax is my personal rival. That's a squad that I used to play for in my inaugural season and would love to tear them a new one. 5. Is Keon Jeannot proud of his son, Jackson Jeannot, for acing the Reapers interview and getting drafted to the franchise legend's alum? Not unless he wins a championship. 6. What locker room pranks have you pulled and on which teammates or members of team staff? I shoved our GM into a locker and played friday on repeat until he made me the 1st line center for the team.
  7. Thank you everyone!
  8. Player Information Username: Plate Player Name: Joel Jakobs Recruited From: Returning Age: 26 Position: C Height: 69 in. Weight: 200 lbs. Birthplace: Germany Player Page @VHLM GM
  9. Truly the modern GOAT.
  10. I just think there are other defensemen more rewarding and it's baffling how "close" people think this conversation is. I only mentioned the first gen thing because it says first gen on the player in the player page.
  11. I'm just gonna vent how I feel about the Jake Thunder trophy in here. This is not a personal attack against @Rin, congrats on the victory. The VHLE voting this year was a joke. I don't know how the process works. I don't care either. Jordan Bennett, my player, is the first and only player in the HISTORY of the VHLE to win 4 championships. You can argue it's because I was inactive for a while. In truth I was inactive definitely for one of them. But for as long as I've been on Cologne, I've been relatively active and have made posts in their Discord as a member. This isn't the coping trophy. I don't care about how bad the team was. Oslo is dogshit. Rin, for all intents and purposes, played well on that team. Did they play as the best fucking defenseman in the whole league????? NO, are you kidding me?? If you are on a bad team, and the team is bad, your player MIGHT ALSO BE PART OF THE PROBLEM. I don't know how the VHLE can sit there and twiddle their thumbs while this trophy sits in the palm of a player that does not deserve it. From a sim perspective, a symbolic perspective or any perspective with people that have eyes this is a complete disgrace. It's cool giving a new gen a trophy. But let's face it, this is a washed attempt at the VHLE GM community "doing something cool" and "giving a new gen" a new opportunity to hopefully "stick around". Well, maybe if the VHLE didn't suck in execution we wouldn't need these PR stunts dedicated to new members. I will be contending this award until it's given to literally anyone more deserving. I can't help but feel like this whole situation is just something to make a new player feel more welcomed to the league, and not actually an award given to the best VHLE defenseman. That player, was Jordan Bennett. The best defenseman in VHLE history. If the Cologne Express is a train, Bennett was the conductor, and @cl4rk is the rest of the fucking train. Make @Sjin the general manager of the rail company. I promise to be annoying about this until the solution gets resolved. No matter what it takes.
  12. Literally how anyone can pick a player over THE FIRST PLAYER TO GET 4 CHAMPIONSHIPS IN THE VHLE is complete madness and I will be putting in a complaint.
  13. This is not an article I plan on claiming. Jordan Bennett will finish his career in the VHLE. I wanted to weigh in on why I think Jordan Bennett gets the Jake Thunder Trophy. First we have to talk about the candidates. And in my opinion, those would be Jordan Bennett (COL), Leif Reingaard (VAS) and Mina (BRA). Now interestingly enough both Reingaard and Mina were picked back to back in the S91 draft, and everyone knew they would pan out to be incredible defensemen in their position. Both of these players are going to be competing with each other throughout their careers in the VHL. Here in the VHLE there is a third player we can't overlook. WHLE veteran Jordan Bennett. Now, I'm going to start with the case you can make against Bennett and why you would pick the other two options over him. First of all, for a very large portion of his career, he was inactive. So really had he not been inactive he would not have been in this position. And yet, even though Bennett has been in the VHLE for 7 seasons, in only one of those was he in the conversation for the Jake Thunder Trophy, which is this season. So what did Jordan Bennett do this season better than the other options? In a race that is so close you'd be splitting hairs on individual stats? He won the Renaissance Cup for the third time in a row. Not only did Bennett win the Renaissance Cup for the third time in a row, but he also beat Reingaard in the finals to win that cup. And Mina? Well they performed well but it was on a team that did not make the playoffs. And great players on bad teams overperform their skill to certain extents. Bennett is not an inactive andy anymore. He is very much a beloved player by the person that is managing him. And has been ever since he signed with Cologne in S89. Not only that but he is the blueline cornerstone of the dynasty that is the S89-S91 Cologne Express. And you can't have a Dynasty without pieces that make the puzzle fit. Bennett more than deserves the Jake Thunder Trophy, off of his persistence, clutchness, and monumental contributions to the best team in VHLE history.
  14. I have responded to this post and have accepted
  15. Choo. Choo. Mfers.
  16. Something I've always wanted to work in the VHL is proper two-way forwards. Before the hybrid attributes, the best "two-ways" had the most points among forwards. Since +/- is the most direct stat to track how responsible your player is. It's hard to justify naming true defensive forwards without things like puck interceptions, take-aways, etc. These are player types that are incredibly important for team success. In a league where almost every forward tries to get as much scoring and passing as possible, the direct counter will always have a ton of value. Hockey isn't just about putting the puck in the net. It's also about keeping it out of yours. It would be nice to see the defense placed on a higher pedestal. As I described, it's impossible to do from a technical standpoint within STHS. But I don't think it would be unrealistic to run a script that shifts through the game data and pulls out the number of times you stripped the puck or got hit off the puck or something to that effect.
  17. 1. I think we'll have about 10 or so. Anything less and I would be surprised. 2. Joachim Bryngelson is such a hard name to say, I love it. 3. I would fire @jacobcarson877and replace him with @jacobcarson877. 4. I was hoping that Jordan would be a ppg player, but with the recent changes I'm glad that scoring is overall lower. It must be really special for those players out there who are above a PPG. 5. As a defensive forward, 1-0 is a much more comfortable win than 8-7. 6. There was a chicken pot pie from swiss chalet that we bought frozen and honestly it was pretty decent.
  18. 1. There's a strong chance we stay at the top. In the battle of San Diego vs Las Vegas, the battle will be whoever wins the regular-season series will win the league. 2. Wit da Hoodie is definitely the best acquisition for the team. It cost an arm and a leg but overall the skill on the back end was definitely worth it. 3. Probably the most contested 1st round series has to be Toronto vs Tampa. I have Tampa winning the series in seven games. It's really hard to bet against back-to-back Stanley Cups against a team that regularly falls short in the playoffs. 4. The hardest part about growing a business is centered around keeping the community that you have. I think a problem the league has is it doesn't reward active members enough. 5. I have been CRANKING Paramore for the past week or so. Their song Ignorance is probably of my top 5 favorite songs. 6. Goalies are better but that's because players are now using literally half their TPE's worth of points. A 200 TPE goalie is 200TPA, but a 200 TPE player is 100 TPA.
  19. I wrote a .com last week on Monday, and then you wrote 11 articles between then and now.
  20. @Shindigs has written 11 vhl.com articles over the past eight days. I didn't know if anyone was going to bring it up or anything, but I think he needs a hobby. For newer members in the community, no, this is not normal, and you don't need to write ten plus articles in a week. This kind of raises another discussion. Is this a strategy to hoard TPE for the future? Now, I'm asking this genuinely because I don't know. Do the multiple allowable articles rules apply to .coms? Because you can only have up to two active media spots to claim from simultaneously. I don't know if that's the same with .coms. At the start of the thread, I read through the rules and didn't find anything about it. But in all seriousness, that's a lot of work, roughly 2200 words, and I would like to shout out the amount of commitment it takes to pump articles like that. There's a strong possibility that it was a locker room event to promote activity. Either way, Shindigs is a beast.
  21. Hello, resident burnout legend Plate here coming at you live with some quality advice. First of all, you should have signed with San Diego. @Shindigs is an absolute goon. I'll speak on behalf of everyone and say that you were genuinely missed. You achieved a feat that not many members do. You broke the 1000 TPE threshold as a first-gen. On top of garnering plenty of experience in the VHLM as a general manager. Trade the picks, trust the process. That is the mentality of a general manager who puts their locker room at the forefront of their mind. That is the mentality of a general manager that embodies the values of the VHLM. To create an active locker room and have a sustainable community in one of the most marketable franchises in the VHLM. As someone who's a bit of an expert at burning out, and as someone who NOBODY would be surprised by if I left tomorrow, I can tell you this as much. The VHL is not about; Maxing out every week (Though every GM out there agrees with this but won't openly admit otherwise) Meta builds (Though most people will try to make their scoring as high as possible anyway) Being the best GM and making the best trades (Though I wrote a 5k mega article about it) The VHL is a forum-based simulation hockey league. You, the BoG, me, and everyone else is here for fun. That is why you were missed. Because you made the VHL experience fun for everyone you came across, even when you fucked up in a bad trade. On a more personal note, I'm glad that you're feeling better from COVID. You'll find employment that's sufficient. The issue you're having now is not uncommon for people your age. Once you find a job and work at it for a bit, your inexperience will turn into experience. It's going good, chief. Welcome back.
  22. I think with how the new hybrid system is, a change back to the 250 TPA cap wouldn't be unreasonable and might still be even a touch low. With the current system, every point in the hybrid attributes (Up to 70) earns about 0.50 STHS Attributes. This means that players with 200 TPA are playing at roughly the same level as players with 100 TPA in the S72/S73 seasons, as mentioned in the draft. I love the hybrid build system in place now. I think it solves many problems the VHL was having before, and it seems as though with scoring lowered goalies are now putting up .940 SV%s for the first time in a long time. And there are even goalies with a below 2.5 GAA. So huge nod in that respect. In that same vein, you still have those few players that are leagues ahead of their similar counterparts. Much like McDavid and Drisaitl in the NHL is akin to the Miklavz, Johnston, and Sandstrom of the VHL. I might be crazy, but a tinfoil hat idea that I had was allowing players in the VHLM to sign with a VHLE team if they wanted as a free agent if they didn't have existing VHLE rights. And that players could apply TPA to their player past 200 (or whatever their cap is) and be a part of the VHLE team they signed with. There would have to be a specific date for this cutoff, probably something like the same day as the trade deadline or something, but at least that way, I could sign with a VHLM team, get TPE, and then bypass the M and go straight into the E. Above is just a rough draft suggestion but interested to hear your thoughts on it.
  23. Hi, Plate here for a review. FUCK, man, this is so nice. You have no idea. I love the color background you chose. And the subtle fact that it's darker around the edges to pull the player's profile into view makes it pleasant. The color palette chosen based on the marlins logo is inherently complimentary, so there are no issues. I love that you opted to go for the white box and names instead of just making the names white against the background. There wasn't a lot going on over there, so it makes it come together really nice. Jersey swap is excellent as always. The only issue I have is there's no "San Diego Marlins" text anywhere, so if you don't recognize the logo, you don't know what team this is. Also, it's hard to see the assistant and captain roles under the names. Otherwise, excellent job. 9/10.
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