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Everything posted by zepheter

  1. F - Ray Sheilds D - Odin Omdahl @fonziGG
  2. F - Kris Rice D - Roque Davis @fonziGG
  3. guys... vote me for the all star game please

    1. diacope


      Player name?

    2. rory


      Oh boy! I can't wait to go to the All Star Voting forum poll and vote ODIN OMAHDAHL for all star!

  4. 2 seasons in a row no ASG for me. guess 90 points as a defenseman isn't good enough 1 huevo = 1 prayer
  5. Left - Odin Omdahl (Dyl) @zepheter Middle - Ola Vikingstad (Dil) @Dil Right - Rick Osman (Dylan) @dylanjj37
  6. F - Andrew Su F - Dalton Wilcox @studentized
  7. D - Hulk Hogan G - Rayz Funk @studentized
  8. D - Lincoln Tate F - Brock Louth @studentized
  9. zepheter

    SEA/MOS; S73

    Safe to say this trade won us the cup.
  10. I didn’t pay any attention this season. Why did they trade down? Deep draft?
  11. cool chart. props to corco who wasn't mentioned but went up 36 spots
  12. i'll cry if I don't get voted in. 1 vote = 1 hat trick next season.
  13. This is money. I would definitely get behind you using these to make skill-based groups for the upcoming seasons.
  14. Omg I did a thing! Thanks for the 1st star honors and can't wait for the next edition.
  15. Appreciate the help, I’ll definitely give the font some extra love next time I’m making a graphic.
  16. Maybe my recreate... S73 Theme Week Submission
  17. 7. If you had to pick any player as a lifeline on a game show, who would you pick and why? Rayz because he's the most clutch player in the league. 8. If your player had to swap professional sports, what else would they play and why? Probably lacrosse. It's the closest sport to hockey in my opinion and I also have a passion for that. 9. Does your player have any superstitions? Left to right when he puts his gear on. 10. How do you think the Bears do this season? Similar to last season. We're going to be a championship-caliber team. 11. What player do you think will win MVP? At this point it looks like Gunnar and HHH are in the mix, but we'll see by the end of the season. We've been on a tear recently so I wouldn't be surprised if we have one if not a few players stepping into the conversation. 12. What goalie will finish the best this season? I'm sticking with Rayz. He's proven many times that he is the best goaler in the league.
  18. 1. What are your thoughts on Riga winning the cup? Good for them. I've got an old teammate and AGM on that team so it's cool. 2. What did Jubis use to wipe away the tears of being so close, but once again, so far away of winning the cup? Probably the Victory Cup. 3. What are your thoughts on the Draft? Did anything surprise you? No surprises. We needed a backup goalie for the present and another elite caliber goalie for the future. 4. What are your thoughts on the Bears drafting MexicanCow123? Excellent decision. It was our biggest need heading into this season and MC123 shows up to play so I have no complaints. 5. Should we trade Rayz? Ha. That's funny. 6. What are your plans for the upcoming weekend? Blue dreams about Jack Herer.
  19. I think the problem last season was Odin with the A. He’s a pretty young player and was overcome by the pressure when playoffs came. I see a much better outcome with this leadership going forward..
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