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duckberg32 last won the day on July 31 2014

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About duckberg32

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  1. 1. Honestly, I just want to use this season to improve myself. The L's we took throughout the season are going to be almost impossible to come back from at this point. 2. I definitely think Bastian is an upgrade in between the pipes, but the most exciting part about him is his potential. He is still so raw as a player and improves every week. I cannot wait to see how he evolves going into next season. 3. El Cardenal has amazing pork and I would do unspeakable things for their hot chocolate. 4. No goalies allowed when Watson Stonebridge is on the ice... What? 5. I think it's an ok logo. Being named the Kings and not something else, plus also being FROM the country that we are paying homage to keeps the name and logo from being like the Washington Redskins situation. I do kind of think it's a bit boring though. 6. Covid drag has been hitting pretty hard recently. Going just from practice to home to game back to home has begun to takes its toll on my mental facilities. I miss seeing friends and being with people.
  2. Claiming 10 TPE for 100 TPE earned
  3. 1. We have been letting too many shots on net along with needing help in net I would love an upgrade at the blue line. 2. Scoring my first hat trick in Pee Wee league. 3. Bored? Probably would have ended up in real estate. I know a lot of people involved with that. 4. Who wouldn't love a team from Alaska? 5. Goon, hands down the best hockey movie. Close second is H-E-Double Hockey sticks because of how bad it is. 6. I must put on new laces before every game. I ripped my laces mid game one time and had a really bad time about it.
  4. 1546 words Claiming for weeks ending 4/4 4/11
  5. Long Rest : Line Change It All Began In A Tavern Watson Stonebridge So, the draft happened. It was a whirlwind of emotions over the course of 24 hours, but I am officially in the VHLM. For those who do not follow too closely, I was drafted back to Philadelphia in the 6th Round. That tracks seeing as I went off the grid right after we were eliminated from the playoffs due to my injury. Where things got weird, was that the Mexico City Kings ended up coming in and trading for me to come join their roster. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the ticker across the board and my ears as I got the call. That was until I recognized the phone on the other end of the line. It was Christopher Miller, my old coach from my Pee Wee hockey days. Seems like I made an impression on him and he really wanted me on the Kings under his new regime. It also shows that the Reapers were not as enamored with me as I thought. It is a business, as they say. While the season started well, things plummeted quickly. After winning our first two games, our goalie stopped showing up to practices and barely there for games. He ended up getting cut from the team but it has put us in a rough spot ever since. We are currently in the middle of a 25 game losing streak, and they are not close games. Coach has told us to use this year as a learning experience and something to fall back on moving forward. No matter how bad things may get for us later on in our careers, it will never be Season 76 Mexico City Kings bad. Personally, I've been trying to do what I can. I've put up 20 points over the first 27 games, with nine goals and ten assists. That's probably the most even I have ever been on a stat sheet. First impressions are strange. A good first impression can be a fickle thing. We were on Cloud nine being 2-0 and thought we had a shot to be something special but it sank fast and showed up the errors in our ways. Bad first impression are much more difficult to fix. That's what I am currently dealing with myself and trying to take control of. We had our first session of Long Rest and Anime Protagonist was nowhere to be found. We decided to start without him but it really put me in a tight spot to start the campaign with one player already missing the session. We trekked through it (synopsis down below) and the session went well, but it was still eating at me. He ended up reaching out to me the next day apologizing that he had miscalculated that days and passed out after a practice and I said I understood, but that first impression stuck with me. It took some serious self thought to process where I was with it. I realized, who was I to complain about timing? I had delayed the campaign almost two whole weeks due to my head, why couldn't he take a week off, even intentionally? I also realized just how important a good first impression is, and how imperative it is to give people an honest second chance. Because, damn, when Protagonist made it to the second session, they were the perfect final puzzle piece to the party. The game has been going amazing ever since, Tyler Walker even shows up every week with a pirate hat. He is a trip. Long Rest The term trope has started to get a negative connotation behind it in recent years. Things that become too predictable are not “fun” anymore. There are three ways to go about this fact 1. Avoid tropes altogether and sweep them under the rug. 2. Flip the tropes on their head and throw the guessers for a loop or 3. Go in headlong with the trope tongue in cheek style where everyone laughs at how predictable it is. There's a fourth option I suppose, and the one that I like the most, its the questioning option. Why did the dragon capture the princess? Why is she in another castle? Why are there so many goddamned rats? (That last one might be important). Lets meet the intrepid party though, shall we? The adventure begins as Edwin, Uzax, and Yllawynn are spending time at an inn. They have been there for about a week as separate patrons, but are aware of the other's presences. Flaunk had been there earlier in the week but it appears he has left recently without closing his tab. The bartender is not exactly happy about it. The three spend some time in the tavern talking to patrons and each other. Edwin and Uzax begin a bit of a rivalry about who is more reliable in a fight and Yllawynn tried to have an in depth culinary conversation with the cook of the inn (who literally only knows how to make stew) when a bar boy comes barreling out of the cellar, covered in bite marks, screaming about an infestation. Right behind him, multiple swarms of rats come squirming out of the opened cellar door and the team has the first combat! The combat got a bit dicey, a rat swarm ended up getting a critical hit (double damage) against Yllawynn and knocked her unconscious. It was at that moment I realized that the party had very little help in regards to healing. Uzaxx has some natural healing as a paladin, but I made a mental note that I should be generous with healing supplies. Yllawynn got her revenge though as after being brought back to conciousness she got off a huge sneak attack to finish off the last of the rats. Max combat damage did come out of Edwin though, and he made sure everyone knew about it. I feel like Uzax and Edwin are going to be an interesting dynamic. After defeating the rat swarms, the party explored the cellar and located a large hole in the wall leading to the depths below. Traversing the tunnels out of the inn, they reach a large sewer system under the city, they find Flaunk unconscious and tied up with rope, and three half human, half rat creatures. Something strange sure is happening in the city. And that is where session one wrapped up. The players were very excited to see what the hell was going on in the sewers and the unique rats in the cellar problem through them for a loop. But the question is... Why? Anime Protagonist makes his debut next entry and the Flaunk addition sure puts a spin on how things are going to roll. I waited to level them up due to missing a player to let Flaunk get some level 1 time. I will probably give them a level up after the next session though. With things turning well for the Dungeons and Dragons campaign quickly, maybe we can even right this ship for the end of our Kings season. Playoffs are a bit of a reach this year, but maybe, just maybe, we can get some momentum going into next year. All we can do is take a chance I suppose. Never know when you'll roll a Natural 20. @Advantage @Jericho @BOOM @diamond_ace
  6. 1. With the off-season well under way, what are you looking to improve on going into next season? I definitely want to try and be more consistent from week to week. Picking up points for a couple games in a row and then disappearing on my team won't help anyone throughout the course of an entire season. 2. What goals do you have your player going into the upcoming season? I just want to play as best as I can. I'd love to win rookie of the year but I know there is some tough competition. 3. If you could change one thing about the VHL or VHLM, what would it be? The main thing the VHL needs is me to be playing in it! 4. How has the pandemic been for you? What are you doing to keep busy? I began a blog and a Dungeons & Drsgons campaign with other VHL players. Its been.... interested to say the least. 5. Favourite pregame meal prior to a Mexico City Kings game? I had a dream to try every local place in the city, but that has been put on hold until the pandemic ends. For now I do some light carbs and a salad to keep my energy up during the game. 6. Once the pandemic is over, what will be the first thing you do? I'm going to lick Anime Protagonist @Jericho
  7. duckberg32

    PHI/MEX; S77

  8. 1017 Words Claiming for Weeks ending 3/14 and 3/21
  9. Long Rest : Line Shift Workload & The Unexpected Watson Stonebridge I've been told it is a right of passage for a blog to miss a promised deadline. I guess that means I am legitimate now, eh? Workload and time management are a fickle mistress. I had planned everything out that I could. The Reapers playoff run, prepping for my sessions, time for the sessions themselves, and even time to write my blog entries. Everything was perfect. And then the unexpected happened. I took a bad hit in the first game of the playoffs and it messed me up bad. I didn't tell anyone, but I started suffering pretty severe migraines for the rest of the series and few a week or so afterwards. I told myself I didn't want to let my team down, but in hindsight, and looking at my stat sheet, I think I may have anyway. We were all still proud of ourselves for making the playoff run, but falling out in the first round stung, even as a late addition to the team. I felt like I should have done more to prove to the team that I was worth their selection. I definitely want to take a moment to thank the Reapers management, Maximus, for taking a waiver on a kid like me, and Cody Lachance; who came into the league a the same time as me and helped make me not feel like the only newbie on the team. I hope we get to play together again sometime soon, and if not, then I plan to wreck you when we go head-to-head. Nothing personal, bud. I definitely need to give a shout out to Kjell Nilsson, who helped me my first day on the team as I wandered the stadium, utterly lost. I may still be wandering those cheese steak smelling halls to this day if it were not for you. I suppose that would not be the worst way to die, smother in chopped beef, cheese, and onions. Things did not go much better after the season ended though. A few teams reached out to show interest in drafting me, but I was in so much pain, even looking at a screen to try and comprehend what they were asking me made me nauseous. It got to the point that after I got better, I simply felt like it was too late to try to fix what I had screwed up, and maybe I'd only make things worse. “Hello sir, sorry for the delay. I have been suffering from migraines.” is not exactly the best opening line to give a team faith in you. Philadelphia and migraines do not exactly mix well, right Nolan Patrick? I can only imagine how my draft stock crashed after not responding to multiple managers. I can only hope that one of them reads this blog, I suppose, and accepts my sincerest apologies. The Dungeons and Dragons game has been going great though! We did delay our start due to my ailments, but the players that joined have been a joy. Okay, its been pure chaos, but that's not necessarily a bad thing when your lives are usually revolving around the strict diets and practice and game times, etc. I have realized I am playing what is called a “beer and pretzels” game. Though, I'm realizing its more like beer and pizza as Anime Protagonist and Tyler Walker always show up with both. I made a corner in my flat to make room for the game. We are going to start playing virtually on something called Roll20 and maybe move to in person games once it is safe to do so, which hopefully is soon. I could go for some non-contact human interaction... I meant hockey! I also realized I may have a dice addiction. I just blame it on all the different things I need to be prepared for. We had a few people offer to join and after reviewing their choices and meeting with them (virtually) we settled on two. Gunnar Odinson @BOOM, who is also going to a time of change as he was recently traded to Toronto, and Tynan Sylvester @diamond_ace , another new player to the VHL joined our little game to start. They have been great to have around and the five of us have gotten along swimmingly and the vibe is I think what we all need, especially this offseason. I did some research about how to start a campaign of Dungeons and Dragons and the main thing I found out was that we needed something called a “Session 0” and it made me realize that something like that isn't just good for the game. Its a tool that could, and should, be used in lots of places. A Session 0 involves all of the players coming together and talking about things they want in the game and the kinds of things they don't. You may be thinking “oh they want magic items, etc.” but it is more than that. I had an entire idea for a story involving dealing with slavery and racism, but multiple players mentioned that they do not want that involved in the game, as this is more of an escape for them, than a way to confront those issues. The key thing that you pick up from these sessions is the importance of listening. Not just hearing the words people say, but active understand and listening to intent. I obviously scrapped that idea and figured out another direction, and if the players do not read the blog, then they won't even have any idea that I was planning it. Another thing that we reviewed was the fact that I would be blogging about the game periodically. The players all agreed that they were fine with that and they looked forward to how people would react to their shenanigans. We will be having our first session in the coming weeks ad cannot wait to share with you all how they get started. Next time on Long Rest : Line Change – It All Began in a Tavern.
  10. Press conference for week ending 2/21. Answer all 6 to earn 2 TPE! 1) The long season is coming to an end soon. How do you maintain your level of focus throughout the entire season? Actually, I feel like I need to be the spark of energy the team uses to keep up and refocus for the final playoff push. I'm one of the new bloods to the team and we have to show we belong here with the rest of the team. 2) With 10 games left in the season, the Reapers are currently in 7th place. What will it take for the team to hold on to their position and make the playoffs? Look for the new players to light a fire under the rest of the team. If we step up and produce, the rest of the team is bound to as well. 3) Lots of things outside the hockey rink can affect on ice performance. Do you have anything happening outside hockey that might affect your play, good or bad? I did just start a blog about how my life is going relating to the VHL and the people I meet through it. 4) With COVID restrictions easing, fans are starting to be allowed into the arenas. What do you like most about having fans back at the games? Hearing the fans cheering as we take it to our opponents has always helped me focus on what needs to be done on the ice. We play for the fans, and they cheer for us. It's a self sustaining symbiotic relationship. 5) In a homage to Cricket, the VHL plans to introduce tea breaks into VHLM games. The home team gets to choose what tea to serve. What tea would you pick to serve to our opponents? It can be anything liquid. Fireball whiskey. If the alcohol doesn't get them, the taste sure will! 6) The Reapers are looking into enhancing our players with cyborg parts. To become a better hockey player, what part of your body would you ask to be upgraded? Why? I'd love secondary vision so that I could watch the play in front of me and keep my eyes on the puck at the same time!
  11. I have a game that I run and a player in 3 other games. I do not have time for another real game XD but I promise to treat anyone who creates with the utmost respect of any D&D character lol.
  12. Transaction ID: 20533735528626756 Season 76 Donation Doubles Week 5 Uncapped TPE 1M Player Store
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