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Posts posted by MetalToday

  1. Warsaw is looking deadly; with the recent signings and trade it’s becoming a powerhouse that will likely be at the top of the standings. I know I sound like a broken record; I said this last year and there was a rough start, but the new season shows a new team, and a new energy. With the resigning’s and the trade, this team improved, by quite a bit in fact, with the team going into its prime, and the Wilks trade bringing a top tier talent to Warsaw, the team is going to push the barrel. I think the team will need one more defense to really get where they want to be, however, the players on defense don’t seem to care all that much, they want more minute anyways. Warsaw only has 1.25 million$ in cap space to work with, and with a team retaining salary a 4th defense, it can be possible to trade for. It likely won’t be a crazy player, but it would be a good depth piece. Warsaw is a team to win now, they are losing many contracts at the end of the season, and there is a possibility that they go into another rebuild year. All in all, the team is going to be a team to watch this season, the team wants to show what they are worth, and it should be a good year for these players and their chemistry should be strengthened.

  2. 1. Training camp is open and the team looks great for Season 84! What are your player's season expectation for S84?


    I expect to be going deep in the playoffs, the team looks great, and I think the team will be READY this season.  


    2. GM @dlamb made a Blockbuster Trade to snatch up (himself) Vasile Lamb, a former 1st overall selection, from the New York Americans. Thoughts on the trade? Did we give up too much? Or perhaps was it a steal?


    Its what we needed now, I think It was quiet a fair trade.


    3. Heading into S84, as of right now we have 2 players under contract beyond the coming season. This makes S84 a pivotal season. Is the number of players in their contract year a cause for concern?


    Slightly, we got Kiss and a good depth player in sock for next season. Marner has an option to stay, and Dlamb is probably the most likely to stay. I'm sure some players will leave, but I wouldn't be surprised if we are still playoff contenders. But Yeah this is our best chance.


    4. With the start of S84 just around the corner and the S83 Awards about to be presented, let's have a look back at S83. What are your thoughts of how the first hybrid season went for the league?


    It went alright, I had to reset my player, my player design didnt work all that well. 


    5. Does donating to the VHL give people a more competitive edge? What are your thoughts on the concept of pay-to-win, in general?


    Pay-to-win is a terrible concept, people with money to spend wins? Naw. Donating gives a slight edge to people, but not a big one, I dont know id even call this pay to win, its a small edge that may not create a huge difference. 


    6. Tampa is down 0 - 2 to Colorado heading home to Game 3. They just got smoked 7 - 0 in game 2. Has fatigue finally caught up to Tampa Bay Lightning? Or is Colorado just that good?


    I said I wanted col to win, but it was a toss up, now at 3-1 I think col does it, but its Tampa, cant rule them out so soon. 

  3. Warsaw didn’t seem too involved at the draft other than trading some pick and Wilk to get back a 3rd rounder for next year and Vasile lamb. It is sad to see Robert Wilk leave Warsaw, but this is how the business goes sometimes. However welcome to Lamb, and regardless of the trade there are a couple of players that were drafted deep with Warsaw’s pick, so I hope to see more of them soon!


    First we got Warsaw’s 21st overall pick in Doug Britton, a decent defenseman who has been an active part of the minors. Let’s see if this 21st overall pick can come close to Warsaw’s 21st overall pick back in the S80 draft!


    Second pick of Warsaw was 26th overall which got Matt Thunder. He seems to be a slightly underrated player that slipped a little in the draft, I think the goalie could have a decent coming future.


    The third pick was 44th overall which got them Carson Hound, a prospect that started off in the top of the ranks, and disappeared, here’s to hoping he comes back and show that same dedication as he once did!


    Fourth pick was 55th overall in Bill Nye the Science Guy because… Well come on you know why smarty pants.


    The fifth and final selection for Warsaw this draft was 53rd overall and this was Robert Tallah, he hasn’t done much since joining like Bill Nye, but it’d be cool to see them back and kill it!

  4. Well, there is more news on the Brendan Marner holdout, his current team in Warsaw has come to him giving their pitch. Brendan Marner enjoyed this interaction and he liked and agreed with what Dlamb had to say. Brendan Marner thought of what he might do, and it sounds like his preferred destination is in Warsaw. It sounds like he wants to stay at this moment, however, he still wants to hear what other managers have to say, what they can offer Marner to join their team. Brendan Marner is looking for teams that will give a good opportunity for the cup, and right now everyone is saying, Warsaw is his best opportunity right now!


    Regardless of what people say or what people want, he has the right to do what he wants at this moment. It is highly likely that Marner will need a contract worth up to 5.5 million dollars, so there probably won’t be many teams that will be able to take that contract, except Warsaw. It is possible that some teams make trades or such to allow his on the team, but I just don’t see that being a likely scenario.


    Marner in Warsaw has not ended well either of the past 2 years, not about any locker room beefs or such, but just where they end up in the playoffs, or better yet, not in the playoffs in that first year with the team. Marner wants a win now team, and I think he has underrated Warsaw’s potential for this upcoming year. Yes, Warsaw left in the first round, but they have a team that can win more than most other teams, as the core has gotten older, Warsaw is looking more and more deadly, and as other teams are rebuilding and getting too old, its hard to see Warsaw not be a favourite this upcoming year.


    Brendan Marner was given a small timeline with Warsaw of when they might sign another player instead of Marner, so if Marner wants to stay, he can’t hold out too long or he will get replaced. Marner said, “Yeah, its fine, I’m looking to win, and I can see a couple of teams with the cap to sign me, so I will be interested to see if they contact me and persuade me on leaving the Predators. I will likely sign tomorrow before free agency opens if I decide to stay in Warsaw, but if a team shows more interest, then it will likely be a signing that next day. We will need to see tomorrow what happens.” So, there you have it. Brendan Marner will likely sign tomorrow if he decides to stay with Warsaw, and everything I’ve heard, he wants to stay, he just wants to feel the water more than anything.


    Obviously Marner will likely need a 5.5-million-dollar contract, but with how he is talking on winning I have wonders if he wants to negotiate more on his contract, or will he have faith in the team doing what’s best for him? It is a question to think about, but we will need to see what happens on his official contract.


  5. 1. As your new AGM of the Warsaw Predators, what could you tell me about your player that you would deem useful and helpful?


    Welcome sir, I am useful for a physical presence that can also collect the team a few point ;)


    2. S83 has ended. How did you felt your player did overall?


    Honestly not as good as I thought, I think I might have messed up after the new point system


    3. The European Conference was a gong show of powerhouses facing one another, but the championship trophy end up staying in the North American Conference, what do you suggest that could help bring the Cup over to Europe?


    Be Better Kids. Lol its all about heart, without it we will lose. 


    4. What is your player doing in this off season before the gruesome S84?


    Why is it a gruesome season? Well I will be training and watching for good contracts.


    5. NHL Stanley Cup Finals between Tampa and Colorado is starting tomorrow, who's going to win it all?


    I don't mind either team willing, the threepeat, or my boys in Colorado doing it, I want Colorado a little more. 


    6. What is one thing you would like to know about me?


    Why did you choose to come to Warsaw?

  6. This was a close series all together, with the series tied 3-3, who will be most ready for the cup? Moscow came out hot with 2 goals late in the first period, scored by Wattson Power, and George Sanderson respectively. The second period showed Seattle was ready to play though, as they came back with a quick goal by Zeedayno Chara, and later Sigard Petrenko also scored to make the score 2-2 after 2 periods. In the third period there wasn’t much that happened, however, that was up until the clock was just under 2 minutes, where Vinny Detroit scored a beautiful goal for Seattle, strengthening the Bears possibility of winning the cup, and as the clock wined down, the hope would become a reality for the Seattle Bears as they won the S83 Victory Cup!

  7. The VHL finals just finished up and we have a new winner, but before the celebration, we should look at how the series went. In game one, Seattle Bears were able to fight for their first game, collecting 5 goals and 56 shots, but Moscow had a slightly better first game shooting 70 shots and winning in the 2nd overtime to make the final score 6-5. The next game shown the Bears elite goaltending while the Menace took 62 shots, only 2 goals were allowed, And the Menace goaltending was not nearly as hot, as 3 goals were let in on 24 shots. With the series 1-1, Menace didn’t like the tie, so they planned out to take game 3. The game took until overtime, but Moscow was able to come out with the win 4-3, series is now 2-1 Moscow. The lead didn’t last for Moscow, getting destroyed in game 4 by Seattle 4-1, and yes, Seattle looked READY this game. With the series tied once again, 2-2, and the embarrassing loss Moscow had last game, they had to be ready, and they were, in fact they one upped Seattle’s win the previous game to collect a 5-1 win on only 18 shots for Moscow. With the Bears on the line for losing the cup, they were nervous, and it showed in the first period, but Seattle collected themselves in the second and came back for an overtime win 3-4 was the score. The series was now a winner take all and with a good push on both sides, Seattle ended up winning the cup by only one goal, 3-2 was game 7s score. So, congratulations to the Seattle Bears for the win, and to Moscow, I’m glad Russia lost, sorry… This series reminded me of the Toronto-Tampa Bay series this year, back and forth, with the team down the whole series, winning 2 in a row, interesting! Sorry if this was a little bland, I didn’t know what to talk about, and I was busy to even think of something.

  8. 1. If you were a world-famous celebrity, what would be your meme baby name?


    X Æ A-Xii would do the trick


    2. If you were reincarnated as an object, what would that be?


    A yummy Donut


    3. What are your thoughts on Sepak Takraw? (Look it up, the first video should do the trick)


    That's pretty crazy, but it would be crazier if they did it on skates.



    1.   Where should the next VHL team be located, and what would you call it?


    2.   Do you like the new STHS attribute system? 


    3.   What music do you listen to before a game?

  9. Brendan Marner is one of the top free agents this offseason, and there are many great teams that will likely look to add a top end left winger to their team. Where would he go and where in the lineup might he go? There are a few questions, but we will soon have answers with the offseason starting, the draft will soon happen, and the free agents will soon be talking with teams. Brendan Marner might end up staying with his team in Warsaw, as they are one of the more competitive teams in the league, but he is in win now mode. No team has contacted Marner for comment on what he is looking to get into, but that should change once free agents start being picked up. There are not many other teams that are as competitive as Warsaw is right now, that is why Marner is still leaving his draft team open as a potential destination. Warsaw left the playoffs in the first round this past season, and missed it the season before, which is why Brendan Marner wants to try something new. He would love to come back to North America to play near his home, but his priority is the cup, and right now, Europe has some of the toughest teams in the league.


    Brendan Marner may not be most teams first choice, looking into the top left wing free agents, there is a lot of top players, some younger, some older, that teams might turn to first. Although Brendan Marner is one of the top players in the league, he has a lot of competition for top spots, and considering his play style, not many teams may have the role to play him since his has such a unique style of playing. There is some belief Marner might have more interest and may move higher on the free agent list while some players may look to resign with their own teams, but looking at where we are in the season, this may not be the case. This is possible based on Helsinki not resigning 3 of their top players yet, could they be moving on, or has Helsinki’s GM waited longer than most to start contract talks? I don’t know, but one might assume they resign a player or 2, I mean they had a decent team, that was only improving. Nonetheless, Brendan Marner is going to have some options, but his options could be much smaller than he thinks, and quiet honestly, if most teams fill their roster fast, and Warsaw replaces him, this could mean huge disappointment for Marner, as his might need to settle with an average team, unlikely to win a cup. Overall, Brendan Marner is looking for a competitive team, who will likely make the finals, and needs a player like Brendan Marner to make a difference. One thing is for sure, if Brendan Marner signs in North America, it would be amazing to see a Marner versus Warsaw final!

  10. Riga needed a win to stay in the running for the cup, but they could not hold on to what they were striving towards. It was a tough battle, but in the end, Moscow moves on. It all started with Hard Markinsons goal midway through the first, to only be tied a minute later by Anze Miklavz. Things then went quite until the last period where Moscow got 2 quick goals by Kyosti Karjalainen and Jan Hlozek respectively. Riga seemed stunned, but wouldn’t give up so they popped another midway through the third by Battre Sandstrom. But with all to push and hard work Riga could not pop any more, instead Moscow scored yet another by Sergey Preobrazhensky. 4-2 is the final score.

  11. After a hard-fought battle Seattle beat out the Legion to claim the North American title and that will bring them closer to the cup. The elimination game, or games if you watched the stream, was easily won by Seattle, Toronto was only able to crack 1 goal by the Seattle goaltending early in the first by Cadmael Ixazaluoh, but Seattle doesn’t sit down and take it, they responded with a quick one by Sven Eightnine, and later took the lead by another goal from Sigard Petrenko. Toronto kept pushing though, taking 37 shots, while Seattle only took 31, but Seattle had the better opportunities, collecting 1 more goal by Zeedayno Chara to finish this game. 

  12. Well, another year in the books, and yet another early round exit for Brendan Marner. Although he missed the playoffs last season, it seems to be a consistent first round loss or playoff miss for Brendan Marner. This is not where anyone realistically wants to be, everyone wants to win the cup, they want a deep playoff run, they want to prove their player will be able to take your team to a cup, but its not there. Brendan Marner is looking into how he created his play style and realised it might have been the wrong style to build towards. He is re evaluating his year and looking how he can improve to strive for his rookie season type year. This may include looking at his team as well. Brendan Marner, after all, only signed a 1-year contract the previous season, he wanted to see how the team would be built and would judge whether he stays or goes the next season. Well, it is the next season, and it is up for Marner to decide where he goes, if anywhere. He obviously has a tough choice, on one hand the team had a great push for the end of the season after a rough first quarter, on the other hand, they lost in the first round. Warsaw has a good young team, but Brendan Marner can’t help but ask himself, is it worth if we lose in the first, second or even miss the playoffs? The point of playing is to win, you dont play the season for the fun of it, no its all about showing off the champion cup in the end, and have your name on it. Its hard to imagine Brendan Marner away from the team that believed in him back in the S80 draft, its hard to believe that he was drafted a deep 21st overall and is now considered to be a top 6 player from that draft class. Warsaw gave him a chance, they knew they might have a hidden gem, but they didn’t think he would improve this much, nonetheless, Marner kept working and was thankful for the opportunity, his training never ended. So, Warsaw or not, the team that raised him will always be remembered by Brendan Marner. Brendan Marner will likely test free agency in the end, but keep in mind one of his preferred locations will be Warsaw, but he wants a cup, and if a team offers him what he wants and gives a better chance at victory, than he will just need to scoop that opportunity up. Missing Brendan Marner in the lineup will likely be a slight blow to Warsaw, he can produce above average points, but still plays physical, however, there seems to be some good free agent players, so if Warsaw and Marner parts ways, he would likely be replaced quite easily. Although this is far from the end of Brendan Marner and Warsaws relationship, it will likely be lost for at least a couple weeks.

  13. We are facing elimination in Warsaw, the team is shocked, we thought we would be real competitors for the cup, we had so much confidence we weren’t really thinking about round one. That could have been one of the reasons we were not ready for this challenge. I know we are not out, but I do not believe many people saw Warsaw going down so far so fast, we still have a chance to come back, and a 3-game winning streak is not a strange thing for us, but these are different times, the pressure is on, the games are soon, and we need to be ready. If this is where we are eliminated, it will go down as, quite honestly, and unacceptable loss. There really isn’t much I can think the team need to do to improve, it’s the playoff, the only thing you can do is change the game plan, and hope the team comes out flying. Warsaw is not out yet, I believe the games will be within the next hour, and we need to be ready for anything.

  14.        Hey its theme week! Yeah, I guess that’s a thing. Anyways the theme to talk about is appreciation, and how you love, or just give gratitude to the members helping to make this possible. I really don’t know how to go in a deep dive, I don’t really know everyone’s rolls, or how much work is needed to create this simulation possible. I feel like there is a lot of time taken out of the higher members to give us this daily sims, and weekly point tasks. For this I say thank you! Is that all I need to do? Just say thank you for the stuff they give us? I don’t now, I will just review some rolls that I think takes a lot of time and effort to complete, I will try to do a deeper dive from here.


           Most players get drafted, and every week after the draft there is an updated forum in the draft class to show where everyone ranks with the tpe and the average capped tpe each player collects each week. I think this would be quite some work to update all the draft classes each week until the players are forced into retirement. Its crazy to think he always seems to complete it early in on Monday as well. So, thanks to rjfryman for the weekly draft updates. (Also, I was picked 21st overall, I still don’t see my draft rank there T.T)


           Going through and doing a weekly Fantasy hockey seems to be an easy way to collect tpe, but there is a lot of players who do the fantasy and with that there is quite a bit of work to be had. Obviously, there is a lot of names that get put in the bunch and picking the best match’s and extra questions can be a hassle for anyone making these surveys. The big portion however, its going through and giving the players their handouts, that takes some time. I know it seems to be automated, but I don’t know what all goes on in the background. I don’t think the @s are automated but again I’m not too sure, nonetheless thank you to youloser1337 for that time doing the fantasy zones.


           Next I want to touch on the simmers, now I don’t know who does them, but I really appreciate them as there has been very little missed days for sims, and considering the person or people (I don’t know how many people do them) almost never miss a day you need to take a step back and say wow, they do sims every day, taking that time out and do the sims daily, without taking a vacation. Just amazing thank you to the simmer.


           Obviously, you need to thank the coders, and the site designers for their contribution, as well as the server keeping this forum and portal up and running, without these people sacrificing most of their time, we would have nothing here, we would’ve not met each other, and the friendship made here would’ve never happened. To that I say cheers!


           And to everyone, thank you for the time you spent on this forum, without the regulars, even the comers and goers, it makes this site possible. Thank you.


  15. Warsaw made it, there is not another year of disappointment, nor another year of just missing the playoffs. This was a step that was expected for Warsaw, even with the rough start that they had. Warsaw seemingly just made the playoffs only clinching the playoff spot by only 5 points, but when looking at the overall standings, they are 4th. They are the 4th best team in the league, but almost missed the playoffs. This might prove Warsaw will have a difficult path, in fact anyone in Europe will likely have many tough series, while NA will probably have 1 competitive team, Seattle Bears. This might give doubt to Warsaw’s success, but since the team started having more success a quarter of the way through the season, they might look underrated. Warsaw has been able to go on multiple winning streaks since the poor start and is currently on a 5-game winning streak, if they are able to keep the momentum, I think their playoff run is inevitable, and will probably be deep. Watch out for Warsaw.

  16. 1. We clinched the playoffs! And to add on to that, we by-passed the wild card round, and straight to the real deal! Riga :rig: is our round 1 opponent. How do you feel we match up with them? Do we have a chance? Riga's to lose? Series prediction? 


    Rigas gonna lose no doubt, Warsaw #1


    2.  How do you feel about the VHL playoffs as a whole? Is there a clear favourite? A team that you think will surprise everyone?


    Warsaw is the favorite and may surprise :P 


    3. Every single skater on our team scored a game winning goal this season. Kisslinger, Aberg, and Marner all tied for the team lead with 6. What does this say about our team?


    we have many players ready to step up and get us the go ahead goal!


    4. Did you participate in theme week this season? Do you like the theme? Why or why not?


    I havent done the theme week yet, hopefully its good lol


    5. What is the best flavour of Gatorade? If you don't know the exact name of the flavour, the colour works too 😂


    god I don't know haven't had Gatorade in a while. I remember liking the blue though


    6. Now to the real NHL playoffs, which two teams do you have making it to the finals? I'm thinking Tampa and Colorado.


    Tampa and Colorado seems very realistic 


  17. Game 528 Review:


    This is quite a big game for London, they are in a 4 team battle for a playoff spot, if they lose this game they will be 2 points behind with only a few games left in the season, but this was also against the second-best team in a comfortable spot in North America. Toronto showing why they are second in NA comes out with the first goal by Kyle Peace, but soon after Rolf Fizzlebeef Jr gets one for London to tie the score in the first period. Pretty early in the second Armani Calamari puts Toronto up yet again, but again London says no and gets another goal by Matt Avens to tie it yet again, it is 2-2 after 2 periods of play. The third period showed how much energy London had as they had all the momentum and Zaza Colors got them the lead for the first time in this game and London was able to hold Toronto off for the rest of the game. The final score was 3-2 for London and shots were 28-27 for London. Now London has a little bit of leeway as the season winds down to the final moments.


  18. Brendan Marner has about a point a game right now with Warsaw, and he is only happy because of the winning momentum his team is on right now. Without the team he has right now, I think it would be guaranteed that he would not be invested as he has been, and he might even be turning his back on the team if they tanked and missed the playoffs again. Although the team is not locked into a playoff spot yet, he seems to be confident that the team will be locked in by the end of the season, going so far and saying, “We have a good chance at winning it all right now”. Its needless to say Marner is pretty excited about their chances right now, but he said he wants to be better with his hitting and scoring skills as he is well below his rookie seasons stats. Although his was to play better personally, it is important to remember Warsaw is playing a middle game, not too much offense or defense, so there really aren’t any top scorers on the team, but a slightly better defensive team compared to other producing teams.

  19. I almost forgot to make a media spot this week, but I have noticed that I haven’t been as into this league as much recently. While I was in school, I think I wanted to give myself something to do and this forum seemed to allow me to think and practice writing, not that I needed that for my schooling, but it still helps overall. I enjoy this forum, but it does take a lot of time as I want to do other things during my summer. Does this mean I will stop making media spots? Not necessarily, I want to continue collecting max capped tpe every week but don’t be surprised if I miss a week or two. Regardless of my lack of interest in the league the past couple of weeks, I still enjoy seeing how my player is playing and how the team is doing, but I usually check and go. I’m pleased with where my player is right now, on a good team and he is putting up a… good number of points, I guess? One of my slight pet peeves of this simulation is the insane amount of scoring involved. I personally think the points should be based on NHL points. Yes, there were many players in the NHL reaching the 100 points mark this year, but this simulation has 72 games and more players reaching the 100-point mark, and defensemen are that good at getting points too? Ahh, it's not a big deal in the end, but my player is averaging about a point a game which is great in real life, but kind of average in this simulation. I do think my player should be better offensively, in fact, the Warsaw team should be killing it offensively, but for some reason, we couldn’t do it and we seemed to have taken a bit of a defensive style instead. I think the team is better than our record shows, but what the record shows is honestly not so convincing, we need to take some of those easy losses and win them, we need to prove that we will be a tough team to beat in the playoffs if we want to win anything. The fact that we are 1 point from missing the playoffs should be terrifying and let me tell you, it scares me to only just miss the playoffs by a couple of points 2 years in a row, I like being a competitive threat in the league, and I want to win a cup. I won a gold medal a couple of seasons ago with team Canada in the junior tournament, and that gave me a push to continue here, it was nice to see my player play so well in that tournament, and to be picked was pretty cool as well. I need a victory for once with a big team, not just in that tournament. I do see that the Europe division is stacked, with 6 teams over 85 points and the North American division only having 1 team with more than 85 points and the time of writing this, it would make sense that some teams in Europe should make it that won't, but in the end, if you can't fight for your spot in the playoffs, you probably won't fight your way to the cup, so I’m interested to see how Warsaw reacts to this pressure.

  20. 1. Warsaw is in a tight EU race with London, Prague, and Helsinki. Which team out of the 4 will be the 1 to miss the post-season when all is said and done?


    London, full of bad young kids... No im not salty they took my rookie trophy 


    2.  We currently have 3 players set to hit Unrestricted Free Agency at the end of the season - Bogdan Trunov, Brendan Marner, and Omi Aberg. What can we do to sway them to stick around in the Blue and Orange?


    Geez thats gonna be tough, but convincing them the teams gonna continue this streakin the future would be big id think


    3. Are you in any affiliate sim leagues? Have you ever been in one? Is there anything other leagues do that VHL doesn't that you would like to see here? 


    No i dont follow many sim leagues


    4. What VHL team has surprised you, either positively or negatively, through ~60 games of Season 83?


    Warsaw, I thought wed be contenders but with such a bad start I thought wed have a bust of a year, then everything turned around



    5. Out of the 4 series remaining in the NHL Playoffs, which series do you find the most interesting?


    Calgary Edmonton and Florida Tampa series I have been following the most


    6. What is one thing you can't live without?


    Lol my computer


  21. 1. Warsaw's season has seemed to hit a turning point, and we are now one of the hottest 🔥 teams in the VHL. What changed that made us start playing winning hockey?


    Having a new group of guys could take a minute to build real chemistry.


    2.  At the time of writing, Warsaw has played 48 of 72 games. Who is our team's MVP thus far?


    Most people might say Nalwa, but I'm gonna say Kisslinger. I really respect players who produce and give huge hits. He is one of the top producers and top hitters on the team.


    3. If the playoffs started today, we would face the Prague Phantoms in the play-in round. Who would be your idea round 1 opponent?


    I don't think about that, if we are able to fold the top team in the league, we can win it all. somebody needs to take out the good teams, if we start early, we can have an easier road later. 


    4. 3 Game 7s in the NHL on Saturday, with BOS v. CAR, TOR v. TBL, and LAK v. EDM. Make your picks, which teams are moving on?


    Carolina, Tampa Bay, Edmonton. I think Carolina has been too cocky, but I think they can do it, Edmonton because I wanna see them move on, and Tampa Bay because I don't trust the Leaf's in game 7. I said if the Leaf's don't win game 4 they probably will not win, I think they needed that bigger lead.


    5. The hot weather is finally here to stay where I am, with summer quickly approaching, do you have any plans to travel (or just big plans in general) now that most restrictions are lifted?


    Not really, just happy to be back to some normality.


    6. If you could only drink one kind of pop/soda for the rest of your life, which would you choose?


    Do Peace Teas count?


  22. With Warsaw coming out with a bang mid-season it is no surprise people are looking at them as possible cup champions. Warsaw has been having some trouble offensively, having nobody even close to the top 10 in points in the league, they have tightened up defensively, and it is working as the goaltending has nearly a 920 and they are now on the low end for goals against in the league. With the team having a poor start to the season the numbers will be slightly worse for the season they are having, but as the right strategies have changed and put in place, next season numbers should look much better. Although the numbers don’t look so nice right now, that isn’t what the team seems to be focused on, they seem to be focused on getting higher in the standings to be able to play an easier team in the post season. They are very much looking to finish on top within the next couple of seasons, and seeing how young the team is now, they have a few seasons left for their contender status. If the contracts could be extended, or even trade/sign more and better players then they might even have a better chance. This team is on crack right now, and it will be fun to see how far they can take it, and it seems like most players agree they are a tough team for anyone to play right about now.  

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