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About JumpierPegasus

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  1. Please don't tell people we are friends on Snapchat, that was a weak moment. Accept Also in what world am I worth 4 million? ffs Daniel
  2. Laptop charger broke... +3
  3. 0 games played, 0 points scored, Maxime Perron is moving across Europe to his new home in Davos. After being considered "no longer a youth player" and not being eligible for the VHLM, Perron quickly found himself with an issue. There was no room for him on Helsinki. The team was going through widespread changes, and the roster looked jam packed with players that were going to make the team deadly going into the season. And while he would have enjoyed being a part of that, he knows this is better for him. He was traded to HC Davos. After his first practice back with his team in Helsinki, he was notified by his General Manager that he had been moved and to pack up his stuff. Now he moves to a new city, with new players, but it isn't all bad. He never had a huge chance to rub elbows with teammates in Helsinki, and his career starts off simply in a different city. This season will be key to see if the pickup was a good one for Davos, and Perron hopes to impress the brass in his first season on the team.
  4. Shit son, whaatttt??? Sorry for shitting on your plans Helsinki. Good luck, thanks for giving me an opportunity. Excited to start in Davos
  5. "Lying" I haven't made a sig in about 2 years at this point, so kind of starting over from almost scratch. I remember trying to start again a few months ago and it being so bad that I got unmotivated, but this one was okay so I'm going to try to get back into it
  6. Since sitting atop the VHLM scoring table, Perron has had some issues holding onto his level of play. He lost his main winger in Brampton, which lead to a team slide, and the eventual trade of Perron to the Oslo Storm, a competing team in the European division. Since the trade, however, Perron's numbers have dropped even further than previously, and he has fallen to only 12 points in 21 games. His teammate, Romanowski, who was traded with him from Brampton, also hit a slump in Oslo, with 11 points in as many games. It hurt the 2nd year VHLM forward immensely in the points race, and he simply fell out of contention ending the season with only 92 points, when previously on pace to break 150 at the halfway point of the season. Unfortunate, but Perron is not going to let it get him down, as he is going to attempt to keep pace in the playoffs, and make Helsinki going into next season
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