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Steve last won the day on October 28

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About Steve

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    Axle Gunner
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  1. I don't want to stop playing in a league that I have loved for 4 years. I will swallow my pride and continue to max earn. Thanks to my friends that commented. 

    1. Masu Chan

      Masu Chan

      Glad to hear it! We don't really know each other but I'm happy that we'll have the chance to talk one day, :D and maybe even be on the same team! 

    2. jacobcarson877
    3. Gustav


      Hey, I know it's been a while since we've talked about anything but I was sad to see your initial post and happy to see this one. There's actually quite a bit I don't like in this league (and the things you mentioned are at least partly in that category), but I'm also very much of the opinion that it's perfectly OK as long as I can still appreciate the stuff that keeps me here.


      It's also great to voice those disagreements, and I'm glad you did. I think the fact that anyone here can make a difference with productive dissent is part of what makes our league great (and honestly it's sometimes one of the most rewarding parts of being a member).

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