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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    Steve reacted to Banackock for a status update, Why are people so dumb with ai? Wonder who is next dumb one to be caught?!   
    Why are people so dumb with ai? Wonder who is next dumb one to be caught?!
  2. Like
    Steve reacted to leandrofg for a status update, Shame on @Steve and @ Grape for not getting the 'Uniqueness' bonus in Super Coach.   
    Shame on @Steve and @Grape for not getting the 'Uniqueness' bonus in Super Coach.
  3. Like
    Steve got a reaction from AJW for a status update, Awesome team of Updaters. They are all on the ball. A very good sign and makes me fee   
    Awesome team of Updaters. They are all on the ball. A very good sign and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. GG team.
  4. Cheers
    Steve got a reaction from Arce for a status update, Awesome team of Updaters. They are all on the ball. A very good sign and makes me fee   
    Awesome team of Updaters. They are all on the ball. A very good sign and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. GG team.
  5. Like
    Steve got a reaction from jacobcarson877 for a status update, Awesome team of Updaters. They are all on the ball. A very good sign and makes me fee   
    Awesome team of Updaters. They are all on the ball. A very good sign and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. GG team.
  6. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Tim Robinson for a status update, I don't want to stop playing in a league that I have loved for 4 years. I will swallo   
    I don't want to stop playing in a league that I have loved for 4 years. I will swallow my pride and continue to max earn. Thanks to my friends that commented. 
  7. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Banackock for a status update, I don't want to stop playing in a league that I have loved for 4 years. I will swallo   
    I don't want to stop playing in a league that I have loved for 4 years. I will swallow my pride and continue to max earn. Thanks to my friends that commented. 
  8. Like
    Steve got a reaction from KaleebtheMighty for a status update, I don't want to stop playing in a league that I have loved for 4 years. I will swallo   
    I don't want to stop playing in a league that I have loved for 4 years. I will swallow my pride and continue to max earn. Thanks to my friends that commented. 
  9. Cheers
    Steve got a reaction from Masu Chan for a status update, I don't want to stop playing in a league that I have loved for 4 years. I will swallo   
    I don't want to stop playing in a league that I have loved for 4 years. I will swallow my pride and continue to max earn. Thanks to my friends that commented. 
  10. Sad
    Steve got a reaction from jacobcarson877 for a status update, I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the har   
    I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the harse regression. 
  11. Sad
    Steve got a reaction from sadie for a status update, I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the har   
    I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the harse regression. 
  12. Sad
    Steve got a reaction from Banackock for a status update, I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the har   
    I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the harse regression. 
  13. Sad
    Steve got a reaction from rory for a status update, I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the har   
    I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the harse regression. 
  14. Sad
    Steve got a reaction from Subject056 for a status update, I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the har   
    I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the harse regression. 
  15. Sad
    Steve got a reaction from KaleebtheMighty for a status update, I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the har   
    I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the hybrid system or the harse regression. 
  16. Fire
    Steve got a reaction from fishy for a status update, What happened to that arrow that takes you back to the top of the page?   
    What happened to that arrow that takes you back to the top of the page? 
  17. Like
    Steve got a reaction from rory for a status update, New home with the LA Stars.   
    New home with the LA Stars. 
  18. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Fire Tortorella for a status update, Wow, May 18th was my 1 year anniversary for being in this league. Time really does fl   
    Wow, May 18th was my 1 year anniversary for being in this league. Time really does fly. 
  19. Like
    Steve got a reaction from gorlab for a status update, Wow, May 18th was my 1 year anniversary for being in this league. Time really does fl   
    Wow, May 18th was my 1 year anniversary for being in this league. Time really does fly. 
  20. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Garsh for a status update, Wow, May 18th was my 1 year anniversary for being in this league. Time really does fl   
    Wow, May 18th was my 1 year anniversary for being in this league. Time really does fly. 
  21. Like
    Steve got a reaction from Gustav for a status update, Wow, May 18th was my 1 year anniversary for being in this league. Time really does fl   
    Wow, May 18th was my 1 year anniversary for being in this league. Time really does fly. 
  22. Cheers
    Steve got a reaction from pennypenny for a status update, You can't reason with kids.   
    You can't reason with kids.
  23. Cheers
    Steve got a reaction from Elmebeck for a status update, NY Americans for life!!   
    NY Americans for life!!
  24. Love
    Steve got a reaction from birb for a status update, NY Americans for life!!   
    NY Americans for life!!
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