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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Early years Born September 19th, 2000 Sergei grew up in the capital city, of Russia. He is the cousin of Pavel, and the nephew of feared enforcer Vlad. His mother Sasha Komarov the sister of Vlad, and father an american Conrad Leetch. Who is the cousin of former NHLer Brian Leetch. With such a hockey rich family it is no shock Sergei was hooked from a young age. He held a stick at the age of 3 years old, one signed by his uncle. Even though Sergei would have only been 5-6 when Vladimir retired from the VHL. He had fond memories, his mother had to put cushions up along the house walls where Sergei would love to pretend to crush opponents against the board like his uncle did. He often got in trouble in kids leagues for attempting to check other kids. It was clear he loved to play the physical game even from a young age. He loved the game, even at a young age he showed signs of brillance. He wasnt just a wiz on the ice however, he excelled in school, infact he was in elite prep schools in Moscow as soon as he could, he was always amoung the top of his class in terms of grades. No matter if his hockey career took off or not he was bound for great things. The key was keeping his mind on school, instead of hockey which they felt was not prestigious enough for a mind like his. He was always pushed more towards academics, even though his family allowed him to play hockey. High School Sergei had a knack for math, he seemed to really excell at physics as well. Infact he was on the fast track to join the most prestigous university in all of Russia. However, despite his family and many of his teachers trying to steer him to academics it was clear he wanted to play hockey. He was a star on the team, but he certianly had issues, his coaches always having to calm him down remind him to not crush kids in a league that was not overly physical. At 6'8 at only 16 years of age, he towered over his opponents, most who saw him moved right out of the way. He used his knowledge, in math and physics to see the game at a whole new level. His brain allowed him to see the game at a different level that his peers. He graduated, high school with the highest grade point average amoung his peers. He was in a bidding war, between Harvard, MIT, and Oxford. All of them wanted him to come and study in their grand school. After a long debate, he settled on MIT. He joined its prestigous engineering program, which should land him a fantasic career. University years. He studied for many years engineering, in MIT as he honed his mind for what his family hoped would be a long and great career. His grades were once amoung the top, every year amoung the top 3 for his class. The move over to the United States however, just ignited his passion for hockey even more. He would always see NHL games when he had down time from his studies. However he, wanted to keep his parents happy, outside of a beee league that he joined for fun. He barely played hockey, it was the one wish his family had for him and he obeyed it. After all to most Russians family is everything. 4 years later he graduated, and moved back to Russia. However, upon return his family realized they were holding him back from his happiness. He wanted to play hockey so bad, but he was obeying his familys wishes. After a long debate they decided he could pursue his career of choice. Knowing he could always go back, when his career is done. Atleast he has, earned his degree and was finished school. He was so happy, when they broke the news to him. He quickly called his uncle who was GM of Omask at the time looking to jump start his career. Path to the VHL It began, he started off by playing with Omask, in the KHL. He earned a rep as a great 200foot player who could crush bodies. One season in he was recruited to the VHLM, where he was drafted 25th overall in the 5th round by the Las Vegas Aces. His first season saw him, prove his two way game was elite and his draw ability amoung the best. It raised questions about his offensive ability however, though he showed noticeable improvement since day one. His playoffs is where he really showed off his ability, he finished number one in faceoffs, well showing better offensive flare. Helping the Aces upset the heavily favoured Oslo Storm in the second round before being swept in the finals by Saskatoon. However the score tells the series was much closer than it told with 3 games being decided by one goal. His first season, and rapid development helped him take notice in the VHL draft. The New York Americans were so pleased with his developement that they chose him to be a part of the next wave, of franchise faces for them. Drafting him third overall, a far strech from where he landed in the VHLM. He is expected to go back down for a season, as New York sees no reason to throw him into the fire, as they are expected to battle for first overall pick. It will allow him to gain confidence as he is expected, to be a key piece of the Aces offense going forward. Once he wraps up this season, he could very well contend for rookie of the year if his development continues to at the current pace he had this year. He has high hopes and it is clear that the Americans believe he can be a huge part of their franchise after blowing it all up, then choose him over more developed prospect Aac.
  2. Early years Born September 19th, 2000 Sergei grew up in the capital city, of Russia. He is the cousin of Pavel, and the nephew of feared enforcer Vlad. His mother Sasha Komarov the sister of Vlad, and father an american Conrad Leetch. Who is the cousin of former NHLer Brian Leetch. With such a hockey rich family it is no shock Sergei was hooked from a young age. He held a stick at the age of 3 years old, one signed by his uncle. Even though Sergei would have only been 5-6 when Vladimir retired from the VHL. He had fond memories, his mother had to put cushions up along the house walls where Sergei would love to pretend to crush opponents against the board like his uncle did. He often got in trouble in kids leagues for attempting to check other kids. It was clear he loved to play the physical game even from a young age. He loved the game, even at a young age he showed signs of brillance. He wasnt just a wiz on the ice however, he excelled in school, infact he was in elite prep schools in Moscow as soon as he could, he was always amoung the top of his class in terms of grades. No matter if his hockey career took off or not he was bound for great things. The key was keeping his mind on school, instead of hockey which they felt was not prestigious enough for a mind like his. He was always pushed more towards academics, even though his family allowed him to play hockey. High School Sergei had a knack for math, he seemed to really excell at physics as well. Infact he was on the fast track to join the most prestigous university in all of Russia. However, despite his family and many of his teachers trying to steer him to academics it was clear he wanted to play hockey. He was a star on the team, but he certianly had issues, his coaches always having to calm him down remind him to not crush kids in a league that was not overly physical. At 6'8 at only 16 years of age, he towered over his opponents, most who saw him moved right out of the way. He used his knowledge, in math and physics to see the game at a whole new level. His brain allowed him to see the game at a different level that his peers. He graduated, high school with the highest grade point average amoung his peers. He was in a bidding war, between Harvard, MIT, and Oxford. All of them wanted him to come and study in their grand school. After a long debate, he settled on MIT. He joined its prestigous engineering program, which should land him a fantasic career. University years. He studied for many years engineering, in MIT as he honed his mind for what his family hoped would be a long and great career. His grades were once amoung the top, every year amoung the top 3 for his class. The move over to the United States however, just ignited his passion for hockey even more. He would always see NHL games when he had down time from his studies. However he, wanted to keep his parents happy, outside of a beee league that he joined for fun. He barely played hockey, it was the one wish his family had for him and he obeyed it. After all to most Russians family is everything. 4 years later he graduated, and moved back to Russia. However, upon return his family realized they were holding him back from his happiness. He wanted to play hockey so bad, but he was obeying his familys wishes. After a long debate they decided he could pursue his career of choice. Knowing he could always go back, when his career is done. Atleast he has, earned his degree and was finished school. He was so happy, when they broke the news to him. He quickly called his uncle who was GM of Omask at the time looking to jump start his career. Path to the VHL It began, he started off by playing with Omask, in the KHL. He earned a rep as a great 200foot player who could crush bodies. One season in he was recruited to the VHLM, where he was drafted 25th overall in the 5th round by the Las Vegas Aces. His first season saw him, prove his two way game was elite and his draw ability amoung the best. It raised questions about his offensive ability however, though he showed noticeable improvement since day one. His playoffs is where he really showed off his ability, he finished number one in faceoffs, well showing better offensive flare. Helping the Aces upset the heavily favoured Oslo Storm in the second round before being swept in the finals by Saskatoon. However the score tells the series was much closer than it told with 3 games being decided by one goal. His first season, and rapid development helped him take notice in the VHL draft. The New York Americans were so pleased with his developement that they chose him to be a part of the next wave, of franchise faces for them. Drafting him third overall, a far strech from where he landed in the VHLM. He is expected to go back down for a season, as New York sees no reason to throw him into the fire, as they are expected to battle for first overall pick. It will allow him to gain confidence as he is expected, to be a key piece of the Aces offense going forward. Once he wraps up this season, he could very well contend for rookie of the year if his development continues to at the current pace he had this year. He has high hopes and it is clear that the Americans believe he can be a huge part of their franchise after blowing it all up, then choose him over more developed prospect Aac.
  3. Your generally a pain to deal with speaking from experience but i never got a totally trash offer from you
  4. Bush was GM of Davos? Must have been a LONG time ago cuz i never had him
  5. I cant speak for Boubai, but had you drafted me 2nd overall(assuming i keep this pace). I woulda played a season or 2 for you to then flip me for what would likely have been a better return
  6. For those who know me i never like to toot my own horn. Im harsh on myself, its always been my personality. I generally aim high, ive never aimed for the HOF, or individual award. Ive aimed for cups, loyalty, and just having fun here. This try im going for broke, since stepping down as GM i went rather quiet, i was bored of the league. I stuck around because of the support i had during my hard times, like my wifes passing. When i finally could create a new player i needed something to get me back into the swing. I wasnt going to be GM, only team ill GM again is Davos. So i put in all my effort, into Sergei. Who lets face it has been an utter disapointment production wise. Normally that off put me, see me give up. It has not though, i keep driving myself. I expect i wont go top 3, id think it a safe bet for top 5 though. I should be 3-4 in terms of TPE, once all said is done. Weird that i dont think ill go top 3 desipte that TPE level? 2 guys around me are wild cards, Aay, and Holy Fook. Both members are guys with greater track records than myself. Something i feel could play a role when it comes to draft time. The other wild card, Ay Ay Ron, he could very well fall into GM designation if rumors are true. Defenders, are this years bread an butter which could argue for myself, going higher due to positional needs. Ive now had two articles, one written of player above me stating he feels i will be drafted ahead of him, which would likely see me finish 3rd. Another member put me second, now this is mainly based on Ay Ay Ron being GM designated GM player. Its crazy, to think i could go that high. Something i admit id never see coming. Im expecting to fall 4-5, which still places me as my best ever draft class. Despite the fact that, Vladimir actually will finish higher in TPE. Pavel will have only finished 30 or so less, goes to show how strong my draft classes generally are. Is it really possible that Colone picks me? The express GM ive heard on multiple occasions state he recreated due to such a deep defense draft. Him needing forward. Does that mean he looks at Sergei as a legit option, if Ay Ay Ron isnt designated it be impossible to pass over him. If he is though? What then Sergei has quickly been catching Aay, passed Holy Fook, and many others. Showing very little sign of slowing down to this point. Whats interesting to note however is development, at this point it is safe to assume Sergei needs another year in the VHLM. Well Aay does not, he likely can step in and play a role this season. He is still developing and could very well be a franchise defender himself. Something every team covets. Sergei however could come out of juniors next year more developed than Aay, and step right into a top 6 role. Its unclear how the draft will play out, Sergei could even fall farther than the top 5. We will not know till the draft plays out as the day still needs to be set.
  7. No way i go 2nd lol but thanks for considering me over the other 2 options if not AyRon
  8. Both Pavel and Sergei made it to the finals. Sergei and Vegas a long shot to win the finals, was not shocked that they lost. Though the series was much closer than a sweep suggests. Pavel however, was seen smashing a stick, his final season and 3rd finals loss. Quebec blew it, leading the series 3-2 they let their egos get in the way and lost it all. With the 2 finals losses that makes the Komarov family 0-5. Yes thats right 5 title shots 0 wins. Will this effect Komarovs stock? Why would someone want to draft a member of a family who just cant come through when it matters. Sergei is just begining his journey, one that has started off on a great footing, his draft stock improvng every day. Hes is potentially a top 5 pick. He wont finish above the top 3 in his class, all of whom had a significant head start this offseason training. Is the Komarov family the WOAT?
  9. I cant see myself going ahead of a player whose built HOFers and a better resume.
  10. @Frank when we expecting VHLM tracker pay out?
  11. Pavel Komarov couldnt be on the roster due to his time line. It was Vlad
  12. When you just drop straight facts, cuz your pissed off at whiners

    1. boubabi


      what's the problem with non straight facts ? Gay lives matter

  13. Komarov 25TPE Gunder 134 TPE Denning 14TPE Louth 46TPE Broduer 44TPE Jones 39TPE Sztowski 16TPE Aces updates missing Oslo missing updates Johnson 104TPE Kensignton 42TPE But ya that one change will make all the difference :/ Oslo is totally getting fuck LMFAO imagine if we actually were updated? Whats that oh like 150+ more TPE were missing. GET THE HELL OVER IT. Theres one game to play, ive seen bigger upsets.
  14. First player played 6 seasons not 5. Probably would have been 7 had the team been ready.
  15. The Pens Defense was mobile though, thats the thing the teams going deep now a days are mobile. Nashville, Ducks, Pens, hell even to some extent Oilers. I think its held back the caps a ton our defense outside of Shattinkirk, and Carlsson arent very mobile. Alzner, Orlov, Niskannen etc are all decent offense but not the greatest mobility. I mean obviously they also need to be able to play. I personally think also the Habs are gunna be burned by the Beulieu trade but thats just me
  16. Its been an interesting year to say the least for Russian center. He went from being a guy barely on the radar. The last pick of the 5th round. To a highly talked about prospect. The question is, does he deserve to be?. He continues to not produce, 4 points in 9 games is a better scoring pace than he put in the regular season. However his strongest asset is his draw ability, he leads the playoffs with 67%. Playing against 2 guys who were ahead of him in the regular season, it shows he has grown during the season. The problem many raise to this day is what can he do with the puck?. It has not been good up to this point, his production could see his name fall farther. Despite being a high riser, if he does fall and blooms into a star he could very well burn some teams who didnt see his potential early on.
  17. Poor Habs Alzner first pairing. Yes he was as a cap for abit. But his footspeed just isnt there. It was never great but hes been degrading pretty quick. I was fine letting him walk. Hes gunna be a bottom 6 guy in a few years PK specalist
  18. They never update just one team. Its always all or none. Also LOL to people saying we woke up last i checked we were up now 2 times this series to Oslos one
  19. My last memory is right now Komarov proving many GMs wrong growing a strong player to be one of my best.
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