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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. I do, had to clean up after him and Ahma:p
  2. The Komarov family has been a talented and loyal to the VHL. They also have been very soft spoken, however in a move that experts are saying, is basically a message to VHL GMs more than against the VHLM GMs. With the 14th overall pick, the Brampton Blades they select PASS, What in the flying****, Sergei was shocked when not only did he continue to slid, but a team just straight up passed over everyone else. Brampton made a huge mistake plenty of talent on the table. With the 15th overall pick the Las Vegas Aces select Mr. Shakedown, seriously who? Ive never seen him at the gym he didnt even bother to show up to the draft. He got selected over me???. What an awful call, little to know this is where hed land later. With the 19th overall pick the Saskatoon Wild select Charles Murphy. The guy did what work out for a few weeks before the combine, then disapear even before the draft. Yet hez worthy to be drafted before me??? Seriously these people need to figure **** out. 20th overall the Las Vegas Aces select VHLM Forever. Career minor leaguer,over a star in the making. Wow they blew it not once but twice with this pick. Poor Aces missing out. 4th round down, Sergei is visibly not happy, swearing storming all around. Hes lost his patience. On to the next bust. 21st overall the Yukon Rush select Augustus Gloop, look at this fat piece of **** he doesnt look like he knows what hockey even is. More about food and eating a ton of crap maybe. 22nd overall the Krisjian Harma, hey someone who works out might be a steal right? Wrong he disapeared after his name was called and never looked back. I hear he moonlights as a stripper now or something weird. 23rd overall the Oslo Storm select Jonathan Low, aka the lowest point the Storm have been. I mean picking this bust over a player whose bloodlines started in Oslo. Imagine just how domiante you would be now if you had a head on your shoulders. Finally here we are 25th overall, the best pick of the draft. The quickest riser since being drafted. Sergei Komarov, hes been a hard working stud and easily makes up for the last 2 wrong calls by the Las Vegas Aces. He is on his way to stardom, a franchise face. He is set to be the best Komarov to grace the VHL. He will make Vlad become forgotten. I have one goal its the top 5. Im willing to push my body to the limits and become a player like no other to grace the VHL ice surface. (Double week due to donation)
  3. I hear you Pavel suffered because of GMing
  4. Sergei Komarov Position: Center Height:6'8 Weight:250 Birthplace: Moscow, Russia NHL comparable: Nick Bjustad Sergei Komarov is a big boy, a capable center. He is hard driven, coming from a family that has been a big part of the VHL for the last 16 seasons. Hes got the pedigree, to be a solid second line center. However he wants more, their are questions right now as he has more holes than strengths. The strengths he does have, are incredible and he has continued to hone them. Already one of the top flight faceoff men in the VHLM, though he knows he wont stand a chance without practice when he joins the bigs. Strengths Faceoffs- A big man, who helps use his size to his advantage. He has a suprisingly quick hands for a man of his size, he wins more draws than he loses usually. He is currently hovering over the 60% mark in the VHLM, and top 4 in the league. Its a skill he will continue to hone, as he joins the bigs knowing he wont be able to over power the older players like he does juniors. Scoring- It was once a hole in his game, now its a strength. Once again his size becomes and advantage he can put alot of power into his shot. His soft hands for a big boy, means he can get his shot off fast an accurate if need be. Being a bigger boy, he scores alot of dirty area goals, able to over power his opponents with his size. Defense- Komarovs are known, for 2 things hitting, and two way play. Sergei is no different, he plays 200 feet up and down the ice. He needs some cardio work, to go along with a stronger skate stride. However he competes for the puck and knows where to be, when in his own zone. This is a skill that will benifit him going forward, espcially at a center a position that generally needs a complete game. Cons Endurance- He cant play a big game right now. He has too improve his conditioning, if he is to become a number 1 center in the future. Its unclear when this will be worked on, however he has been a hard worker up till this point. Which should put some rest to this question. Strength- Being a big boy, at a young age means he is akward, however when he ages and grows out he will be a man whose tough to move off the puck. Again this is a skill he is expected to improve as he ages with his work ethic to this point it should be improves in the coming seasons. Passing- Hes got skills, but his passing is terrible. Sure he can make sure the puck, moves ahead, but dont expect him to set you up for a big goal. He has already stated this is a skill he does not appear to be working on in the near future. If you are expecting the prototypical play making center you would be wrong. He is talented, at many things but passing will not be one of them. Dont draft him of that is what you are looking for in your center.
  5. All these guys are chumps compared to V.Komarov and Encarnation
  6. The big man, Sergei Komarov has started taking skating lessons. Its a site to see a pro hockey player. Needing to learn how to skate. Its been a huge issue and few believe it may be an issue with why he is not living up to his potential. He is a hard working kid, who seems o continue to listen, grow and attempt to become the best he can be. The fact that he has already gone out and addressed to issues with his potential, in offensive upside, and now skating. Might see him continue to climb up the draft board as he is eyeing a top 5 spot. Its unclear where he will land. However he sat 16th at the start of thr year and has quickly assended to the top 8. He knows the top 4 is basically all set. These are the franchise players, much farther developed than himself. Who could change their franchise fortune, thats why he eyes a top 5 spot. He knows no one will take him over these beast. Despite him progressing more than anyone to this point.
  7. Im curious if the Canucks feel they HAVE to try to compete or something. Because of the Sedins because once again you guys pick up pieces that will force young players out. And wont be any better than last year.
  8. Stars have seriously impressed me this offseason. A team to watch for sure
  9. The deal doesnt really look good now, but its one of those get something for a cap hit kinda deal like the Hawks, Pens, all the top teams in the cap era.
  10. You might be right, but ive watched his entire career as a caps fan. If he can gain consitency maybe he breaks out. But i think hes stuck as where he is
  11. Honestly he has no more upside. Hes what he is a solid second/3rd line scorer. Streaky as hell
  12. We are still over the cap which means more moves
  13. One year, maybe 2 i wouldnt even question it. But 3 is just so headscratching.
  14. We have a winner for worst FA contract. It goes to a team i thought, was heading in the right direction. Marleau 3 years at 38, coming off continued offense decline. 6.25mill a year
  15. Pens add Niemi to back up Murray Lose Bones, and Kuntiz Replace Hanisey with worse in Hunwick. Looking like the 3 peat is going to be really tough
  16. Ryan Miller is a Duck? Wtf do they need him for lol
  17. Burmistrov kinda showed he could play in Phoenix last season once he was traded and is still 25. Could be a solid 3rd line center who chips in 30points a year
  18. Hes 100% overvaluing him. Is he a good forward yes, did he have a down year on an awful team yes. Hes still a top line forward. But if he thinks hes gunna get more than a top 4 dman, a prospect and a first hes nutz.
  19. Scandella and Pominville +4th For Ennis, Foligno and a 3rd. Also sounds like Sakic should be fired. Offered Hamonic, a mid level prospect, and a first. Jenner and Murray, plus a prospect. Both been declined. Hes going to wait too long have a pissed off asset, demand out. And get far less than what hes been offered.
  20. I dont see it being out of realm to offer him 8. 10 is a strech however, also he didnt play with Mcdavid outside the PP atleast when i watched
  21. Hes set to take up 17.6 percent of the cap. Max is 20
  22. Where would the Canucks get that kinda cap with the Sedins and Eriksson still around. Also thats 4 first round picks
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