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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Wait Isnt this the guy who always bashed my trades then makes this???? holy cow is this a steal by helstinky
  2. Its been 14 seasons since my first player dawned purple and black. With the announcment that i need to step aside, it will all come to an end. As the new GM has already stated intentions to move me next year. Its going to be a weird feeling, one im likely never going to fully get over. A franchise ive given my blood, sweat and tears too as captian, defender, franchise leader in a few categories, and of course GM. I came 1 win away from my first ever league title. I made some controversial calls as a GM, some really worked out others did not. Never once did i make a move i didnt feel would improve us. I took a core that consisted of two of the most hated members in the league to a final. Despite all the odds, ill admit what has come of that choice has sucked. Its been quiet, my draft picks seemed to always bust, minus my goalies. Im not sure ill see the HOF for 1 GMOTY award but im proud of what i accomplished. I admit it really sucks stepping away, without a cup. However i started 6.months ago my own company with a man who knows bussinuess alot better than i do. In those six month most of which i did only work part time, as i kept my other job till this took.off. The last 3 weeks have seen me quit my 100k a year cushy job to take a huge risk. However its blown up more than i could have expected. I have multiple projects almost my whole summer already booked. I have had to hire two other workers to help me fill orders. Which meant my time, has been limited. Ive seen what being a part time GM does for a franchise, i wasnt going to do that to Davos. Even if it meant id be forced out via trade leaving the only franchise ive ever known. I will likely be around time to time still to talk to people, however i wont be on daily likely. Im excited for this new venture, in my life however i will miss being a GM. Those negotiations, are fun to have even if you just dont like the offer. I still hope that after Komarov retires i can atleast make one more. Outside being a GM its an exciting thing to go into a draft with no clue where you will land. Though Id rather be a Dyanmo for life i dont blame the GM for using my player to aquire assets.Though Pavels value is probably much less than his fathers ever was, he should hopefully land a nice piece for my player
  3. Best of Luck Smarch. Ill be posting an article hopefully this weekend. As to why ive had to step down from the job ive loved so much.
  4. Caps worst trade in recent memory Martian Erat for Flilip Forsberg :/
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