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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Up to 8th and still climbing drafted in the fifrth round poor junior GMs who doubted me
  2. Sergei has been a monster training, more work than any of my prospects to date. Yet here i am, talking about how frustrating he has been for me. 6 points, in 30 games. Vlad Komarov didnt even have that awful production and, he never had any points in junior in any offensive stat. Still managed better production. Whats gone wrong, im hoping its just going to take some time as i round my build out. However i admit being down on him right now. Despite the fact he is struggling i will continue to try to make him my highest, drafted along with most developed player to date. I feel my semi activity till this point has helped me. Im not as burnt out as many who would be on their 3rd player by now. It also helps that each player ive built well, they all play hard defensive games each focues on different things to this point. Heres to hoping Sergei will turn things around soon.
  3. I havent seen parody in this league since i joined so thats like 18 seasons
  4. Anyone got streams for the draft?
  5. Does Phoenix have pressure from up above? This isnt patience moves, i mean neither of then are awful but shocking
  6. I just picked up persona 5 today, def not GOTY, but amuzing
  7. Are they, announcing the roster at 8 before the awards or after?
  8. Makes sense, though i personally dont see a number 1 C here couple second line C
  9. Giroux is a top flight center is he not? I mean he had a down year sure, but is Philly really closing the book on a 60-80 point center in his prime?
  10. Elliot would work well Platooning with Nuevrith. Better than Mason atleast
  11. Sounds like Methot will be a Leaf, unsure of price, but sounds like Vegas pick and flip.
  12. Erik Huala signed by Vegas Thats their pick now, rumor is Tuch coming for taking him instead of Dumba, Spurgeon
  13. Who would they get Mrzek? Or Raanta? Vegas apparently told Calgary they wont be trading Fluery. So they went right for Smith after
  14. I mean i liked Mcphee, even though i realize why the trade was made he did trade Forsberg for Erat lol. But ya this teams going to be a weirs one alot of guys put into roles they arent used too. Rookies who may not be totally NHL ready playing to add skill.
  15. Like last year, this years VHLM is unbalenced. So much so, that you might aswell hand the Storm the cup now and call it a season. This has lead to many prospects, being bored, a few even opting to just stat at the gym till the VHL draft. Why the league allows such unbalence is beyong anyone. Its led many to believe the league will be folding soon. Sergei even admits despite hitting the gym hard he would rather just stay home. He strongly feels their is no point to a season when their is already a winner. Sure teams can beat the Storm, but in a 7 game series is highly unlikely. Much like Vegas last year, though they almost blew it a few times. Sergei has stopped caring about the standings, only focusing on improving his own stock for the VHL draft. Its unclear to this point what will happen next seaso , it seems Sergei would rather play up than in a league of such imbalence. He realizes this may not be in his control however, that he may need another season in the minors. Even though his development curve has been great. His offensive talent, and other skills remain very raw. He will likely hear his name called mid first, aslong as he continuez to develop. Though any sign of slowing down, might bump him down as a few fear his commitment might die down. To this point he is pushing himself hard, however its unlikely he ever craxks the top 4 in such a deep draft. Sergei has currently showed amazing skill in the face off dot winning, 60 percent as a rookie. However he truely has shown hes a raw skill in terms of offense with only five points. Will he be able to change his fortune in the VHL, the season is half over, can he atleast get it going abit in the second half?. His minus 4 is not a huge deal for a team that struggles to score. Vegas needs more out of him, and he has been seen working on his shot. The results have lead to 2 goals so far, so its possible he can improve with more training. He does not however want to get too far away from the game he knows best, its advice given too him by Pavel. Who admitted this offseason, the change from center to defense. Caused many development issues as he tried to hard to focus on areas he was not the strongest in. Seems Sergei has listened to his cousin, and will likely continue to develop and hone 4 skills in his early junior career. Those 4 are scoring, faceoffs, defense, and checking. Not known for scoring early on, his trainers showed him in Vegas just how great his size can be when winding up a shot. (this is a double based on donation)
  16. Las Vegas came seem to buy a goal, and Sergei has put alot of blame on himself. Despite winning 60% of his draws, and pushing the puck in the offensive zone it seems he cant buy a goal or even a point. With only 2 goals and 3 assists in 21 games. All this despite a dramatic improvement on his shooting, he starting developing a wicked wrister. However unless his low shooting percentage climbs hes likely too continue to struggle. There is alot of positives to take away from his game but if Vegas wants to, compete versus the best he needs to find his offensive game. He looks to Pavel for aid who is in the midst, of his best offensive season to date helping Meute lead the North American conference. Pavel was a star center in his time in juniors winning the two way forward of the year award.
  17. Smith got brought in for one thing be a stop gap, for now and hope a future starter outta 5goalies in their system emerges.
  18. Another one reported to be an option. Most figure no ones taking on Hossa, however Hjal should bring in young asset if they need to move cap. Which they do again
  19. Alot of reports SN, ESPN, TSN included seem to believe Carolina wants to move Faulk, they feel he has peaked well Hanafin is a legit franchise Dman. Faulk would net a nice return at forward
  20. Most reports point to Faulk being the oddman out in Carolina
  21. For sure they are, Drouin also has the higher upside, due to skill package. I think it can be great for both teams. But its a risk if he just stays in the dog house in Montreal its a hard price to pay. He also has pressure being a frankophone star in a frankphone town. So when hes cold, which he gets on its going to be tough.
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