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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. I think its interesting risk, Drouin is like Galy, a talent who hasnt quite emerged consistently. And is right now more offense focused. Not a Julien type, be a waste if he ends up in the dog house
  2. There is a differnce between taking a consistent 60 point guy from a team to try for a cup well giving up an unproven asset. To taking on a bad contract for no reason lol. Even if the Forsberg trade was always a bad idea lol
  3. How bout that Komarov guy coming on strong rising the ranks quick
  4. You cant win,i cant tank in my time haha
  5. Was more a joke anyways i never expect to be in the HOF i build serviceable players. And was meh at GMing If Vlads not even in Davos HOF i cant see myself making the real HOF lol
  6. So based on the fact someone stepped down S41 just got inducted i should be eligible around S70 lol
  7. The Komarov cousins have come out swinging early in this season. Pavel currently sits 5th in assists, 6th in D scoring, aswell as plus minus. Well he certianly doesnt expect to keep up this pace, he hopes he can atleast do his best and try to go out on top. Quebec was undefeated up untill recently, and Pavels early success has helped them along the way. On the other end of fhe spectrum a young player in Sergei just starting his career off, seems to be working hard to hone his game. His progress has caught the eye of many scouts, however their are concerns. Like his cousin and Uncle all have started off strong and tapered off. The hopes are, that he will continue this pace. His rapid growth has been great for a struggling aces team who hopes to still contend for a cup going into this season.
  8. 0493-2462-4192-3724 confirmation number 20 bucks 2 Doubles week 1 free week(used now) 1 5TPE (used now)
  9. I need clarification. So 5 dollars gets you 6 TPE. But 15 only gets you 5? 10 gets you 12. Or does it just stack up. So 10 is free week and double. 15 free week, double, and 5 TPE?
  10. Sergei, came in disapointed with his draft stock. Falling 25th to the Aces, the center contemplated if he really wanted to play here. Over in the KHL, Sergei had built a reputation as a faceoff ace, who could crush opponents with his massive frame and played a 200 foot game. His offensive side has been called into question however, and it seem atleast early on he hasnt been able to crush them. With 1 points in 5 games, however proving hes a capable defensive forward. He has been seen practicing his shot however, its been a slow improvement yet with his size he could have a powerful shot. On a team of mainly minuses he sits even, in the circle as a rookie he sits 7th league wide with 54%. 10 penalty minutes, and 10 hits show his mean side. Whats shocking though hes become the center of attention, is that hes taken 20 hits. At 6'8 250 pounds, he stands out on the ice hes a big target. However its obvious hes not afraid to hit back, unlike Pavel, and Vlad for some reason he is not feared. Its not like hes a tiny boy, maybe they think his size is all steroids. However at the combine he aced almost all the test physically. Hes been seen taking advice from his cousin Pavel on the day to day life of a player in the VHL. What to expect when he makes the bigs. Vlad has been teaching him the physical side, also showing him what its going to take to be the best. There is no guaruntee he will manage this pace however he seems determined. Currently ranked the 16th best prospect in his class, hes in danger of moving down even farther if he cant keep up. More and more players, are declaring for the draft each day. Only time will tell where he lands, though concencous seems to be he lands in Davos where Vlad carved out a great career and Pavel had a decent one. He doesnt care where he lands, he wants to play there for 8 seasons. He doesnt like change, he was only convinced by Pavel to come join the VHL because they claim it to be the best league. Will it be possible, he joins the elite he has the passion and drive but so did Pavel and Vlad. He wants to make an impression hes a big boy, that can skate and hit thats a rare breed. Keep your eye out VHL im going out with a bang, im driven and want to leave an impression on my time here. Sergei is a talented player i promise that we will become the best we can be. A reliable, defensive forward that can skate and shoot the puck.
  11. So known for building dmen my center gets listed as a defender loo
  12. I can win draws not much else
  13. Im still active on SHL slow burn lol
  14. For the first time in VHL history a Komarov was not drafted by the Storm. A team who has Vlads name, in the teams HOF section. His son Pavel won an award with the team. So why was Sergei not drafted? The fans are asking it shocked, most were exicted to see the next generation of Komarov. However they will only get to see him once the Aces roll into town. Even Vlad himself, was very shocked he even pulled out his old jersey figuring it was a foregone conclusion. With Sergei going to the Aces, many wonder if this will be the first Komarov not drafted by the Dyanamo?. Or will they try to part ways like they did with cousin Pavel. Only time will tell as the season has barely begun. However Sergei is already showing more promise in progession than Pavel, looking like he could potentially be the best Komarov to this point.
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