1. In the LR this past week I learned that some cultures believe that baby Jesus brings the gifts and places them under the tree on Christmas eve? Do you know or celebrate Christmas in a unique way?
My wife's family makes me stay up until 4am so I can visit my blood relatives like the walking dead.
2. If the VHL had a Santa.. what would he get you on the VHL for Xmas?
Some uncapped tpe. Ain't nobody saying no to that.
3. Your player gets a gift from Vancouver Wolves or another VHL team. What did they get gifted??
Wolves are giving away free costco gift cards and 6 packs of cheap shitty beer. Take what you can get?
4. What's your favorite Christmas movie?
A christmas story, Santa Clause or Miracle on 34th street (the 90s one).
5. What's your favorite Christmas song?
I think Silent Nights is always interesting. Also Baby it's Cold Outside despite it being almost cancelled recently.
6. Does your family have any Christmas traditions?
Not really but there's always a dinner which is nice.
7. Vancouver Wolves did a secret Santa this season so who did you have and what did you gift them? Why?
I had Guntis Gavilrovs @Girts so I naturally gifted him performance enhancers and a 200 pack of bandaids.
8. If Santa had a 10th reindeer, what would he be named and why?0
I just imagine Santa being the 10th reindeer like a spare tire. On all fours etc...