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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. 1. The Hounds aren't off to the world's greatest start. Does this surprise you? It does. I thought we would have a little more success right off the start but as long as we keep building as a team then I can’t see why we won’t continue to get better as the season rolls on. 2. We're also very much a team in progress. Do you think management will be able to throw together a solid roster by the time our season starts? I have faith in our management team to get us back on track. 3. Have you picked up on anything notable about any other teams in the VHLM? If so, what is it? i haven’t because I’ve been trying to focus on improving my build and figuring out what to write about for media posts. 4. If your player were forced to retire today, what position would your recreate play and what would you name them? I would create either a goalie or defenseman. I would name them Yeadly Yangles. 5. What's your favorite band, and what's their best song? Linkin park. Crawling. 6. Brock Louth (@Beaviss) gets drunk one night and insists upon getting a Hounds face tattoo. Do you let it happen, or try to talk him out of it? Try to talk him out of it. Would be a bummer if he got traded shortly after haha
  2. 43 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves 44 Calgary Wranglers @ D.C. Dragons 45 Riga Reign @ Helsinki Titans 46 New York Americans @ Seattle Bears
  3. 1. Going into the draft, where did you expect yourself to be picked? Do you think your draft position was fair, or did we pick you earlier or later than you thought? Honestly was not sure where I would be picked. It was earlier than I anticipated which is exciting. Based on the players drafted around me I would say my position was fair. 2. Did you have any idea you were coming to Mississauga? Did your selection surprise you at all? I had a little bit of an idea based on which GMs reached out to me. I was still surprised regardless. 3. If not Mississauga, what team did you think might have picked you? I was only reached out to by Missisauga so I am not sure who else would have taken me. 4. Overall, how do you think the draft went for the Hounds? Could we have done better? The Hounds absolutely killed this draft. The second over all pick was a huge addition but it was the drafting in the later rounds that really solidified how well they did. 5. What are your personal goals for this season? To maintain a steady increase in TPE to keep improving and help our team win. 6. Name as many VHL teams as you can, off the top of your head, without checking anything. Vancouver Wolves Seattle Bears Calgary Wranglers DC Dragons I should maybe do more research haha
  4. Please any critiques are wanted! This is my first piece and I was nervous to write anything.
  5. Post VHLM Draft Interview - Sportsnet West Hello everyone, David Amber here today joined by the newest member of the Mississauga Hounds, Kris Rice. It was an exciting day to say the least here in Bern, Switzerland where the VHLM S68 Dispersal Draft has taken place. Over 75 young players were drafted to start their careers on Monday and taken 43rd overall was Kris Rice. Welcome Kris, how does it feel to be finally have this draft out of the way and to be selected by the Mississauga Hounds? Thanks Dave, I would just like to start off my saying thank you for having me on the show. I am definitely overwhelmed with emotion after the draft. To be drafted is an absolute honour to begin with but to be drafted by the Mississauga Hounds is the cherry on top! Now why did you have your heart set on being drafted by Mississauga? Mississauga was the first team to reach out to me when I declared for the draft. They made the process of joining the VHLM a lot easier. The interview process went extremely well and I knew right away this was an organization that would be committed to helping me develop as a player to make it to the next level. I imagine you have multiple people here supporting you tonight, who has really helped you along the way to get you to this point? Yah tonight I had my mom, siblings, grandparents and a few friends come out to support me during the draft. They have all been a major part of my journey and I couldn’t be happier to have them by my side. My rock though is my mom. She has stuck with me during some rocky years as a child but never let me give up on myself and showed me there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. That is truly inspirational, she sounds like an incredible woman. So the draft has come and gone, what’s the next step for you to prepare for the upcoming season? Right now I am focused on improving my game. I will be spending the rest of the off season trying to improve a few aspects of my game in order to be ready for the season. I have been focusing on improving my edge work and building the two way side of my game. You mention that that you are working to improve the two way part of your game, which is more important to you, personal statistics or winning a championship? One hundred percent winning a championship. Working on my two way game will allow me to do what I can to help the team win on either end of the ice. I want to be a reliable player that my team can count on night in and night out. Well Kris, I would like to say congratulations on being drafted by the Mississauga Hounds. Thank you for coming to do this interview on such short notice. Good luck next season and we look forward to having you on in the future. Thanks for having me! There you have it, that was Kris Rice drafted by the Missisauga Hounds. Young star with a bright future. This is David Amber with Sportsnet West! Goodnight! Word count: 551
  6. Review: Now this is sharp. Between the name placement and the scowl this looks like an Assistant GM not be messed with. Probably the most important detail is that moustache being trimmed to perfection. Any player could learn something from this guy ?
  7. Review: Honestly the only thing I can nitpick a little bit is that there isn’t really a quik “Intro” about the player before you get into his Pros and Cons. Otherwise the use of graphics and the detail in each attribute is great.
  8. Review: Great Questions and I like the separation off questions and answers used by colour. Would have been cool to maybe use a broadcast logo or some type of graphic to make it look a bit more “official.”
  9. Review: ?. Great Bio. I liked the use of your pictures to help illustrate the story you were telling about your player. Tragedy always makes a story more compelling and you did a great job implementing that with the car accident.
  10. Review: Very simple profile. I like it because it’s straight to the point. Could maybe use more graphics but all in all good job!
  11. 1. So far the Missisauga Hounds have been the only team to reach out. This was right when I started so it was a nice welcome. Id be very excited to be drafted by them. However, I’d be happy to be drafted by any team that’s willing to take a chance and me. 2. Most important to me is wing a cup. I’m a very unselfish player who wants to do what I can to help the team win regardless of personal statistics. 3. The player I want to be is a speedy playmaker who also excels defensively. Current working on those aspects of my game. 4. I am Canadian and I reside in Alberta. 5. I have little experience in Sim leagues so this is going to be a fun learning experience for me. 6. I was just asked this the other day by a co worker. I couldn’t decide then but I’ve had time to think about it. It’s a toss-up between Wedding Crashers and the first Pirates of the Caribbean. Thank you for your questions!!!
  12. Kris is here to answer any questions the press might have.
  13. Review: I legitimately belly laughed on a few spots throughout this read. I love the sense of humour used in your writing. Grammatically there is some work that could be done. Please keep writing more articles like this so I can have a good laugh each day! Well done.
  14. Review: As a newbie to this league this is great information for someone like myself to get a little background on each team and their GMs. I enjoy the detail you went into on each GM. Thanks for the read!
  15. Rookie Profile: Kris Rice Nationality: Canadian Age: 24 Height: 6’1” Weight: 185 lbs Position: RW Handedness: Right Style: Playmaker Kris Rice is a Canadian hockey player born in Red Deer, Alberta. His game is all about speed and being a team player. His skill set really shows how unselfish he is on the ice and what he is willing to do to help his team get that win each and every night. Rice was fortunate enough to be drafted by his hometown team, the Red Deer Rebels. He finished 2nd on the team in assists and made defenders nights hard with his speed, tenacity and ability to thread the seam to find his teammates. STRENGTHS: Speed: Rice’s number one strength is his speed. At top flight he is one of the fastest players coming out of the WHL. There are plenty of defensemen who can attest to being victimized by Rice blowing past them in the neutral zone to force breakaway attempts nearly every game. He still has room to improve on his edge work but has a solid foundation to build upon. Passing: Almost as good as is skating is his passing. Rice threads passes through lanes so seamlessly. His teammates love when he’s on the ice with them because he always seems to land his passes right on the tape. He is very underrated in this skill but easily one of the top playmakers in his conference. Vision: Elite vision while in the offensive zone. Being able to find those seams and always knowing where his teammates are at all times is what makes him such an elite playmaker. Rice always seems to see the plays a few plays ahead of everyone on the ice. WEAKNESSES: Checking: While Kris has decent size he tends to shy away from the physical side of the game. He prefers to use his stick to pull the puck off of players and using body positioning to angle his opponents off of the puck. The only downside is he has seen an increase in PIM’s for stick infractions. I am not sure Rice will ever be that physical style of player. Shooting: Pass first, shoot later. This is how to best describe Rice. He tends to make the passing play before taking the shot. A few times over his previous season he passed the puck where he was in a better position to shoot the puck. When he does get the shot off it’s below average in velocity and accuracy. This is major part of his offensive arsenal that needs improvement. He has previously reported that he would be working on his shooting over the offseason. Defense: The most important weakness that Rice has to improve on is his defensive play. He has tendencies to stop moving his feet after being stripped off of the puck. Some nights he is completely engaged and never gives up on a play but other nights it’s hard to watch. Finding consistency in his own end is going to be what puts him in the best position to succeed at the next level. To put it all in a nutshell, Kris Rice is an exceptional playmaking forward with top end speed. He is elite in the offensive zone but still has work to do in his own end. With continued work and progression on his defensive play Rice will no doubt become an elite player one day in the VHL. Consistency will be key to his success. Word Count: 587
  16. Thank you! I’m just trying figure out what everything is and means at the moment but I’ll get it sorted out.
  17. Player Information Username: Krice13 Player Name: Kris Rice Recruited From: Other (Canucks conversation podcast) Age: 24 Position: RW Height: 73 in. Weight: 185 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page @VHLM GM
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