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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. Welcome! Let me know if you have any questions.
  2. Welcome! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
  3. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!
  4. F - Vinny Detroit @Gaming Ringleader
  5. D - Mo Probert @Gaming Ringleader
  6. From GM to Teammate! Let’s get it Janser!
  7. @AJWThis is a great learning experience for you dude. It’s important to bring these situations to the appropriate people when they happen. What Achilles did was wrong and it affected a number of people in this league. It isn’t for just one person to decide whether he is given a second chance or not. Your reasoning behind it doesn’t matter to me. What matters is that you learn from it and make the right choice if the situation ever occurs again in the future.
  8. What AJW did was wrong but he did come forward and is serving his punishment for his actions. He is being publicly shamed enough for what he did so let’s not pile on and make ourselves look like the bullies here. If you have a question about how he handled the situation and want to better understand it then do so by reaching out to him and having a conversation with him 1 on 1 like an adult.
  9. The ideal individual should posses the following traits: 1) Online availability throughout the day to be checking into the forums and discord and respond to staff pings promptly. (Please note in application your most active hours) and how often you are on forums/discord. My availability is from 7am to 11 pm MST. I response fairly quickly to any pings throughout the day and my activity on both of the discord and forum are quite high. 2) Be able to respond to discord pings and be verified via 2fa. Responding to pings is no issue. I am often very quick to respond throughout the hours posted above. Being verified is no issue. 3) Older than 20 years (or demonstration of maturity and judgement) I am 34 years old. For the most part I am mature and have good judgment but am by no means a perfect person. 4) Not hold other league jobs or associations (GMing) that may pose a conflict of interest (exceptions apply) I do hold a couple jobs in the league but would likely step back from one of them if given this opportunity. They wouldn’t affect my attentiveness to this job regardless. Additional things you may add for consideration: -Can be on as late as 2 am on weekends but that’s as late as I can be on. -I care about the well being of this league and the safety of the people in it. I do not have previous moderation experience but am eager to learn. Any other questions for me please let me know.
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