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Everything posted by Ricer13

  1. PRESS CONFERENCE WEEK ENDING JULY 23 2023 1. Looks like Calgary will lock up a playoff spot! Would you call this regular season a success?! 2. Three points behind Vancouver for 2nd place. Can we catch them?! 3. Looking back on your players season, would you call it a success?! Highlight you success or failures. 4. If Calgary were to be relocated, which NA city and EU city would be your top choices for relocation? 5. Tell me a riddle! 6. What is your favourite genre of video game and your favourite game from that genre?
  2. Both great leagues, welcome to the VHL!
  3. Calgary and Swiss players are a match made in heaven. Noted Congratulations on a fantastic career and I am forever grateful for the time and energy you committed to this team.
  4. Ricer13

    LAS/NYA; S89

    New York fleeced!
  5. Love the name choice! Janser will always have a home in Calgary, regardless of where his player plays.
  6. Legend! Hell of a career Mr. Janser. Let’s finish this one off strong.
  7. Press Conference for week ending July 16 2023 1) Vincent Laroche Gagnier is having a breakout season! What’s the reason for his success?! 2) Rumor has it, a number of Calgary Prospects will be spending another season down in the VHLE. Do you think it benefits them to spend an extra season training to make a bigger impact when they make the jump up or do you think getting up to the VHL as soon as possible is better? 3) Im going to turn the attention away from Calgary and talk about the surprises of the league. Helsinki has to be the biggest surprise! They should have been a shoe in for a wild card spot but look to have the 1st OA pick in their sight. What went wrong? 4) Which team has surprised you most? DC’s success or LA’s failures? 5) Favourite candy?! 6) What TV series is your guilty pleasure?!
  8. The SHL just recently implemented a check list system that updates in the main forum page each week. It’s extremely helpful and each item in the checklist takes you right to the page you need to go when you click on it.
  9. I definitely feel it should be task specific. Something that requires a heavy workload like the Recruitment Team should have limitations.
  10. I do think this is something the recruitment team could take on. I wonder if we should have job limitations instead. For example, if you hold a job that requires a lot of your time like the recruitment team, commissioners, etc. that you be limited to that job and not be able to pick up any others. This allows your focus to be solely on that job. It also opens up jobs for other members in the league, creating a more interactive environment.
  11. Wranglers Presser for week ending July 9th 2023 1: It’s Theme Week! If you were Commish of the VHL for a day, what changes would you make to the league?! 2: What job would you like to have in this league?! (ie. GM, Commie, Updater, Moderator, etc.) 3. Your player is looking for a change of scenery! What team in your current league would you want to be traded too? 4. Which point tasks do you find is too difficult to do?! Is it worth the amount of tpe offered to do it? 5. It was a busy week in the NHL with the draft, free agency, etc. Overall, how would you say your favourite team did? Highlight some key moments. 6. Nutella or PB & J!?
  12. Does the GM even do proper lines?
  13. Presser for week ending July 2 2023 1. The Wranglers are rolling! Sitting near the top of the standings yet again. Is the team performing to expectation or are we over achieving? 2. Are there any other teams that surprising you good or bad in the standings? (For prospects you can refer to your current league VHLE or VHLM) 3. The team is going on a group vacation for the weekend! Where is our destination and what activities are we doing? 4. AirRig GoodBrandSun has a few too many drinks during our vacation and shows up to practice not his 100 percent self. How does the coach respond to this?! 5. Rock, paper, scissors! What’s your go to starting move?! On the second move do you repeat or switch it up? 6. The NHL Draft is this week, who do you want to see drafted by your favourite team?!
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