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Everything posted by Evans

  1. What has happened to Titan Kronos? The first overall pick in the S49 draft finds himself no longer the center of attention. The player who shot up several team's draft boards due to his motor skills and on ice ability has been a player just blending in over the past couple of weeks for the Riga Reign. No crazy quotes, no crazy parties, no crazy situations. While many expected to see Kronos loud and proud after being drafted, he has seemed to shift his focus to a team first player opting to lower his head and try to work hard despite the reputation he built for himself in the VHLM. While Kronos may not be competeing for the ROTY award or finding himself being invited to the all-star game, the Riga Reign has finally seemed to hit their stride this season. While many teams expected them to fall out of the playoff race early on, the Reign currently sit in third place in the European Conference, 11 points ahead of the 4th place Titans. Kronos did not hide his emotions regarding this.
  2. So make sure you make that apparent now. Don't fall into some routine of being the guy that she opens up to about her relationships and shit. Girls want a guy friend like that, but it will never be more than that. Tell her you are interested in her and can't be hanging out/talking while she has a guy out of respect. Then put some distance between you to. If she keeps pressing you, there has to be some sort of interest on her end.
  3. Okay. That's good because that means the attraction is more than physical. You need to let her know how you feel. Don't settle for the friend zone before you do that. Make little flirty gestures in your conversations to show her that you expect this to lead to more than just friends. Start with the hints. If she doesn't bite, sit down with her and lay it all out. Dont end up being that guys that gives her advice about relationships. That could end up to her giving you a chance down the road, but that is a very very long play that will probably break your heart before it makes it happy.
  4. This is going to sound dumb, but trust me. Rub one out and see if you are as interested in her immediately after.
  5. Nah bro. Because when you're Riga, you're Riga 4 lyfe.
  6. I've matured to the point where I dropped the 0415 from my name.
  7. Another post because this will probably be the high point of our season!
  8. I know it may sound dumb, but maybe a recruiting message that includes the likes of some of the people over here and their previous sim league names? People interested in sim leagues are always more likely to sign up for a place if they recognize a name there. It was definitely one of the factors in me signing up here over SHL. I recognized a lot of the names.
  9. Evans


    The Riga Reign find themselves on the outside of the playoffs looking in at the moment. A very young team in a weaker conference would usually have to try hard to lose games, but due to the trade that sent their first for Maximoff, the Reign are actually going out on the ice and trying to compete every night. Fighting for wins has been difficult, especially when their offense has become stagnant. Titan Kronos hopes he can change that.
  10. I'm not really sure lol. I just know that there are times that doing my PTs here seem more like a task than something I want to do. I blame that on not having interest in the sport outside of here
  11. I pride myself on being able to grit my teeth and grind through things. Whether it be shitty situations at work or at home, I find myself just lowering my head, saying "fuck it" and getting done whatever I am dreading doing. Usually by the time I get done, things weren't as bad as I thought they were going to be. Sometimes it makes you feel like you're over reacting or mentally psyching yourself out. Hockey is one of those things for me. Every week I sit down on Sunday night and get ready to do my point tasks for the majority of the leagues I am in. I always find myself dreading getting to this point and doing the point tasks for this league. I feel like every single week when I have to write one of these, I am just pulling ideas out of my ass and trying to ramble until I reach the appropriate word count. I have minimal hockey knowledge and for some reason the league has not been able to spark my interest in it one bit. It could be that it's because we are in the heart of the NBA playoffs right now, but I have not even attempted to turn a hockey game on since joining here (despite saying I would try to do so). So many of you may ask "Why am I here if I have no interest in the sport?". Well, I'm competitive as shit when it comes to these types of things. When I was younger, I was always one of the players that signed up promising to be active only to fizzle out a few weeks later due to player performance or just losing interest. I like competing against other people and really like doing so when I am at a disadvantage. Something about having your back against the wall makes me more likely to try harder when it comes to something. I know very minimal about this sim engine or how to build a player, but I am going to take pride in finding out by trial and error, hopefully leading to a player that is considered the top one at his position prior to retirement. I also will always support the idea of sim leagues due to growing up with them. I first joined sim leagues in eighth grade and it completely changed the way I decided to look at writing. Stories never really sparked my interest until I was able to sit down behind a computer screen myself and try to make a logical story about a player that didn't actually exist. It got the creative juices flowing for me and really helped me improve my skills in certain classes that required it. It opened up a whole new world to me that I didn't know existed and then it all went away. Then it was back. Then it was gone. Then it was back. The life of the first sim leagues I took part in were always short and always went down a path that lead to their own destruction. Now we live in a sim league world where we actually have options. I guess I am writing this thing suggesting that we should look into ways of sparking the interest of people that aren't really "hockey guys". If I wasn't so competitive, I probably wouldn't find myself taking the time to try and build a great player here. That's not a knock against the league by any means, just the truth. We need to develop different ways to recruit different kinds of people. We have sim leaguers, hockey guys, and guys with no commitment to either that we need to individually find a way to recruit. We have a great member base here and need to keep adding new blood around it. Some of those guys will stick and some of those guys won't, but traffic always makes a league look more appealing. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, but the way that this league talks about it's demise is really funny. Some people act like there is nothing we can do to stop it from happening, when that's the furthest thing from the truth. This league isn't going anywhere, but we do need to make a change to get excitement around these parts again. Put that tingle back in my dingle.
  12. Eat it champs
  13. @flyersfan1493 Oh, I'm not saying you stole it or anything lol. Just pointing out that anyone that has a player in the SBA would be familiar with the concept.
  14. I too far down the tag list. I'm insulted and refuse to vote.
  15. This seems pretty similar to the way we run the NCAA (our development league) in the SBA. I like the idea on it's own, but not sure how I feel about it if it's going directly against the two players idea.
  16. I'm touching everything and there is nothing you guys can do about it
  17. I feel like we are making this all way too confusing lol
  18. Review: Love seeing characters that people actually follow through on. I expect to see some more golden articles like this from you in the future. "Do you want ants? Because thats how you get ants."
  19. Review: Hate that I missed out on claiming you. Thought you would be a great addition to our team. Nice insight into the personality of the character. Would suggest adding a picture or using some sort of color next time to make the article more visually appealing. Other than that, everything looks good.
  20. Review: Love seeing articles about the VHLM. Would deff say that you guys are playing better than I expected you to. Seems to be a pretty competitive season in the minors this year and I think that is always best for league activity. Brampton will be keeping our eyes on you guys.
  21. Review: Congrats on making it to the end of a player's career! Pretty impressive that you kept up with the whole welfare thing. Good thing about this sport is you will get decent ice time no matter what due to how much depth a hockey team needs.
  22. "How great of a feeling was it to go number one overall?" The ringing in my ears seemed to subside just enough for me to make out the words. The bright lights of the ESPN Sportscenter set engulfed me as if I were a small child in a tidal wave. The more you try to swim, the more it pulls you under. I can feel my eyes squint as I try to look as natural as possible. "Well, Britt, it was a great feeling. Coming from my background, going first overall in this draft was something that many thought would never be possible. People thought that I didn't have the proper amount of experience to build a team around. I don't agree with those people, but it is very easy to see where they come from with that opinion. My favorite part of the night was definitely seeing the look on the faces of the guys who doubted me as I made my way up to shake the commissioners hand. I don't think it's a sight I'll soon forget." Britt McHenry adjusted herself to correct her posture. Despite the impression given on television that the entire Sportscenter telecast is live, this interview was being recorded to be inserted into the lineup during one of their later run times. I believe it was being recorded more so due to how unpredictable I am in their eyes. "The Riga Reign enter this rebuild rather aggressively, rather than just sitting back and waiting as talent develops. Do you like the way the GM has handled things?" This seemed to be a trap questions for most people in my position. A hesitation or even a slight indifference regarding the moves of your GM is front page news, regardless of the sport being the lesser of the four majors. They knew I had no issue with how things were going. I wasn't going to let them make me look like a dick head. "I was probably one of the biggest fans of the moves that we made. Many people don't take into consideration that when you are rebuilding, you must give the people on the roster a reason to stick around. Rebuilds aren't quick and flashy. Usually they are a slow and drawn out process. This can lead to the guys that were apart of the rebuild from the very beginning becoming very uneasy about their situation. If enough progress isn't made, you risk losing guys in free agency and the rebuild turns into a team in peril for five plus seasons. Maximoff was a top prospect this season and the move made sense. When a player like that is dangling in front of a franchise, you go get him. I would have had a problem if this deal was on the table and we decided not to do it to use the pick we traded on someone else." Britt's eyes shift back to her papers that were sitting in her lap. The blue dress she wore perfectly outlined her figure despite being in a seated position. She wanted something interesting and she was going to find a way to get it. "A recent article was published about your draft class where the consensus was that you would go 4th overall if the draft were to reoccur today. What are your thoughts on that?" A smug smile slowly spread across her face as she knew the footage of her during my response would not be used. She almost seemed to be challenging me...daring me to speak my mind about it. "People are always entitled to their opinions on things like that. It doesn't mean that they are right. I mean, many people expressed how they thought you were a stuck up bitch because of the way you treated that towing company employee. Do you think all of them were right with what they said? I would assume that you disagree?" The smile quickly disappeared from her face and the set became silent. The camera kept rolling. "That's what I thought. There is always going to be someone out there that says I'm not good enough to live up their expectations and that's something I know I am going to have to deal with. I am one of the best in the world at what I do, despite having put far less of my free time into it than other guys have. I am a genetic freak and it shows every single time that I step on the ice, the football field, or the weight room. People continue to debate how good I can be, but they don't say a damn thing about how good I currently am. They discredit my present because of what they think the future will be. Let them think and say what they want. I was the number one pick in this draft and nothing is going to change that. Their doubts provide motivation and with each great thing I do on the ice, I am going to turn my attention to them and rub it in their faces. They expect me to sit back and be humble, but that's just no fun. Where I'm from you don't just sit there and take shit....you react and make them regret coming at you the way they did. I am a god damn star. I am the reflection of perfection. I am the next face of this damn sport. How's that for a hot take?" I stand up from my seat and use my left hand to knock it over. I smile directly into the camera before making my way off-stage and toward the parking lot. They want a reaction? I'll give them one every single time. Eventually, they'll stop asking me dumb shit.
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