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Everything posted by Evans

  1. MyLeague used to be the best way to get VC lol
  2. Legion Meute Riga Riga
  3. Riga! Riga! Reign! We fucking did it. Fresh off having the #1 pick in the draft, we have already won a playoff series in the first season of our rebuild (that includes me). To many people this may not be a big deal, but I can tell you that as a member of this roster I didn't even really expect this to happen. When I was talking to @Toast pre-draft, I assumed that I was going to a team with nothing going for it. The roster was pretty bare and it looked like we were going to have to go through a long term rebuild before we even sniffed the playoffs. GMotY Toast didn't waste any time and decided to make some moves to fill the roster out and see what we could do. The biggest deal we made was easily the one that brought us @Green. Toast brought the deal to my attention prior to making it and asked my opinion of it. I know in the SBA Green had fallen off activity wise and I thought it was going to be a similar situation in the VHL. Despite this, I loved the idea of being able to play with him when we were both in the same draft class. We teaming up quite a few seasons ago in the SBA and we formed a pretty deadly combination. Despite winning championships, our players were quite a few seasons apart. Getting us both on the same team this early into our careers? Something fucking magnificent is going to happen. I know people are going to say we played in a weak conference and yadda yadda yadda, but eat shit. This team was barren when I joined and now we're looking at potentially making the championship. You can't tell me shit right now. Cologne might be a challenge for us, but I believe we played them very well in the regular season (much better than we played Davos in the regular season). This team is just getting started. A good young player comes with a good contract. We have like three or four of them. This means we can continue to add players in their prime to this group and it's not going to give us any cap issues. We want it all. Give us all the cups or we are going to take them. Future free agents take note. This team is young and already being successful. The conference we play in is the weaker of the two and we are already putting wins on the board despite being a team that has yet to hit it's stride. Sign here and let's fuck the league up. Riga has been down for too long and it's time that a dynasty is made. Hop on the hype train now because it looks like Reign. Pussies.
  4. So series is 1 to 1? Lol
  5. Kronos smash
  6. Nothing pops up when I click it
  7. Let's gooooooooo
  8. Sim game 7 right now
  9. MY LEG!
  10. Claim $2 000 000 - Titan Kronos
  11. Evans


    Well to be fair, they had to go through much better players than the Bulls did lol
  12. Review: Looks like a pretty close race at the moment, so I think whoever finishes stronger will win. Could be either player, but of course I'm going to pull for Maximoff <3
  13. Review: I didn't know any of these things so I also learned a shit ton today
  14. Review: Well to be fair, Riga doesn't suck right now. We're currently in the playoffs and we're only going to get better as the young guys age :P. I like when players make a big spectacle out of free agency (when they are worth it). Should be pretty interesting to see what happens with your player come this offseason.
  15. Review: Looks like I will have to keep my eyes on this race to see how things can play out. Both teams look to be heads and shoulders above the rest so I think it's pretty fummy only one of you guys can end up in the championship
  16. Review: Congrats on getting into the game! Glad to see you are going out there and trying to make some enemies rather than just skate around the whole game haha. Interviews are always fun. Also, shame on Molholt. SHAME
  17. Review: All-star voting should be based on stats and nothing else, so I would say I agree with the points you are trying to drive home. If an active player is getting outplayed by an inactive one, eventually you will see that shift. You do get those weird guys that have such a great build that their players are good for several seasons despite nothing changing though.
  18. Review: Was not expecting you guys to change focus during the season after the offseason you had. Assumed that no matter what you guys would try to see what happens with your current roster. Love seeing teams change focus though because it makes things interesting. Don't blame you one bit for wanting to build the team in your image. Hope it all works out for you unless you guys are playing Riga of course. From personal experience, anytime you end up with a lot of young guys at the same time, at least half of them end up going inactive. it's why I no longer rebuild as a GM lol
  19. Review: I like the new way the all-star game is going too. Anytime you leave it up to nothing but votes, popularity usually wins out. Having the guys that deserve to get in make it every time is a relief. Now I know my player wont miss a season when he deserves it lol. Nice article and good luck!
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