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Everything posted by dasboot

  1. I did this last year, but like this status and I will include your name in a VHL Christmas song that will be released in a Beers with Boot Christmas Special. Will release all songs I wrote last year for the ones that liked it then and new songs for those that like it now. Cheers

  2. G Clueless Wallob @Bojovnik
  3. D Hari Singh Nalwa @OrbitingDeath
  4. D Erlantz Jokinen @Bojovnik
  5. F Taylor mourning @OrbitingDeath
  6. Vasile Lamb @Bojovnik
  7. Saku Kotkakoivu @OrbitingDeath
  8. dasboot

    Jaromir Jagr

    Detroit - BC
  9. Hi Anna! Glad I’m the only one you wanted to listen This was much better than listening to just Berocka
  10. David Davis @RileyL
  11. D Max Torq @Esso2264
  12. D Hulk Hogan 2 @RileyL
  13. Matty Fire @Esso2264
  14. Sigard Petrenko @RileyL
  15. Hello everyone! This podcast was recorded over 4 months ago before I left Australia. This is payback to @Berocka for all the times he slacked and did me dirty. We talk about hybrid attributes the first season they came into place. See if it's still relevant and how accurate we were. Enjoy!
  16. Vasile Lamb @Esso2264
  17. Just give us gold
  18. Jhatty? I forfeit
  19. Been awhile but I’ll dust off the old PS
  20. Dunno, more than a half friend would not buy a mid strength middy Love ya mate
  21. Hello everyone, @Berocka and I get together to record our last (maybe?) podcast in Australia together. We finally come through on our auction giveaway way back at Christmas for @Lemorse7! Thanks for supporting us and charity even though you probably regret it. Anyways, we probably talk a good 20 minutes about him including a two minute quiz and then slightly touch on the new hybrid attributes. Give it a listen and let us know what you think!
  22. I listened to this on the plane and wanted to comment lots but didn't write anything down and can't be fucked listening to you two shits again Fuck you jardy for calling me a snob Also there is absolutely pot head culture in Oz, Berocka clearly just too posh to associate with those people
  23. D - Tom Eagles
  24. Super coach talk (I think?) in new 1.5 Aussies. Check it out 

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