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Everything posted by dasboot

  1. When did you start it? I’ve wanted to reread this series for awhile but it’s such a commitment
  2. How many Switch enjoyers we got here? The new Mario party is sick
  3. I’m in
  4. Like this post if you want your name included in a VHL Christmas song 🎅🎄

  5. Nice, a 30 minute fishy podcast coming soon Looking forward to it!
  6. @bigAL Can't power move me mate
  7. Berocka and I podcasted again, check it out here

    1. Banackock


      Will listen tomorrow throughout my travels 🔥 

  8. Hello everyone! It's sure been awhile since @Berocka and myself have been able to podcast, but we were able to get together and record one and I couldn't be happier. In this episode we catch up, look at the start of the season and call out a GM. Then we have a bit of mod talk, explore a new VHL conspiracy theory and finally steal one of my personal topics and look at some VHL power moves. Thanks for listening and let us know what you think! We're hoping to continue podcasting going forward.
  9. As a hard hitting player in the VHL, I need the off season for my temple of a body to recover. I say we push it to a month for more time off.
  10. D - Aurelien Moreau @bukss_a Gonna make goalie pick now too since bukss already has one if that’s gravy G - Papa Emeritus Tag JB next @bukss_a
  11. D - Zeedayno Chara @JB123
  12. F - Dominic Gobeil @bukss_a
  13. Yeah it’s shit, 2/10 “I’m gonna have to wear boot socks” - how’d you get my socks? Turns press conference from a 1 min convo into 8 mins Agreed that podcast reviews should be worth more than 1 More tournaments sounds good Do you have covid mate? Coughing, sneezing and hiccuping Unprepared, 2/10 for real. Just begging to podcast with me again
  14. F - Druss Deathwalker @JB123
  15. F - Taro Tsujimoto @bukss_a
  16. BEER COUNT: IIII II This was supposed to be the most researched mock draft of all time, but in classic Boot fashion this turned into getting pissed with next to no research. This podcast is a shit show and have no idea how it went an hour and a half, however; I did make 16 picks in the first round and recommend listening. I didn't meet how many beer I wanted to drink and maybe I'm slowing down with age, but still a good effort. If you have any suggestions, complaints or topics you want me to discuss, hit me up. Go here and ask questions for the podcast and earn TPE as a press conference! Cheers. I'm sure there's more but some tags for definite mentioned players:
  17. Must be very nice to own a villa in Hawaii
  18. Lot of F bombs in this one Big boss in Brisy drinking and driving, better be OAK Harder having English as your first language with slang than learning a new language… smart guy over here Digs at me were soft as you need to up your game if we’re gonna podcast together again
  19. Cat listening to the podcast upset you said only humans listen Congrats yours is the first podcast I took notes to when I listened Fun things Sam said: -I know my things, I totally know what happened (Do you tho?) -You learn how to handle people which is........ fun -These two.. humans, yeah let's call them that (Good job censoring but let's hear what you really wanted to say) -You only see what you see (Very wise) Also love the multiple I'm not going to go into that line, then proceeding to go right into it lol Anyways great pod, audio is a little rough. Not sure if it's bad mic quality or it sounds like you just have the mic in your mouth, Sam talks a lot is definitely the right title for this podcast. Would listen again.
  20. When you were humming at the start was expecting a sick intro Please scat the intro for next podcast
  21. dasboot

    PRG/SEA; S81

    Seems fair to me, welcome back Venus!
  22. BEER COUNT: IIII I started this podcast with an idea that never came to fruition and went a complete different direction. Still some good stuff talked about here as well as answering questions. Some longer segments as I keep forgetting to drink. Make sure to count the beers as there are definitely 4 drank this episode. Topics today were: 0:37 - Happenings in the VHL 14:18 - Skipping leagues/pay to win 27:17 - Questions 4?:?? - ??? If you have any suggestions, complaints or topics you want me to discuss, hit me up. Go here and ask questions for the podcast and earn TPE as a press conference! Cheers.
  23. I listen to these while I work so I forget what I want to say, may need to write it down.. BUT wanted to add that making my age definitive was smartly planned as I’m turning 30 next year and saying I’m 29 makes me 29 forever in VHL tyvm
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