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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. kendall jenner must have showed up with a pepsi
  2. 1. I have absolutely nothing kind to say to that son of a bitch. The VHL isn't for you, buddy. 2. We just need to get everyone rolling, get that chemistry together. We're not all clicking yet and we need to be better defensively. We're allowing way too many goals against which we can't do. 3. Just trying to play responsibly on defense while trying to chip in offensively. Been scoring more goals this season than any other, and I'm on a ridiculous pace. Just leaning into it and trying to ride the hot hand, or hot stick I suppose. 4. I've been using the same jock strap since I cracked the VHL, and we did pretty well on Moscow. I'm just gonna keep using this thing 5. Pretty sure I saw something on twitter saying Groovy Dood would be doing "dances" for the parents???? What's that about??? Been seeing a lot of ladies come to games these days.....must be some kind of correlation. 6. I'm already in the SBA, I'm a career minors guy so far lol. On my 4th player and haven't left the SBDL yet.
  3. why do I always die so early
  4. I'd presume you want welfare folks and users who don't earn 13+ TPE every week to go past 90 SC/DF. Otherwise you're really only going to see the handful of people at the very top with a true superstar build. You could severely increase the scale after like 85, but then fighting depreciation is going to be extremely difficult for the people who put in the most time into the league. But at most players' peaks, they'd all be at about a similar level, with max earners having a few more points in each attribute. You'd need to do some math on it to see exactly how it may impact users of different earning habits, but increasing the attribute scale at the top end just raises the floor while lowering the ceiling. While you'll see more build diversity for sure, I don't think anyone would be able to predict how it would impact league scoring which is usually the primary argument against these types of major changes. Our history usually has consistent numbers from S1 to now in terms of individual scoring, albeit perhaps a bit more lopsided in the earlier seasons. But there'd need to be a lot of testing to see how changing update scales would impact the league, and there'd need to be tweaks to depreciation as well since 4-7% regression would be a crazy amount of TPE for someone over 800 TPA.
  5. @moscow.....rip, could have used a team tag here
  6. I'll consider it payment for keeping you around a few extra seasons
  7. is this where I start complaining about @Victor and how he didn't pay me 10 million a season
  8. I will be taking notes on who y'all think my favorite band/singer is and factor that in when determining bonuses at the end of the season
  9. One thing with this though is that I'd prefer not to have alumni removed from the LR, as we have older members pop in from time to time to comment and chat. Would the GM still be able to manually add users back in?
  10. Claim 2/4 and bump
  11. @Jakefufu
  12. if you guys tie, can you both get pied please?
  13. Picking up points in both games for Moscow, not bad at all. Love all the rookie scoring! Also hot damn DC, can we get more wins like that first one? That was gorgeous
  14. combination of psychic vision and being vague in my response felt like a good way to draw mild suspicion from the town and avoid mafia interest
  15. I find it pretty standard with the way I play, but I see how others may take it differently. I know what my role is, and I tried to make a play to avoid getting targeted at night. Obviously it backfired, but my suspicion of psychics goes beyond the situation of the game and more because of how much the role can be abused, especially when there's a psychic claim and an immediate corroboration by someone else who so fortunately happened to investigate you. It's usually the ploy of two mafia or two coven members working together. I also think trapper is fairly important enough to not be revealing on D2, as keeping a trapper around can help a lot in the long run, and if by some miracle, I don't get lynched, I will probably get targeted by some killing role tonight.
  16. Considering I got tagged 7 minutes ago and there were already like 6-7 votes against me, I feel some sort of defense is necessary
  17. As I said, there can be more than 1 trapper in the game, so it's not really necessary to be throwing shade at dom. However, history in our games shows that psychic is one of the easiest claims to fake, so I question that validity.
  18. And @bigAL there can be more than 1 trapper in the game fyi
  19. A little deception goes a long way eh? Yes, I'm trapper. I said I visited someone because obviously I can't, and therefore saying I visited someone and the ensuing suspicion would have meant mafia wouldn't target me. Didn't expect a D2 lynch push though, so I suppose my attempt at a big brain play didn't work out. Proceed as necessary!
  20. The disrespect for @MSO94, considering he topped the leaderboard for goalies last season in SV% and GAA.
  21. Considering how psychics have been in our ToS games, forgive me for not trusting Devise's claim considering it's pretty easy to fake, especially with this many people. With mafia in the game, this faction could be pretty big. That being said, I visited someone last night and feel somewhat important enough to not reveal as of yet. I promise more info shall come when I have it . I suppose now I must make the obligatory request for TP tonight.
  22. Solid showing from @WentzKneeFan036 today, and plenty of scoring from all over the roster. Big wins!
  23. 1. I mean, the best case scenario is winning the cup. Whether we're in a position to do that is the big question, but I have faith in the folks on the team to step up and get the job done. 2. I think we're just going to get on the ice every day and try to be the best we can be. 3. I don't think this is a decision for me to make, as we're in the business of winning games, not planning on what to do if we lose. 4. In terms of individual awards, I don't think anyone has won anything yet. Would be nice to see some folks win individual awards, but would prefer a championship trophy instead. 5. I think my immediate goal is just to adapt to the Dragons' style of play and continue to build chemistry with my teammates. 6. Winter, I love snow!
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