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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. Welcome back @jacobaa19 My name is a_Fork and I am the AGM of the Houston Bulls. In Houston we would be able to offer you 3rd pair minutes. Houston isn’t the favorite but we still have a good chance to be a top 4 team and make a run in the playoffs. You could be huge in helping us make that push! We have plenty of people to help you learn and grow as a player! In Houston, we believe in a person’s first experience so much, as we want you to update as much as possible. We also understand life can get in the way sometimes! We want the people behind the screen to have an amazing experience. I'd love to see you in a Houston uniform! To join Houston quote this with #HORNS UP!
  2. Hello @Magnus Stavros! My name is a_Fork and I am the AGM of the Houston Bulls. In Houston we would be able to offer you 4th line minutes. Houston isn’t the favorite but we still have a good chance to be a top 4 team and make a run in the playoffs. You could be huge in helping us make that push! We have plenty of people to help you learn and grow as a player! In Houston, we believe in a person’s first experience so much, as we want you to update as much as possible. We also understand life can get in the way sometimes! We want the people behind the screen to have an amazing experience. I'd love to see you in a Houston uniform! To join Houston quote this with #HORNS UP!
  3. Whoever said this hit the nail on the head with how I feel. If I see what happened I read it and move on. If it is kept ambiguous my imagination runs wild.
  4. Hello @Fishisfishy! My name is a_Fork and I am the AGM of the Houston Bulls. In Houston we would be able to offer you 4th line minutes. Houston isn’t the favorite but we still have a good chance to be a top 4 team and make a run in the playoffs. You could be huge in helping us make that push! We have plenty of people to help you learn and grow as a player! In Houston, we believe in a person’s first experience so much, as we want you to update as much as possible. We also understand life can get in the way sometimes! We want the people behind the screen to have an amazing experience. I'd love to see you in a Houston uniform! To join Houston quote this with #HORNS UP!
  5. Interest: Food. To be honest same haha

  6. Also regarding the cereal thing, it is a liquid with bits of food in it. In my opinion that technically makes it a soup
  7. I can't commit to anything since my waking hours are unpredictable, but I love this movie
  8. woah my recommended looks really similar to hogans on yt
  9. The problem with offseason tournaments is not a lot of people care about them
  10. If there wasn't an offseason I would not want to be Josh in particular
  11. Just be on a good team, problem solved!
  12. We would have a hard time finding commissioners if there wasn't an offseason tbh, sounds like a burnout speedrun
  13. Houston Bulls presser 12/5 1. How do you feel about the season so far? 2. We ended Las Vegas' winning streak of 8 games. What are your thoughts on that? 3. Riga recently got a new logo. What team do you think should be next? 4. How is your favorite hockey team doing? 5. Are you excited for the holidays? They'll be in less than a month now, seems crazy. 6. Is cereal a soup?
  14. diacope 2


    The fact that you somehow found a way to write more than 2000 words about your player is amazing to me, I struggle to hit 500 sometimes when writing these types of articles. I think you should format your text without the bold font next time, just a personal preference. Maybe use bold on some key points to make them stick out more. Interesting read, 9/10.
  15. Hello. I don't like the absence of quotation marks since it is improper grammar! (Not a huge deal but I generally think it does make it more appealing). I don't think I've ever seen someone take a picture of their media spot and then post that either, that's pretty strange. Copy and paste exists lol. Generally a good read though, I did like it. 8/10
  16. The Rome Gladiators have been off to a pretty rough start so far this season. In the first 10 regular season games we have a .500 point percentage at 5-5, and we are 6th place in the league. In the first sim of the season (which was also a triple sim) Biggie Cheese had 16 points. However, the games needed to be re-simmed and when they were his point production just wasn’t the same. Cheese now has 12 points through 10 games, leading the Gladiators for defensemen. Our leading scorer thus far is Caleb Gaudette. He seems to have had a pretty solid few sims and currently has 13 points through those 10 games. Having him be our leading scorer is maybe a little less than ideal since he has been inactive for about the last two months, and has 231 TPA which is the lowest on the team, minus the goaltender. Hopefully some of the higher TPA players can start generating offense soon.
  17. 1. I was drafted in the 2nd ever draft, it was alright 2. I want to be in the top 10 scoring for defense 3. Hopefully we make it far in playoffs 4. It's too early to say. 5. Probably both of the old VHLM teams, because I don't think they'll be that good and it's not ideal to lose to a bad team. 6. I would take out the emotes in the locker room channels, I don't like them.
  18. D - Hard Markinson @Vkobe-vEmeritus was already picked btw
  19. Hello @Liam Belaire! My name is a_Ferk and I am the AGM of the Houston Bulls. In Houston we would be able to offer you 4th line minutes. Houston isn’t the favorite but we still have a good chance to be a top 4 team and make a run in the playoffs. You could be huge in helping us make that push! We have plenty of people to help you learn and grow as a player! In Houston, we believe in a person’s first experience so much, as we want you to update as much as possible. We also understand life can get in the way sometimes! We want the people behind the screen to have an amazing experience. I'd love to see you in a Houston uniform! To join Houston quote this with #HORNS UP!
  20. Hello @l0wi! My name is a_Ferk and I am the AGM of the Houston Bulls. In Houston we would be able to offer you 4th line minutes. Houston isn’t the favorite but we still have a good chance to be a top 4 team and make a run in the playoffs. You could be huge in helping us make that push! We have plenty of people to help you learn and grow as a player! In Houston, we believe in a person’s first experience so much, as we want you to update as much as possible. We also understand life can get in the way sometimes! We want the people behind the screen to have an amazing experience. I'd love to see you in a Houston uniform! To join Houston quote this with #HORNS UP!
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