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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. I'm late to the party, but someone asked for crusader last night. Forget who it was tho
  2. "Mom can we have a Jailor" "No we have a Jailor at home" Jailor at home:
  3. Hello spyro, I liked your summary on how your season is going so far. It was informative for how your player and your team are doing and your writing and grammar were excellent. I feel your media spot could've benefited from being split into some paragraphs. In my opinion it looks nicer and it's generally just easier to read that way. Good work though, 9.5/10 rating.
  4. I like these kind of articles that you do, would love to see one for the more obscure nations. The writing and grammar looks pretty good. I like how you subjectively based the players base on stats instead of just by TPE. The only thing I really noticed is that some of the spacing between paragraphs is kind of wonky. See: between Jokinen and Ylonen. Other than that I think it is a nice article. 9.5/10
  5. F - Benny Graves - Last season: F10 Two of the five VHFL experts said they would take Graves if they had the first overall selection. With the departure of some big names due to retirement, it leaves a big hole for top selections. F - Scott Greene - Last season: F19 Once a regular first round pick, the experts were unsure how to feel about him for this season. One said they would pick him if they had the first overall, and one predicted him to be a forward that busts. F - Ola Vikingstad - Last season: F22 Vikingstad has always been an average fantasy forward. One VHFL expert predicts that this will be his breakout season however. He is one of the predictions for forward sleeper picks. D - Jeff Downey - Last season: D5 Downey ranked fifth for defensemen last season, and is currently the Vancouver Wolves’ best defenseman. The experts had nothing to say about him, however. D - Matty Socks - Last season: Unranked Chicago’s best defenseman, Socks is described as high risk, high reward. One of the experts on the VHFL predictions ranked Socks as their favorite defensive sleeper. G - Grekkark Gyrfalcon - Last season: Unranked Gyrfalcon is coming into his second season in Malmo, and I think he will do well because he’ll likely face a ton of shots this season. Predictions had nothing to say about him because goalies are ultimately irrelevant in VHFL.
  6. Corco had 2 picks in a row, so he had another 12 hours to make his second pick before Jiggly picked again. Jiggly made a meme pick though so I'll allow it
  7. It has been 12 hours. @Corco has been skipped. You can make your pick at any time. You have another 12 hours to make your second pick.
  8. 1. What do you think of the Las Vegas Aces new logo? 2. Are you shocked that we went 2-0 to start the season? 3. If you could play a different position, what would it be? 4. What is you favorite part about being in Saskatoon? 5. What is your goal for this season? 6. Are you cheering for Tampa or Dallas in the Stanley Cup finals?
  9. Have officially been a member of this site for 6 months now ?

    1. Laine


      Happy to have you on the site!

  10. TheLastOlympian07 F - Jim Bob F - Patrik Tallinder F - SS Hornet D - Condor Adrienne D - Edwin THE Encarnacion G - Raymond Bernard Rayzor_7 F - RJ Jubis F - Kris Rice F - Soren Jensen D - Lincoln Tate D - Cinnamon Block G - Rayz Funk a_Ferk F - Benny Graves F - Scott Greene F - Ola Vikingstad D - Matty Socks D - Jeff Downey G - Grekkark Gyrfalcon Plate F - Mikko Lahtinen F - Ray Sheilds F - Markus Nygren D - Alex Bridges D - Hugh Jass G - Jimmy Spyro JigglyGumballs F - Brock Louth F - Owen Nolan F - Guy Lesieur D - Erik Killinger D - James Rose G - β-LAS G Corco F - Chad Magnum F - Thomas Landry II F - Erik Draven D - Roque Davis D - Odin Omdahl G - Jaxx Hextall
  11. diacope 2

    SEA/MOS; S73

    This man scored an OT winner in the playoffs, darn right it won us a cup.
  12. Hello. I would like to apply please. Goodbye.
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