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diacope 2

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    diacope 2 reacted to D3X in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. How do you think our draft went? We acquired 3 new forwards and have 2 solid forward lines now.

    I think the draft went well, I got picked 3rd overall and I’m just happy a team believes in me and my abilities as a player
    2. What are your player goals for this season?
    my goal is simple, win the cup, it’s a team game and everyone is always on their A game 
    3. What is your favorite/most enjoyable point task? (Any league)
    graphics for sure
    4. What is your least favorite?
    anything that involves a lot of writing because I get bored so easily 
    5. It looks like we will be starting the season with only 1 defenseman again this season. Do you think we should make a move to acquire one?
    I think we should see how the start of the season plays out and see if it’s a necessary decision 
    6. What do you think is key towards being selected highly in the draft?
    I think the biggest key thing is presence in the locker room and showing an ability to really push the team forward and motivate everyone to be their best 
  2. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to pugsood in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. How do you think our draft went? We acquired 3 new forwards and have 2 solid forward lines now. As long as they don't cut into my playing time or my ability to contribute to the team then they're cool by me.
    2. What are your player goals for this season? Win the whole. fucking. thing. I don't know, get some recognition for being good hopefully?
    3. What is your favorite/most enjoyable point task? (Any league) The ones where I just click the buttons and points magically appear : )
    4. What is your least favorite? The ones where I have to think about what i'm writing but these press conferences are great for me! Stream of conscience baby.
    5. It looks like we will be starting the season with only 1 defenseman again this season. Do you think we should make a move to acquire one? You could always pivot my player's skill set to contribute more on the defensive end. I'm moldable. Mold me. 
    6. What do you think is key towards being selected highly in the draft? Earning. Earning. More earning. And communicating so GMs feel comfortable taking a chance on you and vice versa.
  3. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to McLean Hoover in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. I think the draft was a success overall. We added depth to our existing team and brought some new faces to the game. 
    2.I’d like to try to get 10 goals and 25 assists in my first year playing.
    3.welfare lol, I’m slowly learning how to do more but time isn’t easy to come by always.
    4.graphics are not something I’ve ever done or think I’ll ever do.
    5.as long as it’s not me then I think adding another defence man would be beneficial. 
    6. earning consistently and building a structured player with TPE that is slotted into categories that help reach the goals of question no2.
  4. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to samx in GMs - WHAT ARE YOU DOING?   
    I do think some of this comes off a bit negative to "clickers". Like you said you had a conversation with M gms about how there aren't as many super active people who are earning tons. which sure is true. but being a clicker isn't a bad thing. This isn't me saying things don't need to change but also having seen at least some of the past locker rooms that this person would have been in there's plenty of opportunity to have learned about point tasks. Idk if they was a forum only person at one point in which case it's a bit different. Yeah forum locker rooms could be used but they are honestly a pain in the butt imo. 
    But back to more the point of what I wanted to say: There are tons of active people who were full earners now go more with the "clicker" type earning. People don't have as much time. I know when I joined within a few months covid hit and so everyone had a lot more time and over the past years as covid has taken a back seat, people are back to more normal lives and able to do things again. Having clickers isn't a bad thing which I think the original post does make it out to be in some light. I mean the league legitimately cannot run without them. I mean some welfare+ PF people were the most active in my lr during Halifax but they just were never that interested in doing more. Some people honestly don't give a fuck about their players so they aren't going to put in the extra time. id probably be a clicker if I didn't get job pay. I'm not here to be the best player ever. I honestly couldn't care less and I'm sure there are others in similar boats.
    Honestly half the time people who do less stay around longer cause they don't burn out in 6 months.
  5. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to UnknownMinion in GMs - WHAT ARE YOU DOING?   
    Coming from my prospective, as gm in the M and E I won’t lie my biggest fight is getting people to earn, I even been actively trying to get the IA on the watchmen now back, to no success, I did the same in Geneva, and with Halifax I was constantly dming, and bought some to the E with me, I did the same in Rome users how to do point tasks and how to update, I have even tried making a forum locker room but couldn’t get people to join,
    overall it more then just us not trying, it also some user not responding, I think the gms could try more yes, but it’s going to take more then us, overall the league’s activity in general is down from when I joined and it doesn’t help, Also before making back handed comments at team, TALK TO PEOPLE, WHAT IS WITH THIS LEAGUE PROBLEM WITH COMMUNICATION, maybe instead of blaming it on the Gms let’s just blame inner league communication.
    example reaching out before call ups, talking to gms about players before draft, just the basics, it will make the league go along easyier, all I’m saying is if we can get some basic Communication going, the league will work better, (maybe a gm chat for all the league Gms and AGM, sorta like BOG, but just gms bring up thought and discussion with each other, just some thoughts
  6. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to jacobcarson877 in GMs - WHAT ARE YOU DOING?   
    I think its kind of harsh to say the GMs have failed this player. I've gone and checked, every single one of them made the information available, and in every reasonable way made it as easy as possible for the player to do tasks. We can't force players to do tasks. It is not a failure for the player or the GM to not have them do tasks. It is perfectly reasonable to only click welfare and practice facility, I mean there are GMs at every level that this is their earning strategy. I think it's 100% fair to say if the player wanted to, they would have at this point. Obviously reaching out in private can help, and there are plenty of players that I've worked with almost exclusively through DMs, but it was never "you should do this task", it was always a "hey I see your earning has lowered/stopped, how's it going, and is there anything I can do to help you out?".

    How long would you expect someone to exist in this league and watch the other players earn more TPE, and do better in the sims, and talk about their tasks, and maybe read tasks and not once come to the conclusion that you were missing something? The player isn't dumb, and the information was made available. Someone mentioned this in another thread, but plenty of us high and mighty earning members started off as welfare players. Sometimes you just need to sit back and observe for a while, see a career through before engaging in tasks.
    Can we not celebrate that the player made it to the VHL, after dedicating so much of their time to get there? Is it not a testament to how GOOD of a job the GMs have done, keeping a player engaged despite not seeing much week-to-week progress? Is it not amazing to see another cheap player available to the VHL GMs to fill out their rosters? Is this not exactly what GMs have been begging for across all of the leagues for years? I'm confused why we're using this as an opportunity to criticize each other.

    Sorry this player isn't good enough for you, but I'm taking the opportunity to celebrate the fact that they just played their first 2 VHL games, and I'll be rooting them on for the rest of their career.
  7. Cheers
    diacope 2 reacted to GioSivo in San Diego Marlins Press Conference   
    1. I'm pretty satisfied. Though to be fair he did draft me so I may be a little biased.

    2. Just to be able to contribute in scoring.

    3. @a_Ferk

    4. Usually I create content for the forum. I dont expect that to change.

    5. Somewhat often.

    6. A picture of the Los Angeles skyline.
  8. Cheers
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Tuchy in S87 Mississauga Hounds Captains   
    Assistant Captain: Hannibal Barca @DreMin15  Barca was Mississauga's second round pick from S86 and was tied for the team lead in goals last season with Logan Foley. Barca is a strong locker room presence and opted to stay down in the VHLM for another season and it would be unsurprising if he lead the team in points this season. 
    Assistant Captain: Ellis Woolfenden @D3X Woolfenden was the Hounds' first round pick in the S87 draft. Despite being a lower TPE player than what was available, Mississauga decided pull the trigger on him with our third overall. He had 68 points last season with Miami, and with a season of development should reach a far higher number in S87.
    Captain: Austin Goulet: @Tuchy Goulet was a relatively unknown player at the time of his draft, being selected in the 4th round, 41st overall. The decision to draft him paid off in spades however, with Goulet producing both on the ice and off last season. He was second on the team with 97 points and a notable locker room presence. 
  9. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in VSN Presents: S86 VHL Awards   
    Biggie Cheese is built different
  10. Love
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Frank in VSN Presents: S86 VHL Awards   
    Biggie Cheese is built different
  11. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to pugsood in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. The draft is coming up this Monday. Do you think this draft will give us the push we need to be a top 4 team? - i'm not sure. Am i still on the team? I have no idea. Don't even know what teams I'm on.
    2. We have the third overall pick. What position do you think we should draft? Goalie. Goalie is the most important position in the history of hockey.
    3. Are you in any other sim leagues? If yes, which one would you say is your main league? I'm in SBA and in a couple of others like NCBCA and NZCFL. SBA was my primary for a long time.
    4. What was your most listened to song in 2022? I haven't checked my spotify but i imagine it was some country song as i love pop country.
    5. How has 2023 treated you so far? Eh. Could be better could be worse. 
    6. I do whatever my GMs tell me to do as long as they tell me directly. To some GMs that could be shitty, to some it could be found gold.
  12. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to GioSivo in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. It would definitely be a push in the right direction. Any help is good help.

    2. Forward, someone who can produce offensively.

    3.  No, only in the VHL.

    4. Probably Enemy by Imagine Dragons

    5. Can't complain, nothing has really happened so far.

    6. Italian. B)
  13. Cheers
    diacope 2 reacted to Frank in Thank You Cheese!   
  14. Cheers
    diacope 2 reacted to Gaikoku-hito in WAR/VAN; S87   
    @a_Ferk Sad to see you leave as you were the heart and soul of the team this season. Great winning a Cup with you!!
  15. Love
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Continental Cup Finals: Game 7   
  16. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to Spartan in Gustav's Collection of Questionable Discord Screenshots   
    In response to Bek asking VHLM/VHLE GM's to pitch him to either stay down in the M or go up to the E:


  17. Cheers
    diacope 2 reacted to Frank in WAR/VAN; S87   
    Good luck in Warsaw @a_Ferk, thank you for everything. Glad we could win one together!
    Thanks for the talks @N0HBDY, smooth negotiations. 
  18. Woah
    diacope 2 reacted to VHL Bot in WAR/VAN; S87   
    Vancouver receives:
    Vasile Lamb
    S88 WAR 1st

    Warsaw receives:
    Biggie Cheese
    S88 VAN 4th

    This trade has been accepted by all parties and is pending league approval.
  19. Love
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Frank in Continental Cup Finals: Game 7   
  20. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to Gaikoku-hito in S86 Vancouver Wolves Awards   
    Season 86 Vancouver Wolves Awards
    With the regular season ending just before Christmas and the wildcards being played, the team assistant manager was unavailable to write, produce and direct such a huge award show without facing the wrath of his wife. Frank is a bit more understanding but either way we are here to recognize some of the players that seen the Vancouver Wolves make the play-offs once again this season and are currently one win away from the Continental Cup finals. Vancouver Wolves season was an interesting one that seen the team trade away Nico Pearce; who last year took home majority of the awards, which mean we should have a bunch of new award winners. Enough of the faff as I shouldn`t need to add to my word count too much so let get on with the first award.
    Best defenseman:

    Having not really checked the stats even as I start writing this as this has been a clear cut award for most of the season. This player lead the team in scoring with eighty-five points. Twenty goals and sixty-five assist and not mention also second best in plus/minus on the team. The best defenseman award for the second season in a row is awarded to:
    Rookie of the Year:

    This season seen two rookies make the roster out of training camp with William Futch and Jimmy MacElory being these two rookies. After a long-awaited debut of this highly touted defensive defenseman and the trading away of the other rookie of the year candidate if should be to no one surprise that this season Rookie of the Year goes to:
    Unsung Hero

    This is always one of the hardest awards to award as it really comes down to who I think played a huge role on the team but not get the credit that they deserved through the season. Last year the team was carried by Brandt Fuhr but a year removed he has really gotten a lot of love from the team so is he really still our unsung hero? This season Unsung Hero is:
    Most Energetic

    This season has seen a drop off overall in locker room activity due sadly to the real life events surely effecting everyone ability to have a few minutes to chat since this has also been the case for myself over this busy holiday season but that hasn`t stopped a few members from at least from showing their faces on a regular basis and they add a lot of value to the team locker room. This season Most Energetic award goes to:
    Most Valuable player

    Nico Pearce ran away with this award last year and this season I think it has been very clear since the trade deadline that Vancouver Wolves MVP has been:
    Little Wolf Award (Most Hits)

    This award was lead for a very long time and would have been awarded to Nico Pearce as he had 129 hits in 32 games for Vancouver this season before being traded to Moscow. Only one player managed to catch him in the end; which is a bit shocking but the Little Wolf Award goes to:
    Sniper Award (Shooting percentage)

    I have a feeling this award winner might surprise me since I haven`t looked at the final stats until the moment that I am writing this but I am guessing Biggie Cheese, Dogwood Maple or Henry Eagles will win this award this season so without much more faff the Sniper Award is awarded to:
    QB Award (PP Assists)

    This award is the player that runs the powerplay and set his team mates up for the easy goals and like the Sniper Award once again I haven`t checked the stats until this moment. Okay, I have seen the results already and I am guessing this might surprise a few as it did me as well when I first seen the winner but stop and think about it for a few seconds!! Yup, he always seemed to be on the score sheet; right? That player is none other than:
    Tooth Fairy (PM Award)

    Common theme here as I haven`t looked at the stats most of the past few weeks so I am guessing this might surprise me a bit as well but if I had to guess based on the leadership shown this season; I would place my bet that Biggie Cheese is amongst the finalist of this award. This award goes to the player that is usually ready and willing to stick their neck on the line for their team mates so without ado the Tooth Fairy Award goes to:
    Always responsible (Plus/Minus)

    I have a feeling that this award won`t surprise many as they lead in this area last season as well and has been a huge factor in the team overall success this season and has already won a few awards during this Banquet and it only fitting that they are award this award again this season. The winner is:
    Oops Sorry Eh!! (Least hits)

    Now onto some of the fun awards and something team mates look forward to every season as this award isn`t always something that you should be proud of since it will hang with you like an odor of sticky socks. Okay, I am delaying once again since I actually haven`t looked at the stats again so let look together and award the Oops Sorry Eh!! to:
    It wasn`t me(Least PM)

    Henry Eagles won this award last season as rookie with limited ice time so one would assume that he will once again be in the running for this great award but can he hold onto the crown of the It wasn`t me award and the award goes to:
    Shoot the lights out (Most shots)

    Another award that I think will change hands this season after Nico Pearce was traded away so one might safely assume that Biggie Cheese will be a front runner? I don`t know once again as I haven`t looked at the stats so are we once again in for a surprise? The Shoot the Lights out is awarded to:
    Work Horse Award (AMG)

    The Work Horse Award is given to the player that plays the most minutes and has the biggest potential impact on the game than any other player, I am not going to guess this time at the winner as I am almost 100% sure we all know who most likely has won this award. The winner is:
    Common Coach (Least played)
    This season we have had a very balanced attack and depth through the line-up so this one might actually really surprise me as once again I haven`t checked the stats usually this tends to be a rookie or player down the depth charts a bit so without making my prediction and having be wrong again let’s just award this award. The winner is:
    Bruised and Battered Award (SB Award)
    I think I have mentioned who has lead this category a few times since they have won a few awards already and I am starting to run out of great things to say about this player like I did last season with Nico Pearce winning a majority of the awards. So the Brusied & Battered Award goes to:
    Three Star Award

    Ugh!! I haven`t done any research into this award yet so give a hot minute and go get a drink from the back while I figure out the winner of this award. Okay, I am back from stat collecting for the Three Star Award and the eventual winner might not surprise anyone but I was happily surprised by who finished in second place as I hadn`t figured that they had that large of an impact on the season. Guess I wasn`t paying close enough attention. Either way, This season Three Star Award winner is:
    1ST Star
    2nd Star
    3rd star
    Biggie Cheese
    Sergey Preobrazhensky
    Alexandre Leduc
    Brandt Fuhr
    Henry Eagles
    Svatopluk Puk
    Dogwood Maple
    Nico Pearce 
    Pierre Emile Bouchard
    Donny Carter
    Wattson Power
    William Futch
    Jimmy MacElroy
    Top Prospect Award:

    The last award of the night will take a look at the Vancouver Wolves prospects and like always it gives a bit of concern for management when the team has seven players in the prospect pool but as of writing only two are active so congratulation to the two players as you have a 50% chance of being our Top Prospect this year. So, that being said let’s look at the two prospects:
    Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ – a small center that currently playing in his first season in the VHLE with Rome and really should be his last season playing in Rome as he clearly looks ready to join the Wolves next season after scoring 37 goals, 47 assists for 84pts. It was a slight drop off from his VHLM numbers but also against much stiffer competition. He led all Rome is scoring this season.
    Jens Lekman @Bobcat– a big defence first defender, who also played his first season in the VHLE with Rome as team mate to Kerr. He will try to make the decision tough on the Wolves management this off season as he is right on the cusps of becoming a VHL rookie next season so it will be interesting to see what the player and the management decide for this player. Lekman had a very impressive season consider he is a defensive defenseman with 21 goals, 34 assists for 55 points.   
    Our Top Prospect this season is award to:
    Finals thoughts: It was an up and down season with the team under performing at different points in the season but in the end making the play-off was the end goal. The team succeed in making the play-off and oh, boy has it been a ride since with Vancouver Wolves heading to the Continental Cup Finals against Prague Phantoms. In the end it has been a great season and hopefully the team can win the cup. Either way it has been a exciting season with breakout season for most of the players on the roster and the future continues to look bright for season to come in Vancouver!!
    Congrats to all the players on making the finals and make it another great season.
    2700 words good for Jan 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th
  21. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to GioSivo in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. Yeah its felt pretty long.

    2. I've got no idea at all, I'm not 100% sure where I lie in the draft ranking atm so I think its a toss up.

    3. Offensive stats, I need to be able to produce more.

    4. San Diego sweeps, you heard it here.

    5. Lmao nope, I had to work

    6. In N Out and it isn't even close. (No I'm not biased shhh)
  22. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to pugsood in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. Has the offseason felt really long to you, or is it just me? I had no idea it was the offseason so I guess it felt fine? I have no idea how we even did as a team
    2. Do you have any idea where your player will be playing next season? Not a clue. If someone wants to message me on discord and let me know, that'd be cool!
    3. What have you spent the 20 Christmas TPE on? Don't know if there was a Christmas 20 TPE so no idea. Maybe i did claim it and just haven't done anything.
    4. Who do you think wins the Founder's (VHLM) cup? San Diego is currently leading Ottawa 2-0. I think Ottawa is primed for a comeback. I hear everyone in the locker room is hung like Julio Franco. That equals comeback.
    5. Did you do anything interesting for New Year's? Had COVID, laid low, girlfriend was feeling ill as well, so had some bourbon watched TV and had good eats.
    6. What fast food place makes the best burger, in your opinion? I'm a five guys enjoyer, it is expensive though. Honestly Big Mac still takes the cake for me in terms of value for $ and quality of burger. Five Guys is good but a little overrated in my opinion, I always come away more excited by the idea of 5 Guys than the actual meal itself. In and Out is very very solid.
  23. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Ente2997 in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    Missisauga Hounds Press Conference
    1. We got swept. Are you still satisfied with our teams performance this season?
    2. How satisfied are you with your players performance this season?
    3. How has been your time this season outside of the games (LR etc.)
    4. Are you looking foward to next season?
    5. Hows been christmas this year?
    6. What do you wish for next year?
  24. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to GioSivo in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. It stings, but it wasn't unexpected. I haven't been with the team for very long, but that slump towards the end of the season wasn't the best.

    2. Again, haven't been in the league too long, didn't do anything remarkable in that time.

    3. I've mainly just been figuring out how the league works and how best to improve.

    4. Frankly just being able to get better as a player.

    5. Pretty nice, hanging out with family was nice after a year in college.

    6. Please dear god can we have a year were its somewhat normal and no BS happens? Like can we do that?
  25. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to GioSivo in Mississauga Hounds Press Conference   
    1. Nothing is insurmountable in my opinion, but this is... quite hard to surmount.

    2. Mexico City Kings

    3. Team success, as long as the team plays well, I'm happy.

    4. Olive Oil & Balsamic Vinegar, "Italian" dressing is heresy.

    5. Los Angeles Kings

    6. Leon Draisaitl, the butter to McDavid's bread.
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