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Everything posted by dlamb

  1. Seeing this before the text was added, you definitely made the right choice there. Colour swap looks perfect, can barely tell that it was a Rangers jersey. Jersey swap pretty good, honestly the weakest part imo, and that's not a bad thing. I don't know if I am the biggest fan of the motion blur, but it definitely doesn't take away from this great graphic you've made here. Up and coming VHL sig god right here. 9.5/10
  2. +4 Recruitment TPE @chikn Chicken Wing hit 250 TPE
  3. dlamb

    Games: 18-33

  4. G - Raymond Bernard @Retuperkele
  5. lmao fuck it F - Dakota Lamb @Martin Bradac
  6. @Retuperkele Picked by Martin Bradac already:(
  7. D - Roque Davis @Martin Bradac x2
  8. Alright these were rendered useless in about 40 minutes, use Eno's for the sake of uniformity
  9. I know they're not exactly like Eno's original team banners, but this is better than nothing:) feel free to use
  10. NEW YORK AMERICANS PRESS CONFERENCE Week Ending 11/22 SEASON HYPE EDITION 1. S75 is HERE! What did you do during the off-season? 2. Are you in VHFL this year? Who is the biggest sleeper pick in your opinion? 3. Who is 1 VHL player, past or present, you look up to? 4. Is there a VHL team you just can't stand? 5. Describe your style of play in 7 words or less. 6. When eating cereal, do you put the cereal or milk in first?
  11. D - Erik Killinger @Retuperkele
  12. F - Chad Magnum @Martin Bradac back-to-back picks
  13. S75 Transaction ID: 20423758937978309 5 Uncapped TPE Doubles Week 1m player cash Claiming this week
  14. Review: I like the overlay, gives it a nice texture to make it feel just a bit more than a flat image. Solid clean font choice, that's something I can never do. The paint splatter is cool too, my only critiques would be the render choice; Yakupov is terrible. Bust. Also maybe a jersey/colour swap. 8.5/10
  15. Review: A next to perfect sig, this is top quality VHL stuff right here. The lighting, background, and everything supplementing it just makes this very easy on the eyes. My only knock on it is the lack of team/VHL branding on the sig, but other than that I love this. 9.5/10
  16. NEW YORK AMERICANS PRESS CONFERENCE Week Ending 11/15 1. Welcome to S75! We have 8 players who are in their first 2 VHL seasons. With this many young players, predict our amount of wins for S75. 2. We say goodbye to stud defenseman Hugh Jass after a very nice season for the Americans. What are your thoughts on the trade? 3. Should a captain be announced for us this season? If so, who would your vote be for? 4. What will you do differently this season, TPE earning-wise? 5. What is your favourite overall part of VHL? 6. What song always gets you hyped up?
  17. Welcome to the team @G_Rush! Glad to have you on board
  18. @snackhero @Ominous @Firekiss @dart @chikn
  19. NEW YORK AMERICANS PRESS CONFERENCE Week Ending 11/8 1. If you could replace an attribute in STHS (SC, DF, etc.), which would would it be and what would you add? 2. Both finals are set! In the VHL we have Helsinki vs Vancouver, and in the VHLM is Miami vs Saskatoon. Who wins each league? 3. Who is going 1st overall in the S75 VHL Draft? 4. What is your favourite point task you did this past season? 5. To all the veterans, what advice would you give to rookies? To the rookies, what are you most excited about? 6. What number do you wear and why?
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