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Everything posted by Laine

  1. 1. We have a lot of young talent so I hope we can just find a consistency in our performances. 2. The city is really nice and the team has a great locker room, all the guys getting along. 3. Probably my brother Cole Pearce but he's a consensus #1 overall. 4. Here Comes the Storm is a good one, but We Are the Storm is just as good. 5. I don't really see a weakness on this team. Our lineup is pretty solid. 6. I think the team balance is our strength. We aren't super strong at any position be we aren't weak anywhere either.
  2. Well, it's been a journey for both of us. Super proud of the progress you made @JB123, congrats on a job well done!
  3. Laine

    Oslo's New GM

    Congrats @Underclass_Hero! I know you'll take good care of Oslo! If you ever need any help with things just let me know!
  4. True, but not officially I guess? Sorry my memory is terrible.
  5. I did the same thing so it is possible!
  6. I'm honestly in a state of shock. I really can't talk about it at all right now, as my mind is still trying to process everything.
  7. Glad to see the simmers getting the time off for the holidays, go enjoy the time off and we'll be ready when you guys are!
  8. My hope is that this isn't goodbye forever, so hopefully!
  9. It was a good 4 season run in Oslo, but I know Oslo will be in good hands regardless of who gets it. So thankful for my time as a GM in both the M and the E @Acydburn
  10. Expertly done, VHL!
  11. Nicely written, well done @WildfireMicro!
  12. Progress and change are always slow, but if done right are worthwhile. I've seen development in who I've become as a person over the last year or so as well. Super proud of you @samx!
  13. Was a pleasure to have you as a part of the Storm. You're gonna kill it in Istanbul!
  14. Claiming for a 2nd week
  15. thank you sire
  16. Laine

    OSL/IST; S81

    Thanks for everything @Daniel Janser! Wishing you the best of luck in Istanbul! Thanks for the talks again @KaleebtheMighty, glad we could get something done!
  17. Even just the little conversations with you make my day. There's no need to put me on a pedestal. Everyone has their own unique qualities and we're all equal in that regard. Lots of love @Horcrux
  18. Laine

    OTT/HFX; S81

  19. The Oslo Storm have made a free agency offer.
  20. The Oslo Storm have made a free agency offer.
  21. The Oslo Storm have made a free agency offer.
  22. I might be interested in attending, depending on how my schedule shapes up
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