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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. TBH I’d be amazed if you don’t stay ahead of me. For one I don’t donate so that bites me in the ass on TPE sometimes and second, Thompson’s earn rate was a bit insane and I need a bit of a breather. Obviously I’ll still be hitting the cap and all that but a pile of uncapped stuff? Unlikely.
  2. @eaglesfan036, the league demands answers. This cannot he tolerated from a VHL player!
  3. Probably won’t end well but I never care for my last pick so I’m putting trust in myself for a rookie season (terrible idea!) F - Mikko Lahtinen @TheFlash
  4. Outside of just picking yourselves, who do you think would make good BOG representatives?

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. NotAVHLM-GM
    3. Cxsquared


      Gustav. Really has his finger on the pulse of the VHL

    4. fonziGG


      phil and mcwolf

  5. @Banackock drafted me. Under normal circumstances this means the team is fucked.
  6. @Peace you have TOR G back. @GustavMattias I processed your trade and call-up and applied the lines as you requested but you might want to check. @Everyone Else if you sent lines I applied them. If you haven’t then get them in. Season starts tomorrow!
  7. Apparently the sim machine isn’t functioning correctly because I can’t access it from work so I can’t actually fix it this morning. I’ll fix it tonight. Chances are because Devise is following the schedule for the VHLM I’ll do the same anyway and start the season tomorrow.
  8. G - JB Rift @DollarAndADream
  9. D - Brady Stropko Jr @TheFlash
  10. To be fair the schedule makes no sense. Pre-season is literally no work, it doesn’t need a whole day to itself while pushing the season down two days haha
  11. Shit, meant to do that last night but forgot. I’ll try to update it quickly this morning.
  12. It definitely does matter, but it matters less than people want to admit it does. The difference between a 600 TPA player and a 1000 TPA player is huge on paper but in practice is very minor. Better line chemistry one way or the other can make all the difference. So can a hot goalie. So can taking bad penalties, etc etc etc.
  13. Oh no, definitely wouldn’t have been your doing. I might have accidentally pushed his contract to 0 or something. I’ll get him back.
  14. Did TOR G get removed by accident? You should still have him and May, thus the two goalies you need.
  15. Did you guys have 2 goalies last season? Weird. Anyway, I’ll get it fixed up for you.
  16. INDEX @VHL GM You all should know the drill by now. Here's your index, the schedule is set so you can get your lines together. If there are any roster issues please let me know immediately and I'll get them fixed up ideally before the season starts. If not just put a bot or something in your lines and let me know what to do about it. For lines please make sure you always send lines to both rpower22@gmail.com and vhlsim@outlook.com Otherwise, let's have a great season everyone! I believe we're scheduled to start on Wednesday? Technically this isn't supposed to be up until tomorrow but I figured an extra day to figure out rosters wouldn't hurt.
  17. F - Pat Svoboda @DollarAndADream
  18. F - Dan Wilinsky @TheFlash
  19. FWIW if a GM sent me a list literally just in TPE order (so what they’d get BPA anyway) without the TPE numbers, just the names, I wouldn’t even second guess it and would be totally happy with that list. If said GM truly thinks BPA is fine this would get them the same results while also making them look better.
  20. More of a question for @Will or @Josh. For the most part I’m better at breaking the portal than using it.
  21. Yeah, I also completely forgot.
  22. The problem you keep ignoring is that you have “welfare players” as if it’s a thing that someone just is or isn’t. Not everyone who pulls welfare does so every single week. Let’s say you normally have tons of time and do your PT’s, great, you take league minimum to help your team. Suddenly work picks up and you have a month of craziness where you can’t be as active. You have no free welfare to fall back on so now you either get no TPE or you use your limited funds to buy welfare. Its not the kind of thing where you can just say “X player is a welfare player and Y player isn’t”. It changes completely on a week by week basis.
  23. Need to change my signature too but I’m usually on mobile and don’t think to do it. I’ll get around to it eventually... or just keep living in the glory days. In any case I find it interesting that people want to buy straight TPE. As I think flyers pointed out, the store was more or less set up that way years ago and people got annoyed that it was designed so simply, they wanted more to it than just “buy the most TPE you can”. It’s funny how cyclical things become. I agree with you though, I don’t like buying straight TPE. I don’t mind the uncapped packages because you at least need to put the work in for those. That creates the exact same problem as above but on an even larger scale. Also, +3 is definitely not a minor buff in some instances. For stats above 95 that’s equivalent to 30 TPE. I also don’t like adding more randomness. The lotto is bad enough for this. People doing the same thing should get the same reward IMO.
  24. That would potentially be interesting though not exactly what I meant. I meant that the depreciation fighters for example aren’t cheaper if you have less TPE and thus less benefit from them. I’m torn on whether or not something like that would be beneficial.
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