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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Questionable on what grounds? I've explained my reasoning. Whether it's just being paranoid or not I do not want league files, which are the basis for everything we do in this league, to be floating around unnecessarily. If the only reason you want it is so that you can gain an advantage over another GM that doesn't have a teammate with STHS that isn't a good enough reason for me to risk things. I can promise you that with the speed that things change in the VHLM and the amount of line changes everyone makes you will gain no tactical advantage by running test sims. So at the end of the day even if it's minor we're risking the integrity of the very basis that the league runs on for you to gain a minor (at best) advantage. I'm not going to do that. You wanted a pre-season you'll get one but you'll need a better reason than test simming if you want the league file.
  2. How about I give you 1/2 then. I’ll do a few exhibition games per team as pre-season since we’re waiting for the VHL anyway but I’m not going to release the league file.
  3. This really isn't that important of a topic but I happened to be looking at our registration stats today so I wanted to share this and showcase just how huge of an effort our @Recruitment Crew is putting in and what kind of effect it really does have on the league. This graph shows the amount of registrations since the league moved to this site in late 2013, I believe it's split up monthly though that's kinda hard to tell over a 5 year span. Obviously it's very hard to really see details that zoomed out but I think the spike speaks for itself. The growth we've seen in such a small time (less than a year) is absolutely amazing and I just wanted to give our guys a big shoutout for it because that's honestly amazing.
  4. Honestly I've never seen members suddenly not wanting to do jobs because they can get the pay elsewhere. I get the concept of it but it's never been a problem. People who are likely take take jobs still tend to take them. Personally I've never liked the split cap because it flat out tells members "you haven't been here long enough to have a job so you automatically earn less than those that do". I like that in the VHL anyone has the opportunity to hit the full cap, it just depends how you want to get your points.
  5. Recruitment is job pay so just add 6 which is the cap of it.
  6. Anyway, do @VHLM GM's want a few exhibition games as a pre-season? Like I said, the schedule is made so there's no real getting around the fact that a real pre-season doesn't exist. Exhibition games aren't perfect, their stats won't save and you won't get 1 against everyone, but I can get a few done. Maybe like 4 games per team over 2 days? At least it'll give you some idea before the season starts. Honestly I think part of the reason the VHLM doesn't get one is because the rosters and TPE amounts change so drastically that it proves even less in the minors than it does in the VHL but if you guys really want something I can do something.
  7. I'm not sure what @Esso2264 was referring to then because he said free client. The client is the only thing that's free on the STHS site. File or not I don't recall being able to open the main application without a license; though maybe I'm crazy. I guess I just don't understand what transparency is wanted. I'm not trying to hide anything, I'm trying to potentially protect us. If there's a transparency concern I'll address it but I don't believe that has ever been a concern here.
  8. If anything testing with the client gets you more up to date information than me releasing a file now that won't be updated for the rest of the season. I see no reason why there should even be an argument here. The option as it's been described above can still be used apparently (I've never used the client, I can't say for sure) and if GM's want to test they can. If they don't want to test they don't have to. All having the server side version does is allow you to mess with other teams which doesn't make sense anyway. I guess I should probably also explain my security concerns. It's not so much information, there's not much in there. Chances are it's also mostly my own paranoia. However the league has been brought down before so I don't expect there's no possible way our server files could be hacked. If someone has the file and hacks their way into the server suddenly they can completely change the outcome of games and seasons. Is that a likely scenario? Not at all but it could happen. Someone could also just take it and literally clone our league for their own benefit; again unlikely but it could happen. However unlikely these scenarios they are still risks with 0 reward. I'm not gonna go and ban a GM for test simming, that would be ridiculous. However that doesn't mean I need to provide them the file when other methods easily exist that they can use without putting the league at risk. Like I said, if there's some kind of transparency you think we need @majesiu I will gladly take some screenshots for you and redact stuff if I deem it sensitive (GM emails and such) but I'm not sure what you expect to see that the index, portal, or client doesn't already provide.
  9. The file won't be up to date if we release one and it won't be a simple or quick process if we need to keep changing it o release versions. We aren't hiding anything (aside from the slightly sensitive stuff you mention) that the index doesn't receive it's just minimizing risk when ultimately there's no benefit. If the client side can do it why need the server side file? If you couldn't test client side then maybe but since that's apparently possible what harm is there in not releasing it? I just don't see what insight it offers since you'd need to pay for and download STHS to even be able to open the file and even then all you'd get is the same information that you can get from the index. I don't mind sharing some screenshots if there's something you, for some reason, want to see but I see no reason the league as a whole needs access to the files; it doesn't offer anything.
  10. Honestly if it can be done in the client and people want to that's fine but take the results with a grain of salt because there's no guarantee that the other team won't change anything. Plus when things are competitive STHS has a tendency to change more often than not so you won't usually get the same result twice.
  11. Holy clusterfuck Batman what did you guys do in here while I was asleep? I stopped reading in full about halfway through page 2 but I’ll try and hit the highlights. 1. If you can test with the client it’s well within your rights to do so but I won’t be releasing the league file. It’s sinoly security reasons, that is an entire copy of our league, I would rather not have it in the Wild and it’s obviously not necessary. Historically test sims have meant next to nothing though because you can only mess with your lines and strats and stuff. You have no way of knowing what your opponent will do. For example @Jubo07 replaces his lines basically every day so good luck figuring him out. 2. Historically the VHLM hasn’t had a pre-season so I didn’t create one. Half the time in the league’s history the VHL didn’t even have one. As far as I know once you make the pro schedule you can’t go back and retroactively add a pre-season. Normally I don’t make the schedule before the index drops but then everyone complains about not being able to copy their lines so a I made it this time. I can probably go in and give you guys a few exhibition games but it won’t be comprehensive (against every other team) and the stats won’t save. It’s uo to you. Pre-season historically has been pretty meaningless. 3. I’ll add this Fish clone but I wish I understood the scenario more. @Will Do we need to make him through the portal or can it pick up players from the sim? I also assume I’ll need to change his name to not create a conflict and that his VHLM stats won’t be added to his player page this season since he’ll technically be a different player and in both leagues.
  12. Welcome to the VHL, BoltsUp! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  13. Welcome to the VHL, Sloppybrake1923! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  14. I’m so confused. What do you mean by clone? That’s a Calgary player above the VHLM cap?
  15. I mean do you have a link to the player page that’s created on here? We’re kinda working blind otherwise. Also, why would you need the league file? We don’t tend to give that out.
  16. As the Canucks they did draft the player the award would eventually be named after so that’s something.
  17. To be fair Bana knew he was gonna need to move a piece to get Ironside and I on, that wasn’t a surprise. Even that piece being Malenko wasn’t a huge surprise, though there were a few options. I think the cost got cranked up to 11 once it was clear that he needed to make cap space before the season started. Can’t help but feel like the initial asking price wasn’t a 2 award winner from last season AND a first round pick. Still though, we retain the amount of players we had while getting under the cap. Slight TPE drop and obviously the pick but still, we have the same positional numbers we had before.
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