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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Those ones actually evened things out slightly. Do you recall my test ones from a few months ago? They were even crazier haha. Our high attributes don’t mesh well with V2.
  2. Neither, V1. Technically it’s V3 since you can’t download previous versions of the software but the engine is set to V1. V2 and whatever the other one (it’s an increment of 2, there is no V3 engine) is the one that makes our scoring go haywire and have 400+ point seasons with 70+% shooting percentages.
  3. Yeah, that’s fair. I mean if you want to keep sucking against me that’s cool but still. Your build does look strong, scoring is just kinda being weird right now and STHS loves to pick favourites. I’ve had 4 goalies in the league and experienced the same thing basically every time. The numbers all line up but the stats just don’t come. I love playing a goalie but damn they can be frustrating.
  4. Honestly there’s still plenty of time. While I doubt I’ll get in Holik is on the HoF ballot and is 2nd all time in SO. This is after having completely mediocre seasons for the first like 3 years.
  5. It was honestly a really weird season stat wise. No ones Numbers were crazy (3rd lowest total for the Szat ever) but goalie stats were also quite mediocre all around. Usually when you have a high scoring year you get shut goalie numbers and vice versa for a low scoring year but this season everyone kinda just simmered, it’s odd. With the TPE you have I would expect better play, it is kinda confusing I’ll admit. You are taking home the Clegane though and had the most shutouts so it’s not like you did nothing. It’s just weird how your S% doesn’t reflect things the way I’d expect. Goalies can be the most rewarding but also the most frustrating position to play.
  6. Teams I want to retire early from* Seriously though, two team list. Bold move.
  7. Unfortunately it’s a limitation of the engine and your signing was literally a few hours late. Once playoffs start, which is right at the end of the regular season even though we don’t sin for a few days, players can no longer be added to rosters. If you had signed a few hours earlier, before I did that final sim, you would have been in.
  8. 1. We’re not micromanaging the teams, that’s the whole point. What would you like us to do, post updates for them every week to show if they are doing what they are supposed to be doing or not? It is part of their job and they all know it. We can hardly say “hey, you haven’t played your backup enough” every single week when we have no way of knowing what their plan is and have the same visible information they do. What I will say is that perhaps we could mention it in the trade deadline thread. Just a quick update on where teams are in relation to the rule so they know a few weeks ahead of time if they are in trouble. 2. The rule exists so that teams with an active backup don’t get hurt playing that backup. You take it out the advantage goes to teams who don’t use cap space on a backup and thus fewer goalie jobs then we already have. That doesn’t make sense. It sounds fine for a team with a CPU to say they shouldn’t have to play him but it needs to be universal so that means teams with an active should be able to bench him all season which isn’t fair. 3. As I’ve mentioned several times, punishment for next season could easily punish a team too much or not at all depending on the situation. Having it be this season is the fairest outcome. They broke the rules this season, they pay the price this season. Same as Helsinki did yet none of their players are complaining about it. I don’t understand how this is turning into you guys thinking it’s some kind of corruption of power grab thing. These rules were listed prior to the season with the list of punishments. It was all there for everyone to see and no one had an issue with it until their team was involved. But please, tell me more about how I’m biased. I don’t understand how your GM has accepted the ruling and accepted the blame but you guys are still putting it on the league as if we arbitrarily decided to screw you. There’s no conspiracy, there’s no power hungry elite. Hell, @Quik was punished too. All I see is people fine with the rules until those rules bite them.
  9. That’s actually a really good way of looking at it.
  10. I should listen to this later. I don’t desperately need tips but I’m curious.
  11. Oh so like Chekhov? Or any of my skaters? Trust me, I know underwhelming stats haha
  12. Honestly I haven’t looked at your full stats but from what I recall season by season usbyour award cabinet you should be getting the nod. Maybe not first ballot, depends who’s up, but still likely.
  13. How is it at all forseeing the future? We only look at starts at the end of the season when the playoffs are set. IE we knew Quebec was in the playoffs after cheating in regards to the backup rule so they were punished accorsingly. Had they not been in the playoffs they would have been punished accordingly for that. It makes far more sense to do that than potentially screw to entire team the next season with a cap hit or have no effect if they go into a rebuild. We recognize it sucks for the players that have to sit when they did nothing wrong. It was discussed at length that it’s an unfortunate side effect but ultimately a required one. If a goalie is getting concerned about the backup rules they can always PM the simming team about it. If it’s a situation where a GM hasn’t been updating their lines we’ll be reasonable and allow a substitution to be made. We aren’t looking for reasons to punish teams. We would honestly rather not have to. But the rules exist and it’s no longer on the Simmer to do a GM’s job which is entirely fair.
  14. Welcome to my life with Holik. Always a top goalie in the regular season, completely ass in the playoffs.
  15. No, the loss in the playoffs is enough. If it was more games or if the standings were closer (IE if those games had potentially pushed them into the playoffs over Someone else) then maybe further punishment would be worth it but in this case I think those 2 games are fine.
  16. Cap hit could potentially hurt the team for the entire season if they are near the cap which most teams are. So basically for 3 games you could lose a player forever? Hardly seems fair. Extra backup games the next season, and really the cap hit as well, both punish in the future which doesn’t necessarily make sense. What if it was your last season competiting and you were going into a rebuild? Congrats, you get extra games with your starter basically because next season doesn’t matter. You see how it needs to be subjective? I like black and white rules as well, trust me I fought for them on this, but ultimately subjective makes more sense with all the variables with this. When possible removing from the playoffs makes the most sense. It’s also not like there is no discussion. The admin team that isn’t involved (so for this season myself and Will) will make the decision based on the infraction severity and situation. We laid out in the rules what the options basically were.
  17. @Arthur as has been mentioned before it wasn’t an error on the Simmer not loading the files. GM’s were notified that lines were to be sent to the regular email address as well as @Devise in case of backup simming. @Beaviss did not notice this which is why his lines were not input. This isn’t the Simmer messing up as the Simmer was never sent lines to put in. It also happened plenty early in the season for backup games to be played after the fact but they weren’t because of the confusion. You can blame the league if you want but ultimately the onus falls on the GM and @Beaviss has admitted it’s on him. I get that it sucks for you especially since you were the one removed from those games but ultimately the rules need to be enforced. We can’t simply let a team off immediately after announcing that punishment would occur. Both GM’s and players knew of the potential consequences. For what it’s worth as well the punishment was decided to be subjective because no two cases will be identical. For example, this punishment wouldn’t work for a team that misses the playoffs so if the punishment was as black and white as that it would allow teams a complete pass if they were rebuilding.
  18. Welcome to the VHL, Inf1d3l! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  19. Yes, only the Wild Card round is best 2 out of 3. The Semi's and Finals are both 7-game series'
  20. Fun fact, I finally fixed the discord link in the welcome post. @tfong should be pleased.

    1. Baozi


      inb4 that link breaks and i need to give you a new one.

  21. If Stopko is gonna be making 60+ saves a game we need to start getting more shots at him haha. I guess I got annoyed halfway through the 2nd with the way he's been playing and decided to do something about it.
  22. Nevermind is right, we thought about it haha. That’s why the 50 TPE barrier was put in. Thats more or less enough work that walking away with 2 TPE Uncapped and having to do it all over again (while also potentially giving up first gen bonuses) isn’t really worth it.
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