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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. I did my best to at least ruin that for him. 277 saves in 6 games is fucking nuts though.
  2. Sorry for the late sim guys. As I mentioned, a lot of stuff to deal with today so I hope you all understand. Because the VHL has a game 7 to deal with before the finals I will not be simming tomorrow to keep things on the same schedule. Sims will resume Sunday.
  3. I managed to be on the losing side both times. Apparently I’m Marian Hossa.
  4. Just a heads up to those waiting: I unfortunately have an appointment filled day so the VHLM Sim won’t be until a bit later unless @Devise wants to do it. Will still be today, just not this afternoon.

  5. I haven’t even seen the finals since Miller (so 3 and a half careers). I’m starting to get used to it.
  6. I did everything I could, still not enough and the cupless drought continues. Stopko killed us.
  7. So basically you’re arguing a conspiracy and the league is against you because we didn’t decide to punish in a different way even though the way we did lunish was completely laid out as an option originally? Am I reading that right? I promise you, I make no decisions with the intention of trying to piss people off. However every decision will upset someone, it’s the nature of the beast. You and Arthur got upset about the playoff games being taken but I guarantee others in the league would have seen it as getting off easy if we simply took a draft pick or something. The option was there as laid out by the OP. I’m sorry if you disagree with it but it was part of the punishments that were decided upon by the league and announced before the season started. Everyone, GM’s most of all, knew about it.
  8. What do you mean what was agreed on before the season? The OP of this topic has literally always stated losing playoff games as a possibility. And yes, it’s olenty easy to not think nefarious shit is at play. Literally what benefit would there be for us to screw Quebec? Any time any kind of co spits you like this comes you i have the same reaponse: it would literally not be worth it for us. I’m not gonna risk the integrity of the league to screw over Quebec, or anyone else. Especially in a situation like this where we didn’t even have co trip over what happened. Had Beaviss put his backup in enough there wouldn’t have been an issue. You’re trying to turn this into some huge thing that it isn’t, plain and simple.
  9. Welcome to the VHL, WeaponX! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the "How to Create a Player" topic. That topic will offer you detailed information about how to use the VHL Portal to create your player and get you started. We also highly recommend joining the VHL Discord where there is a channel dedicated to helping new members with any questions that they may have about the league or improving their player. Once your player is made VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  10. 1. Other leagues don’t run exactly the same and can’t be compared. They either have Fuller teams or lower stats. @Devise and I have run test sims for days and have not been able to find a consistent way to get good results. You can find some of my testing in This thread though Devise has privately tried more. 2. I’ll look into these. It’s only my second season on the sim team and only the first with Devise running backup full time. I don’t pretend to have all the answers for this. Just saying that sending to two emails worked fine once everyone actually read that they were supposed to do so. 3. We already have people commenting on basically every goalie created and saying it’s likely not a great choice right now. That’s the same thing. I also imagine there’s never going to be huge acceptance from members to be in a backup role for several seasons. It’s not reasonable for anyone to want that. 4. I agree they cause drama. I also desperately tried to find a solution that worked 100% of the time, the entire BOG did. Ultimately we had to accept that no 2 situations are going to be identical so we can’t have cut and dry rules. For the most part it will be “in the playoffs = playoff backup games; not in the playoffs = draft picks” but that won’t happen every time either. And yes, there was no precedent, but it needs to start somewhere. We didn’t decide at the end of the season out of the blue to enforce this. GM’s and members all knew about it before the season started and had ample warning. It’s like stroking past a no trespassing sign on a lot you’re used to cutting through and getting arrested. The precedent wasn’t there before but the rule was clearly posted so it’s on you to adhere to it.
  11. We can’t use a newer version of STHS that allows that. If it exists (I don’t know that it does) it would be a newer engine version which we’ve been testing but can’t stabilize. Trust me, we don’t want 450 point seasons which is what we get. As for the email, we’re working on a fix via the portal but it’s not fully implemented yet. The email is actually shared and Will / myself use it. However we live near each other. If Devise tries to use it while living across the country it gets flagged and locked. Thus the need to send lines to two addresses was created and explained to all GM’s in both the VHL and VHLM. I also don’t think a tracker would help us much. You might get a few reconsidering but honestly goalie has been a position that always swings back and forth and if people want to make one a small red flag isn’t likely to deter them. I also don’t see how we can force teams to sign a human backup; most of which would be inactive. Unless we make a backup literally cost 0 against the cap there will always be teams that don’t want to spend the money on it and the lines require 2 goalies, the engine won’t aim without it. Im just amazed that something which has always been a rule is creating such drama when enforced. I’ve been here since day 1 and since day 1 backups have been required to play 8 games. We didn’t do anything dramatic by deciding to enforce the rule.
  12. As silly as it goes? Last season we saw a 7-1 comeback haha. Still, absolutely crazy game.
  13. I mean it’s not yet but it’s still possible which is crazy. We did split the regular season against Toronto so we knew it wouldn’t be easy but it’s ridiculous that we’ve outshot them 5 straight games and are down 3-2.
  14. 1. It wasn’t a legit signing. Look at the post times, it was after the final game of the season. 2. What was done with Saint was a major clusterfuck treat required us introducing rules against playoff call-ups because of how complicated it had to be in order to track stats correctly. That should never be the norm or the expected standard.
  15. Fuck me. Fucking Stopko is killing us. We’re dominating in shots every game.
  16. If you honestly think that then there can be no reasonable discussion on the matter. @Will, nor I, nor anyone else makes a decision for the sake of it, let alone to show how big and strong we are. In a case like this we have a day at best to decide on something before the playoffs need to begin. This isn’t a time where we can spend ages going over the scenarios. Rather we follow the rules in place and make it clean. Quebec missed 3 games, Helsinki missed 1. This Quebec plays the backup 3 games and Helsinki plays 1. It’s fair whether you agree with it or not. You can disagree with the choice all you want, and I know you’re capable of arguing in circles forever; but do not sit there and say that we made a decision intentionally to hurt a team (with how the regular season went I would have gladly faced Quebec over Toronto so why would I influence it the other way?) or for fun. We make every decision for the best of the league. If you don’t want to deal with the punishment then make sure that you’re on top of your GM to get the backup games in. I’ve checked plenty of times with @Banackock to see how our backup games are progressing. I used to do the same with @DollarAndADream. Players aren’t completely helpless. That’s excessive and you know it. Rules can clearly be put in place (and are) to avoid it without having to replace a bunch of GM’s. I suggest you take the high road like your GM has an accept that a mistake was made and the punishment was delivered for it. If GM’s do as they are supposed to (As 6/8 did this season plus a minor technical glitch for the 7th) this won’t ever need to be a problem.
  17. Well we can’t punish a team that didn’t make the playoffs with playoff starts but we also can’t let them break the rules without punishment while others would be punished. So yes, an option needs to be there. Arguably for a team that’s rebuilding and not making the playoffs a draft pick is worth more than a playoff game they won’t play so that’s fair punishment.
  18. I’m still mad Moon is listed in the record books as tying me at 20 SO in a season (2nd all time) when he got a SO in his 65th game.
  19. Please see my above note. Anything that involves a playoff team getting punished the next season opens the door for people to abuse the rules in order to gain an advantage. Yes, in this season Quebec was not close to missing the playoffs but that doesn’t mean a team never will be. If we just said this was the rule and a team was in a close playoff battle I guarantee you’d see them leave the starter in and deal with the consequences later when things aren’t as tight. At that point you could easily have an entire team that followed the rules missing the playoffs because their opponent chose not to follow the rules. That isn’t fair, plain and simple. No team should be potentially rewarded for breaking the rules.
  20. I’m fine having that added to the trade deadline. Honestly though all the other GM’s has no problem keeping track (Quik’s mistake came from a slip up in his last sent lines) and even Beaviss. Came from miss-reading stats. However it’s not hard to add. Like I said, they should be keeping track but it’s easy enough to add to the post as a reminder. Come from the guy who loves depth it’s amazing to me that you’d say teams shouldn’t have active players but I digress. There are cap clauses in that make backups cheaper and an active backup will basically always play better than a CPU. Had Quebec had one maybe this wouldn’t have even been as big a deal. If a GM wants to risk their backup games by having a CPU instead of rewarding an active member that’s their choice but that doesn’t mean we will give them extra incentive to do it. Punishing the team is punishing the GM. Punishing Beaviss’ players would result in a punishment for his other team when they did nothing wrong and it violates the whole point of GM and player being separate entities. The Louth’s shouldn’t be punished because of a team made mistake by @Beaviss. As for why not a pick, it’s quite simple. Let’s say a team is in a close battle for the playoffs. They decide, “I don’t care about that pick, we’re gunning for it this season” and leave their starter in all season. Not only does that starter now have an unfair advantage stat wise but that team has an unfair advantage in regards to making the playoffs because they have a better player in for more of the season. Now a team that might have made the playoffs is out because they followed the rules and their opponent didn’t. The fairest method is to punish the team that broke the rules in order to make the playoffs during those playoffs. And yes, these rules were thought over (and fought over) for a long time. Anyone from the BOG can tell you that, we spent ages going over them to try and find a black and white way we could write it but ultimately there’s is no singular punishment that works in every situation which is why we left it open. For the most part it will fall to “if you make the playoffs, playoff starts will be taken. If you don’t, draft picks” but there is wiggle room as their needs to be with anything that can vary so wildly. I’m not saying everyone needs to accept it but calling out the league for being on a power trip because we followed through on punishment as we said we would is going a little far. I get the disappointment but ultimately the rules were broken and Quebec needed to pay for it, end of story. It’s lovely to say the best players should play in the playoffs but that does t always get to be the case. In the NHL if you get suspended in the last game of the season and you’re the team’s leading scorer do they just decide you get to play in the playoffs? No. You broke the rules, you pay the penalty. We didn’t hide these rules and arbitrarily decide to implement them only after they were broken. It’s always been a rule for 64 seasons and it’s been known all season that there would be punishments for it.
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