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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. I asked you to PM proof since you claimed he’s been doing it for years. I put that specific post in Dollar’s hands the same as I am doing here. Here’s the difference with the situation that you don’t seem to recognize though. As you stated yourself, we can’t go back and remove all boom’s old TPE if you are in fact telling the truth. What we can do is enforce the rules now when people are caught. The rules, I remind you, state I’ve bolded the important parts for you. This is up to the Head of PT staff, not me. I’m not saying you can’t do it. If he does that’s his choice. So don’t decide that I have double standards against you. All I’m doing is pointing out the obvious, same as you did.
  2. Not broken for me.
  3. So just to confirm the hypocrisy here. When someone else does it there’s a problem but when you do it [worse] it’s totally fine? Social Justice Warrior doesn’t suit you. I get it, you don’t like what we told you. Here’s the thing, I’m still waiting for proof PMed to me and maybe we can do something about it. As for this, I’ll leave it to @DollarAndADream to decide.
  4. Since when is cornerstone a goalie? Considering he isn’t, and also you know, this: I’ll leave this for @DollarAndADream as well but want you to know that what you’re trying to do won’t fly.
  5. I’m good with a Halifax franchise. Considering 3/4 of the blue team is from the area is seems like a perfect choice haha
  6. Well winning this one gives you a shot at Keller again so that kinda makes up for one of those at least haha
  7. Considering both Devise and I play for Toronto if it were about blue team preferences I’m pretty sure we would have had better than 4th haha. At the end of the day everything luck related in the VHL goes @STZ‘s way. How else can you explain how much the sim engine loves him?
  8. https://i.imgur.com/AP2dGJQ.jpg It's far too big to post the full image so link will work. Something I wanted to work on based on some ideas we have for what we would like to do with the VHL. Obviously heavily influenced by the NHL.com site but it is still an early version. P.S yes, the cursor is supposed to be there in order to show the active link. You aren't seeing extra cursors on your screen.
  9. NY looking potentially scary this season. Could easily jump from last in NA to a solid playoff spot.
  10. We’re still working out the specifics of the S59 pick you own but yes, chances are we will slide a bonus pick into the middle of the first round for you which would be 5th overall. That’s still subject to change but it’s what is likely right now as it’s both where they would likely fall and a fair system considering it’s dead centre of all the current teams drafting. Luckily for the league (though a shame for you I admit) is that is the only pick we need to concern ourselves with in S59.
  11. Honestly I think lowering recruitment incentives down to basically nothing was one of the worst “band-aid” fixed the league has ever had and I hope to get that fixed up. As you said, it may have crippled a few TPE whores down to normal levels but it also crippled recruitment for the league. People won’t bother doing something unless there’s something in it for them (like dead hookers as you pointed out) so why shouldn’t we incentivize our the ass? What’s the worst that happens, we have some powerhouse players? Maybe some of Scotty’s rigging scoring records might actually be beaten.
  12. Let’s get this back on track shall we? Draft picks won’t be released until after but I see no reason that’s you guys can’t get to know the draft order. Just in case you want to do some mock drafts or what have you. 1. NEW YORK AMERICANS: 2. SEATTLE BEARS: 3. HC DAVOS DYNAMO: 4. TORONTO LEGION: 5. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE: 6. CALGARY WRANGLERS: 7. RIGA REIGN: 8. HELSINKI TITANS: As we said in the OP, this was 100% randomized with every team having the exact same odds. Congrats to the Americans for picking up that first pick. Draft is going on right now.
  13. It’s going on in the GM forum right now. We could probably publically release the order. I’ll do it in the morning unless @Will wants to post it earlier.
  14. Subtle haha FWIW I’m sure Toronto would love to have you.
  15. I agree it’s more interesting but it isn’t fair to the players. Since it’s officially the off-season they are officially Free Agents and thus not part of the teams getting contracted. I mean I guess players could claim they’d rather be in the dispersal draft if they want to but I can’t see many going for that. @Higgins @Frank @Kyle (probably others but those are the obvious 3) any takers?
  16. It would have been fun to have them in for sure but it just doesn’t make sense. Should be interesting regardless. Like you said, top picks here could really make a difference for teams immediately if that’s what they are after.
  17. There was benefit to player 2 for some people but honestly, for most, it burnt them out too quickly. Yes it’s optional but most took that option and it hit the league pretty hard activity wise. This is for the best.
  18. Since you mentioned it BTW the reasoning behind keeping UFA’s out of the dispersal draft is simply that it would take their choice away to put it in. People go to Free Agency usually because they want a choice in their destination. If we included them in the dispersal draft they would lose that choice which doesn’t seem fair to them. Restricted Free Agents meanwhile (which I don’t believe there actually are any) were included because technically they were still the property of the contracted teams. Also, unrelated to whether or not the draft order has been chosen: man it would be nice if Toronto actually got the first pick.
  19. I’m hanging out on twitch if anyone wants to join the stream BTW https://www.twitch.tv/sharpe_gaming/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      You know if you had followed me while I was streaming it would have done a whole overlay thing and I could have been all grateful and stuff :P

    3. Baozi


      I followed you, now play pubg and give me a belated grateful thing :D

    4. Beketov


      I couldn't play PUBG if I wanted to. No mac version and my PC isn't strong enough to run it because it was never built to be and is old.

  20. Jardy’s writing was brilliant. It’s a shame years of farm work and alcohol consumption have crippled the man he once was.
  21. Could definitely be fun. Like I said it would just require a crew of a few people interested in doing it that Jardy could give the files to in advance. He’d have to work the logistics out with them of course but it could be something fun to have every once in awhile.
  22. Example? I’m not opposed to the idea (though we would need people with the time to do them since @JardyB10 definitely doesnt have it) but I’m not sure what kind of stuff would be done.
  23. You aren’t wrong. Trouble is that it’s hard to do them properly. It isn’t like old Madden sims where it’s easy to just watch and list what happens. Things don’t really work that way with STHS.
  24. I like the idea of live sims but I don’t know if having less sims a week would really be a great strategy.
  25. Oh, didn’t even realize that was an MS. If you want I can move that topic to the suggestions forum and you can use it for this and do another MS. Or you can just leave it and count it as 6 points instead of this. I’m fine with either.
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