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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Since you mentioned it BTW the reasoning behind keeping UFA’s out of the dispersal draft is simply that it would take their choice away to put it in. People go to Free Agency usually because they want a choice in their destination. If we included them in the dispersal draft they would lose that choice which doesn’t seem fair to them. Restricted Free Agents meanwhile (which I don’t believe there actually are any) were included because technically they were still the property of the contracted teams. Also, unrelated to whether or not the draft order has been chosen: man it would be nice if Toronto actually got the first pick.
  2. I’m hanging out on twitch if anyone wants to join the stream BTW https://www.twitch.tv/sharpe_gaming/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      You know if you had followed me while I was streaming it would have done a whole overlay thing and I could have been all grateful and stuff :P

    3. Baozi


      I followed you, now play pubg and give me a belated grateful thing :D

    4. Beketov


      I couldn't play PUBG if I wanted to. No mac version and my PC isn't strong enough to run it because it was never built to be and is old.

  3. Jardy’s writing was brilliant. It’s a shame years of farm work and alcohol consumption have crippled the man he once was.
  4. Could definitely be fun. Like I said it would just require a crew of a few people interested in doing it that Jardy could give the files to in advance. He’d have to work the logistics out with them of course but it could be something fun to have every once in awhile.
  5. Example? I’m not opposed to the idea (though we would need people with the time to do them since @JardyB10 definitely doesnt have it) but I’m not sure what kind of stuff would be done.
  6. You aren’t wrong. Trouble is that it’s hard to do them properly. It isn’t like old Madden sims where it’s easy to just watch and list what happens. Things don’t really work that way with STHS.
  7. I like the idea of live sims but I don’t know if having less sims a week would really be a great strategy.
  8. Oh, didn’t even realize that was an MS. If you want I can move that topic to the suggestions forum and you can use it for this and do another MS. Or you can just leave it and count it as 6 points instead of this. I’m fine with either.
  9. I’ll allow it. FWIW @Gooningitup’s suggestions can count as well if he wants them to.
  10. Precisely. As it stands we can’t continue with the path we are on. If that means we need to make some drastic choices we will make them.
  11. I have agreed with you on that for months. Trust me I’ve been fighting on your side. Eventually though the argument that “everyone else is growing” so why can’t we is a moot statement because we aren’t: simple as that. Think of it like a company re-structuring. In order to avoid closing their doors they downsize slightly so that they can come back stronger later. 10 teams aren’t necessarily feasible right now. And yes, there are other issues and they are being addressed.
  12. I can assure you that the mindset right now is not “let’s save the history at all costs.” In fact it’s one of the lower priorities. Hell I’m as much part of the “old boys club” as anyone having been here 10 seasons and my suggestions during the drive included a record book reset. We’re trying to make the league better but there are a lot of things in place already that can’t be easily undone necessarily without causing ripple effects. It’s less about preserving what has worked and more about making sure things can continue to work while we sort other things out. Changes are coming, I promise.
  13. It may have been someone else (it’s not an unfair statement) but I have been known to claim that pretty frequently.
  14. @boubabi has been suspended 48 hours for derogatory and inflammatory comments toward other members as well as causing members to leave the site. He has been talked to on many occasions and has claimed no responsibility for his actions or their consequences. Upon completion of this suspension if he wishes to return to the league he may do so.
  15. Which is why I said he should be contacted about these things and I’m sure he will gladly make a ruling as he has done here. It isn’t his job to go into every PT and look up every stock used in order to establish if a rule has been broken. If people have information for him they can kindly bring it to his attention.
  16. Which is why I’m done responding. If he wants to be outraged and claim things about Boom’s past (ignoring this one, it has been rulled on by the PT head already) then he can bring me proof. If he doesn’t want to bring me proof he can kindly leave this alone.
  17. So be it, your choice. I have more important things to do than, as you put it, kick a guy who’s already on the floor. How about you bring proof to myself and @DollarAndADream in the future instead of immediately attacking members though? Seems reasonable.
  18. Who says I’ll do nothing? If he’s been ripping things off for years as you claim then perhaps some punishment is in order. On the other hand, perhaps there isn’t nearly as much proof as you claim and you’re trying to get out of it, hmm?
  19. Other players have already been chosen, please select from the following candidates for the public ASG vote. Rosters will be released soon.
  20. I will gladly accept PMed proof.
  21. Because it isn’t your job. We have people to deal with these things. If you want to point something out fine, PM someone. If you MUST point it out publicly don’t be an ass about it. This isn’t really that hard of a concept to grasp. Proof please. Baseless claims like this mean nothing. And I don’t expect you to agree with my decisions. Shockingly enough that won’t stop me from making them. If you don’t like that you can gladly leave. I’m sure you know where the door is since you have been showing it to enough members lately.
  22. Using aspects of something else: Yes Should that have been disclosed: Yes Stolen: No Even if you did think something was up you could easily just message @DollarAndADream (or myself) and let him handle the situation, that’s his job. Instead you decided on vigilante justice and personal insults which isn’t the way to go about anything. Boom was clearly not trying to get away with stealing anything.
  23. Don’t call what you were doing an opinion or even close to a grade, it was neither. It was a claim that his work was stolen and then an unnecessary personal insult.
  24. Boubabi I’m not sure who you think gave you the right to police the GFX sections n but it certainly wasn’t the blue team. This doesn’t exactly show a huge level of extra work and it would have been nice to see the original but it isn’t required and some extra work was done. Coming in here throwing accusations around and pissing members off doesn’t make you or the league look any good.
  25. Podcasters try to stay on topic as much as possible but when you’re sitting talking to a microphone and not editing the content afterwards (which I don’t think any of us do) you can’t really be expected to keep every word exactly VHL related. Plus most answer questions which are half non-VHL at best. As @Kendrick pointed out, for most Podcasting takes longer than writing an MS so there is a fair trade off there as long as an effort is at least made. Obviously if I made a CoDCast and didn’t mention the VHL once that would be an issue (and a let’s play) but no one is going around doing that to my knowledge.
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