If it helps the way I have been proposing it continuously is that it wouldn’t be the same amount of points. People claiming from another league would be capped at the 6 they earn from it (maybe a tad more) while the others get the full 9 or even an increased 12 cap. There’s still benefit to being more active here. I don’t care for the idea of it means people can get the same amount of points without doing anything in the VHL but I’m fine with it if it means that members can be brought in but not trump loyal VHL members.
The CoDCast returns!In this episode I go for some headshot challenges on the camo grind in WW2 while answering questions from @diamond_ace and @Beaviss
I may actually have time for a CoDCast this week! Assuming the puppy plays nice anyway. Can I get some questions?
@der meister @Phil @tfong @Banackock @gorlab @JardyB10 @evrydayimbyfuglien @Jericho @DollarAndADream @Kendrick @Smarch @Beaviss @Devise
All Cryptocurrencies will have the same fate eventually though. Bitcoin is just the big one in the news right now because it's so high but the bubble will burst. Cryptocurrencies simply aren't made to be sustainable.
This is all dealt with anyway, don’t worry about it guys. @boubabi, @DollarAndADream And I now have a full list of the sigs he has used before as reference. It did reveal 2 that we’re used twice in the past that no one noticed (which he will make up for) but this was not one of them.
We’ve never had a job get paid so much to have to worry about this but yeah, that seems a fair way to go about it.
No, unfortunately doubles weeks only count for PT’s.
This counts for both players as long as you do 2 PT’s, yes.