Have you considered I’m also dealing with the worst deadline of my life on top of it? I’m doing what I can but I barely have time to sleep let alone handle Free Agents.
I’ll see what I can do and I’ll do what I can. That’s the best answer you can get right now.
I honestly don’t know half the time. I know I was a little slow at first with Sokolov and had some seasons where I mostly earned welfare but still; I’m only at 550 and I’m being regressed. Holik was my most ever at 1000.
Player Name: Roman Sokolov VHL Team: Toronto Legion Cash you have: $16 250 000 Purchase Name: Triple Award Predictions + Two Attribute Points Cost of Purchase: $10mill Cash Left: $6 250 000
Wish you would have stuck around f
with snatch for Toronto but you explained what’s going on and I understand it. Hopefully you can get your full levels of activity back in the future.
I don’t even remember the name of the site I can from, it was some league Robbie was running after the attempt to revive the ESHL went down in flames rather rapidly.
If your LR permissions (or any Area 51 permissions) are all screwey please let me know so we can get them fixed up. Lot's of moving around this off-season.
Between contraction moving people around a lot and the usual influx of changes via the draft / free agency (plus the confusion that player 2 causes to them) permissions have fallen a bit behind so I figured it would be best to just make a topic and let everyone comment on where they should be (assuming they aren't) as well as where they shouldn't be if they are seeing something they shouldn't. This seems like the cleanest and easiest way to handle this.
So you can either PM me what permissions you should have or simply comment in here and I will do my best to get them all fixed up as quickly as possible.
Not true, leaving everything as is would be the easiest. As @boubabi points out as of now we have 1 conference so there’s no real need to balance. It’s no different than there being fewer Canadian NHL teams really.
@Kendrick‘s suggestion for Prague confused me at first too until I realized he added it as a second option, not in conjunction with the others. So basically either move the 3 EU teams to NA or move Quebec to EU to balance things back out.
To be fair I knew you were in NS but that could mean like Cape Breton which would be like 4 hours away so I was going on the long end. Legit, if @Devise came down we cold have a full commish meetup.
I’m guessing it’s a Windows problem. I almost exclusively use Macs here days so I’ve never noticed this.
Edit: Can confirm on mac it works on both safari and chrome. @Tyler @DollarAndADream @hedgehog337 Must be a windows problem.