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Everything posted by Beketov

  9. TOR G 4 MVP
  10. Welcome back
  11. Kronos had 405 so 28 carryover. Please note, as per the new carryover rules, your starting TPE remains at 30. Your carryover must be banked until such time as you hit the VHL.
  12. @Punk has been banned for the obvious reason of being Anderson skirting his permaban. While he did apologize for his actions that doesn’t change the fact that he was still banned for a reason and that ban must stand.
  13. Sorry about that. Unfortunately to account for the increase in TPE cap to account for the change we need to have it start at the beginning of a week instead of partway through.
  14. Welcome to the VHL! If you’ve got questions on how things operate here or what to do next just let us know and people will be glad to help you.
  15. Quick reminder buddy Please fix up your TPE. As per the new rules anything above the starting 30 (43 in this case) must be banked until you hit the VHL to keep things even with new members.
  16. With the influx of deadline players coming I'm going to bump this so make sure everyone see's it.
  17. A little late on a few of these but you guys were promised 5 TPE uncapped if we used any of your suggestion drive suggestions and a few have in fact been used so the following people can claim 5 uncapped TPE. If I missed you and one of your suggestions has been used please PM me a link and I'll confirm it. Because I'm feeling generous today I'm even allowing a few that were posted technically after the deadline because they were good ideas. If any more ideas people had get used I'll do my best to update this topic. Claims for the following people can be made by linking to this thread. @CowboyinAmerica @Tagger @Quik @Bushito @Beaviss
  18. Should have time this weekend for a CoDCast. Can I get some questions perhaps? With new league rules going into effect there should be plenty to talk about. @der meister @Phil @tfong @Banackock @gorlab @JardyB10 @evrydayimbyfuglien @Jericho @DollarAndADream @Kendrick @Smarch @Beaviss @Devise
  19. Introducing the James Platts Welfare Program and the VHL Pension Plan From this point on, all members will be eligible for the James Platts Welfare plan. The James Platts Welfare Plan allows members to claim 4 TPE/week on those weeks they do not do point tasks. They must post a claim during the point task week otherwise they are not eligible (unless previous arrangements with the commissioners have been made). Members who claim welfare will be allowed to do Fan 590s/XM Radios and may claim job pay. Members who have previously had two or more 400+ TPE players will be eligible for the VHL Pension Plan. The VHL Pension Plan allows members to claim 5 TPE/week on those weeks they do not do point tasks. They must post a claim during the point task week otherwise they are not eligible (unless previous arrangements with the commissioners have been made). Members who claim pension will be allowed to do Fan 590s/XM Radios and may claim job pay. Members who do a PT in an partnered league (the SBA or EFL) will be eligible for the VHL Partnership Plan. The VHL Partnership Plan allows members to claim 6 TPE/week on those weeks they do not do point tasks so long as they link to a point task done in a partnered league. They must post a claim during the point task week otherwise they are not eligible (unless previous arrangements with the commissioners have been made). Members who claim pension will be allowed to do Fan 590s/XM Radios and may claim job pay. Review: Regular Welfare – Any member: 4 TPE/week Pension - Claimable by members who have had 2 previous players above 400 TPE: 5 TPE/week Partnership - Claimable by members who do a PT in a partnered league: 6 TPE/week
  20. Because STHS makes decisions no one can truly understand.
  21. If someone is a primarily VHL member I wouldn’t suspect they’ll decide to do a PT elsewhere and claim it here. Far more likely our core of members will do the opposite.
  22. Everyone who is primarily a VHL member isn’t going to start ignoring the VHL all of a sudden. Pleas try to reserve judgement until you see anything finalized.
  23. It’s an interesting debate. All I was saying was that given the current rules that doesn’t fall under League related and therefore can’t be used. I never looked at that other series (not my job to police PT’s) to be able to specifically comment on it. I just happened to notice this one since he specifically stated in the opening paragraph that he wasn’t even trying to come up with something League related. Personally I’m of the mindset that it should be SOMEWHAT league related but we don’t need to be that strict. With podcasts we’ve always been kinda lax so why should MS be any different? Those aren’t the rules right now though.
  24. I haven’t read every MS, care to link me and I can take a look at it?
  25. Well you can’t actually. Just because we don’t grade these anymore doesn’t mean you can stop making them league related. You wanna BS about this being one of your players that’s fine and you can make the edits but as is this is not league related andcannot be counted as a PT.
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