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About IamMOOSE

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  • Player
    Kevin King - Center
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    Michigan, USA

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  1. I'm officially announcing my exit from the VHL today. I can accept if a league wants to issue a first offense warning for something or even a ban but this I'd obviously more personal as i wasn't even contacted. I wasn't told there would be any issue. Just blindsided by a ban. No hearing. No dialogue. Nothing. This isn't fun anymore. 

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    2. gorlab


      I recommend sleeping on it for a few days before you decide anything about leaving the league.


      We all know VHL staff can be incompetent at the best of times, and a PT ban is actually somewhat light in the grand scheme of things, unless you're going head-to-head for draft class tpe lead or something (audit @GustavMattias) and even if you are, you can always use this as motivation.



      1 week tpe ban is literally the lightest punishment possible imo. I'd def take it over a forum posting ban / discord ban.  You just got lucky/unlucky by using a slur in the context of a PT, instead of say, in general discord, where most infractions happen.

    3. IamMOOSE


      Thanks @gorlabI may sleep on it. (I mean, technically I have next week to think about it) but honestly I'm really not even mad about the ban itself. I'm mad about the approach (or lack thereof) and how this overall feels personal. If a blue would've said hey, we're reviewing that podcast for an infraction or came to me about it, it's whatever. Slap on the wrist, 1-week tpe loss, whatever. But to not even have the stones to actually reach out to someone and just blindside them in a ban mention is absolute bs and was designed for me to lose my shit. Mission accomplished.


      Regardless though, you surprised me on every level as a member and it was a pleasure chatting, playing, and sometimes arguing with you. Take care Gor, it's been real.

    4. Banackock
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